Articles by Armando Taborda


  • No Time - Falta de Tempo

    - 22 Jan 2024 - 6 comments
    It's not always easy to record emotions from life and so poems get lost frequently due to the lack of time in the right moment. ********************* NO TIME NO POEM ********************* Nem sempre é fácil registar emoções da vida e assim se perdem poemas…

  • On the stage - Em palco

    - 14 Jan 2024 - 10 comments
    On the stage
    The stage of life is there it's yours you can dance sing howl recite a poem carry out a comedy drama tragicomedy cry laugh or you can just keep sitting in the audience to envy the other's performance O palco da vida está ali é teu podes dançar cantar uivar recitar um poema encenar um drama comédia tragicomédia chorar rir ou podes simplesmente continuar sentado na plateia a invejar o espectáculo dos outros by Armando TABORDA, 2015 (post 1st edi…


    - 07 Jan 2024 - 5 comments
    Thinking pacifies me. Writing tires and bores me. I spend long time ruminating an easy way to say a difficult thing. Successfuly most times - friends tell me! I'm as happy as Archimedes. I leave the great novels to Charles Dickens and Leon Tolstoy and the great poems to great poets. I'm glad with the idea that my little books fil in the urn of my ashes. When death comes the farewell from who will not upset you never more will be prompt. Pensar pacifica-me.…

  • Land tired of rain - Terra cansada de chuva

    - 31 Dec 2023 - 5 comments
    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XL, Mic Editors & Authors, June, 2005
    LAND TIRED OF RAIN It's not true my brain´s dullness and I growing old. Land tired of rain sun crop pasture forest fire Man regenerates wild flower heather thicket wind's blow flight of bird forest' sprout. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the picture)…

  • Next Soul - Próxima Alma

    - 23 Dec 2023 - 5 comments
    Everyday there are incoming new souls
    I have time to disintegrate in pieces of myself thought's implosion or from the life? W hatever the wind scattered cells unity remains destroyed thought gets lost and body as well waiting for the next incomig soul . Tenho tempo para me desintegrar em pedaços de mim implosão do pensamento ou da vida? Sejam quais forem as célula…

  • Surprising Days - Dias Estranhos

    - 16 Dec 2023 - 5 comments
    Nowadays what takes us by surprise is that all happen without our choice. We live crammed with abstract entities not controlled by stockholders. It is said that capital is the supreme good and can't be exposed to bankruptcy. At the cost of social shrinking, flop and fear. Politicians laugh in our faces and say can't do better. Clergymen pacify starving faithful prayers. And people knead field's dust, eat nettles and combat forest fires. O estranho nos dias que correm é que tud…


    - 08 Dec 2023
    I have long known Manuel De DIEGO's simple, profound, and synthetic poetry. A poet without a shadow of models, he follows his path with total freedom of expression, sometimes the haiku, the epigram and the sonnet seem conditioning him, but they are mere exercises of his poetic mastery. It's interesting to sprinkle his Spanish work with some poems directly written in English. His themes are the life, love, proudly assumed Hispanicity, the mystery of the soul, alias, the motto of this admirable…

  • Anguish - Angústia

    - 05 Dec 2023 - 1 comment
    Blue Fascination Where I Dive
    Suddenly the anguish of not having you dominates me my eyes look at the illuminated mountain's outline far away till the limit of liquid and mineral reflections where goes my thought towards dream while I smoke my pipe that reminds me many rooms where we made love till the resting bodies clearness in the sky blue fascination where I dive when I should carry on my work. Súbito a aflição de não te ter domina-me por intantes meus olhos fitam o contorno da montanh…


    - 27 Nov 2023 - 11 comments
    LOOK AT ME I will lose everything the day and the night the sea and the sky the joy and the pain the temple and the house the water and the wine and The Bread? the metaphor and the text the thought and the dream the sin and the virtue GOD and DEVIL the family and the world and The Love? the senses and the instinct the real and the virtual the humility and the ego the instant and the time the life and the death and The Eternity? Necessarily I am done so you?…

  • "2001: A Space Odyssey" - "2001: Odisseia no Espaço (Stanley Kubrick)

    - 19 Nov 2023
    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XLV, Mic Editors & Authors, January, 2008
    "2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY", STANLEY KUBRICK I build an obelisk from top to bottom without foundation I annul the gravity force with an equal and opposite creative energy. I mould the shape without posthumous sense nor cause and effect meaning comes up with an undefined sketch prior from its dilution into the space before becomes stone. My work is the Stanley Kubrick's obelisk in "2001: a space odyssey" jump each time closer to galaxy's centre compunc…

  • Short book review - Pequena recensão

    - 11 Nov 2023 - 5 comments
    Short book review - Pequena recensão do livro
    Here is a poetry book with a modern and original structure, as if it were a two-dimensional graph of intervals, autobiographical, where the author, with mastery and great beauty, X-rays the remarkable moments of her life. The abcissa of the graph distributes the poem into four chapters/quadrants (endless, unfading, ceaseless, undying), which are divided into twelve months of the year, from Spring to Winter, as if the entire life were nothing more than a tellurian cyclical repetition of the fo…

  • Swimming-pool - Piscina

    - 04 Nov 2023 - 13 comments
    Amphibious Birds Fly Indefinite Black Dots
    I went to the swimming-pool it was raining I came back it still rains so the hotter season of the year is also the more benign and me as a go-between within two showers. I fill myself of the metallic-grey landscape agony where amphibious birds fly indefinite black dots and disintegrate themselves into the magnetic field that blinds. I close my eyes and think of what I write because what I live is too little ordinary a…

  • "Bread on the table" - "Pão sobre a mesa"

    - 27 Oct 2023 - 1 comment
    "Bread on the table"
    days standstill. in the divided asymmetry that determines the lonely cry of the mountain. there is nothing to say beneath the flowers other than the disraction of the stones that turn into fingers. so I just leave a version with broken wings. bread on the table. blood on the floor. and the other daring day will be the next. os dias andam parados. na assimetria dividida que determina o solitário grito da montanha. nada há para dizer debaixo das flores que não seja a distracção das pedras…

  • Simple vibration - Simples vibração

    - 26 Oct 2023 - 5 comments
    When Convictions Die
    I believe in life interpreted from one thing to another more than simple vibration necessity dissatisfied desire halo not from saint charisma but sound light colour mystery. I believe and currently I want the great ball of needs with an eccentric smile as an axis. I believe and I want to feel that is enough my confidence on your morphology attentive part of me when the paradox is that you see at the mirror your adult's conscience and independent body's beauty and everything cause you ha…


    - 17 Oct 2023 - 3 comments
    "the supreme good of writing is the silence" (a taborda) Another book by one of the best Portuguese poetic voices. The author makes her incessant writing a redundant and vital act, in the systematic search for silence that pacifies and puts her to sleep. It's not that her life, that of others, and the environments surrounding her don't add frequent emotions to her skin (the music is recurrent), but the bitterness is perenial, and also the astonishement of still being alive. It's…

  • Narrative of sound - Narrativa de som

    - 12 Oct 2023 - 5 comments
    On dream's terrace
    Narrative of sound rocks me at the dream's terrace I think more and more slow this time of light burning on the mountain and invigorating the blood of seeming dead reptiles but they are vibrant of sunbathing scales shine on the terrace as dreams in the hideaway darkness they dream fire. Narrativa de som embala-me no socalco de sonhos que penso cada vez mais lentos neste tempo de luz que arde na mont…

  • Stop Global Warming - Stop Aquecimento Global

    - 03 Oct 2023 - 4 comments
    Stop Global Warming
    TV Spot by QUERCUS, National Association for Nature Conservation - Associação Nacional da Conservação da Natureza ( post 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2023)

  • My garden - O meu jardim

    - 24 Sep 2023 - 10 comments
    My garden
    I can say that my garden is the best in the world cause it's there I sit down to look at the sky and the immense sky remains indifferently blue against the conviction that my three hundred fifty square meters are the most beautiful in the chaos that surrounds me and from now on I challenge the more advanced astro-physics to find in the Universe a garden like mine. Posso dizer que o meu jardim é o melhor do mundo porque é nele que me sento a ver o céu e o céu imenso contin…

401 articles in total