Well today I am a little less cranky.. Which really is nothing much short of a small miracle considering.. Meaning that I couldn't sleep last night so read until 1 a.m. My stomach was and is bothering me.. I have a miserable headache that just won't go.. Oh I do sound whiny don't I? Well, the plus is I haven't bitten anyones head off today. (I did have a taste of chocolate!) There's only one more day of work this week and that's a short day ending at 2. It's Labor day weekend here in the States. So we will have a nice 3 day weekend..I'm very much hoping to have a day on the bike for a nice long ride.. And otherwise just peace and quiet! I'm in much need of a vacation since it's been a couple of years since I've had a real one. That will be occurring the week after next. You won't hear a bit from me then as I will not be using a computer that entire week.. Probably go into some sort of Data withdrawal that will have my topside tipping over! I may even turn off my blackberry so I'm not bothered by work... Or at least try... We will be going to the Jersey shore. I had put up a couple pictures in Multiply when Rick and I had gone for the day.. But this time it will be a full week. We have a lovely house only 4 houses back from the beach..My daughter will spend a few days with us. As will my neice and some of my daughters friends. The saying goes around here.. "If you have a house down the shore everyone is your best buddy from June till September"! True, but I really dont' mind. I enjoy the company. And if I ever won the lottery, I'd buy a big shore house with lots of bedrooms for those best buddies! We will be laying on the beach. Going out to dinner most nights.. Barbecue when we don't. The point is I won't have to really cook for a week..I will still clean because my feeling is if I'm staying in the house, it has to be clean just as I would want at home. But it will be easier. Rocco, our rather good sized chocolate lab, is being boarded with his trainer for the week. No pets allowed at this place. Which gives Rick a break too. He gets up early to take the dog out. and he walks him all over the place. For that week he can sleep in a bit.. Yup, I hope the weather holds well for us. I am so looking forward to a nice vacation...I'll be posting pics of that when I get back! I always do!