I've been promising Sue I would write about this for a while. There is a certain fascination with ghosts and/or the supernatural or powers that seem supernatural. I have had a some experience with this of my own. There are several tales to tell but I will start with the first. Mind you this first is actually here say as I was just a bit of a child, maybe 3-4 years old and don't remember myself at all.

I had at the time 2 brothers and one sister. My oldest brother Nicky had joined the air force and was stationed in Morocco. We lived on the second floor of my grandmothers house. One morning I got up, got dressed and went downstairs and sat on the outside stoop. My family questioned me why I was sitting there and didn't I want to go play? "No"I said." Nicky is coming home today". Just about everyone who lived in my house tried to convince me that Nicky was not coming home. My sister, my other brother Billy, my mother. They said "Gracie, honey Nicky is far away. He won't be home today". But I insisted he was coming home. Other than having lunch and then dinner I refused to leave the steps. Although after dinner it was starting to get a little dark and my mother said I must stay inside the door but I could sit at the bottom of the house stairs.
Well I'm sure by now you guessed it. That evening Nicky came home! He took a vacation leave and told no one. He wanted to surprise everyone. Everyone WAS surprised! That I knew he was coming home! From that point on they called me "Strega" or witch in italian. Apparently it runs in the family..But I think till that point no one had witnessed anything themselves...So it did kind of freak them out... I will write some more of my experiences at another time.