Search among Armando Taborda's articles

Publication date  /  2020  /  September   -   3 articles

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  • Writing - Escrita - Écriture

    - 02 Sep 2020 - 7 comments
    More and more I write less not all is said but from everything that remains to say nothing justifies the mystery of life Plus ça va moins j'écris non que tout sois déjà dit mais dans ce qu'il reste à dire rien ne justifie le mystére de la vie by

  • Sun - Sol

    - 28 Sep 2020 - 10 comments
    The sun burns the water the life is a dune without sea a mountain without wind a sky without storm where is going the universal soul journey? O sol queima a água a vida é duna sem mar montanha sem vento céu sem tormenta para onde continua a

  • Decisive Dream - Sonho Decisivo

    - 30 Sep 2020 - 9 comments
    I want a decisive dream all the others didn't come true they laid behind they were badly dreamed incompetent forgotten by routines that support me survival expensive vices exhibitionist ego for nothing now I know cause it's still feasible I get rid of