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Publication date  /  2020   -   44 articles

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  • Monday - Segunda-Feira

    - 03 Jan 2020 - 2 comments
    Monday Monday is a nice day to start again to describe anything that hides the sun a tree a house a polluted river a son of a bitch a foolish a piece of pain at full gallop on the road so the sun disintegrates in light not

  • Shade - Sombra

    - 24 Jan 2020 - 6 comments
    Shade certainly is so fragile as light does not know where arrives nor fades away shade is a dream of light we idealize every time. A sombra por certo é tão frágil como a luz não sabe onde chega nem onde esmorece a sombra é


    - 03 Feb 2020 - 4 comments
    It doesn't matter to be at the center of Terreiro do Paço the Trafalgar Square or Times Square or Sinai surrounded by deserts I'm distressed by the specie's extinction and indifferent to the rise of others new survivors where I assumed it was impossible

  • Being's Liturgy - Liturgia do Ser

    - 11 Feb 2020 - 4 comments
    God gangrenes my memory of words and facts for the being's liturgy. Dream's beauty the music and perfume illusion of the rejuvenated island by rain the eternal within us doubtful it lengthens the life we are dying love must be recorded on

  • Madeira sky - Céu da Madeira

    - 23 Feb 2020 - 10 comments
    I draw gliding clouds in Madeira's sky at night they pile up spilled waters soon return to the sea at gallop on streams. Fresh waters run liquid rumours of mountain pulsate in my body's arteries. I release the words through my last wind

  • God - Deus

    - 05 Mar 2020 - 3 comments
    God appears through the music that transcends us overlapping the text poem context from the very thought in melodies sounds invisible rhythm universal anti-matter chaotic emotion surfing without any meaning through days and

  • Night - Noite

    - 09 Mar 2020 - 4 comments
    NIGHT I ask to the gloomy night where are the remains of the day? Clearly by day shades are darker than at night. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) Illustration by Fernando Grade In "VIOLA

  • Times change - Mudam-se os tempos

    - 15 Mar 2020 - 8 comments
    Times are changing as do our wills yesterday I went from Bajocunda to Pirada wishing to come back to Lisboa. All changes except this perennial agony over my naked and sweaty body that a rolled towel in the waist dresses me and a fan in velocity

  • White Rumours - Rumores Brancos

    - 24 Mar 2020 - 3 comments
    White rumours crack in the afternoon's hot perch as birds on the barbed wire tear and spill sperm of blood's grass on the parched soil stems grow up and dance by nightfall in the winds' blowing that bring clouds asphyxiating like feline's

  • Existence - Existência

    - 02 Apr 2020 - 8 comments
    Existence is this living while everything fades away joy pain unexpected air or poison we breathe. Friends artificially laugh and stray from crying with us. Existence is this living all moments whatever they are

  • Heat - Calor

    - 09 Apr 2020 - 5 comments
    Heat urgent necessity of poros losing salt minerals and water torrent of me lava turning me bloodless as a Playboy girl with legs in pose without a flash smile nor retouch where knees seem islands in a sheets' sea. Calor necessidade de

  • Might be today - Poderá ser hoje

    - 17 Apr 2020 - 15 comments
    Might be today the unconscious stream of words on the piece of paper. The text generates itself awakes in the day's routine adjusts to repeated acts which push the poet into the street. Words line up grammatically arranged the

  • Liberty - Liberdade

    - 26 Apr 2020 - 3 comments
    From the to be or not to be discussion the liberty was still feasible. Obscurantist spikes germinated on the fields among tired arms of the classes struggle machines reaped everything. In the factory production graphs expressed the boss'

  • Spontaneous semen - Sémen espontâneo

    - 01 May 2020 - 11 comments
    In the long night veins nerves muscles scars and other tissues throb on me spontaneous semen as a water thread drop by drop oozed on my stone's abdomen. Petrified in granite I shine from quartz crystals will-o'-the-wisp over the sleeping grave

  • Writing on sand - Escrever na areia

    - 08 May 2020 - 8 comments
    I never become tired of writing on sand words erased by tides WRITING LIGHT SOUND DREAM LOVE MYSTERY LIFE DEATH sharp credible suddenly dissolved by the water's embrace of the moon and the wind in perpetual movement.

  • Springtime - Primavera

    - 16 May 2020 - 6 comments
    Springtime blue afternoon fits the golden bodies with satin's caresses strangely the adults of unbearable tenderness smile to winged children. Primavera tarde azul veste os corpos dourados em carícias de cetim

  • Navigation - Navegação

    - 31 May 2020 - 4 comments
    The navigation begins at the end of the day and slows down by night full of loneliness the global nothing inside empty eye sockets even from blue eyes the sky also without colour that the optical illusion sees blue everywhere or maybe

  • A thrill of swell - Frémito de ondulação

    - 07 Jun 2020 - 4 comments
    In the roots of all garden's grass stands a water´s dream ecstasy of sea a thrill of swell. /// Na raiz da relva de todos os jardins perdura um sonho de água delírio de mar frémito de ondulação. by Armando TABORDA, in

  • The souls ramble - As almas vagueiam

    - 14 Jun 2020 - 4 comments
    In the bodies' loneliness the souls ramble useless discontented waiting for the poets who provide them a doubtful destiny. Na solidão dos corpos as almas vagueiam inúteis descontentes à espera dos poetas que lhes dão

  • Clean words - Palavras limpas

    - 21 Jun 2020 - 5 comments
    Text every time more laconic and simple without drama nor pain trickle of crystalline water depurated by life everyone should drink. Clean words like recent tear plain like naked body precise like frequent pain undressed till

  • The ridiculous figure of the stars - A figura ridícula das estrelas

    - 28 Jun 2020 - 8 comments
    I look so lengthy to the stars that I close my eyes and feel them inside they populate me. Why there would be the cosmic space where stars are mere burning items of decoration? I want to think and the stars pester me absolutes stupids

  • Last coffins - Últimos caixões

    - 05 Jul 2020 - 2 comments
    Last coffins of useless surplus loads from the colonization that will be lost are being made aside around the crates from other consumption loads abundant diverse and also surplus shit spreads with the wind and the desolation of calcined and loose

  • Nightfall - Entardecer

    - 12 Jul 2020 - 8 comments
    Sun of west sunset sleeping angers horizon' sentry diving seagulls sails far away believe me the breeze justifies clouds misleading distances. If there will be moonlight our shadow will wave on the cold sea water. Sol de

  • Beggining of Writing (5) - Escrita Inicial (5)

    - 19 Jul 2020 - 4 comments
    If in the moonlight there is hope and in the hope there is fear if I love at moonlight fearful of loving you I feel the moonlight's hope. (to read the original Portuguese version click on the figure) Sun between morning and afternoon

  • Twilight - Crepúsculo

    - 29 Jul 2020 - 4 comments
    The day runs away from me as if it was the night that invades me I don't demand anything from it not even the last light rays kissing my cold face of December in farewell my hands touch the buch of keys while my feet corsetted by shoes leave me at the

  • Neither God nor Devil - Nem Deus nem o Diabo

    - 04 Aug 2020 - 4 comments
    The structure could be straight stable death as aim but no nothing will be blood flows in the veins dream at dawn chance with the wind blood dream chance neither God nor Devil maybe love nothing else will be. A

  • Hot Sun - Sol Quente

    - 11 Aug 2020 - 3 comments
    Feel the hard and hot sun irradiating from the shop window's glasses and coaches parked on all lanes or sidewalks at the Benfica's avenue where I live close to the Park of Monsanto shades on the other side of the building's forest where the

  • My city - Minha cidade

    - 15 Aug 2020 - 9 comments
    This is my city necessity of a stand an open window for the night the sea' smell turns back by the river among the sewer's nausea. (to read the Portuguese version please click on the picture) by Armando TABORDA, in "SINFONIA EM


    - 24 Aug 2020 - 9 comments
    When I blink I look into the night and I see the moon in its bright intense move as if there were several overlaying each other in my insomnia's orbit LUAR Quando pestanejo olho para a noite e vejo a lua em movimento de intenso brilho como se fossem

  • Butterfly - Borboleta

    - 26 Aug 2020 - 8 comments
    Provocatively unstable dream comes as a butterfly flight or other ultralight insect that a bit strong breeze throws against the garden's flowers O sonho passa provocadoramente instável tal voo de borboleta ou outro ultra-leve insecto que uma

  • Sleepy - Sonolento

    - 30 Aug 2020 - 8 comments
    Sleepy I get numb over roofs against cracked clouds late sun shines through fans of light awake up buildings planted on streets hurted by cars in constant movement to uncertain destinies certainly a public

  • Writing - Escrita - Écriture

    - 02 Sep 2020 - 7 comments
    More and more I write less not all is said but from everything that remains to say nothing justifies the mystery of life Plus ça va moins j'écris non que tout sois déjà dit mais dans ce qu'il reste à dire rien ne justifie le mystére de la vie by

  • Sun - Sol

    - 28 Sep 2020 - 10 comments
    The sun burns the water the life is a dune without sea a mountain without wind a sky without storm where is going the universal soul journey? O sol queima a água a vida é duna sem mar montanha sem vento céu sem tormenta para onde continua a

  • Decisive Dream - Sonho Decisivo

    - 30 Sep 2020 - 9 comments
    I want a decisive dream all the others didn't come true they laid behind they were badly dreamed incompetent forgotten by routines that support me survival expensive vices exhibitionist ego for nothing now I know cause it's still feasible I get rid of

  • FRANZ SCHUBERT, Impromptus

    - 07 Oct 2020 - 6 comments
    FRANZ SCHUBERT, Impromptus They are impromptus they are secret talks intimate monologues jumping from mind to mind they are naked bodies free emotions traveling from sound to sound they are impromptus I just said. (to see /

  • Entropy - Entropia

    - 12 Oct 2020 - 14 comments
    I fight against the entropy of life and world but sooner or later all collapses inside and outside me - from each piece of rubble I dream and through it I continue my aimless trip into nothing /// Combato a entropia da vida e do mundo mas

  • Diaphanous Clarity - Diáfana Claridade

    - 20 Oct 2020 - 12 comments
    Sun emotional appeal to my daily wit diaphanous clarity that slowly gets away by nightfall and leaves the mystery of life so intense and present that I stay static astonished by my compelling shadow of light. Sol emoção que me concentra a

  • Visionary - Visionário

    - 28 Oct 2020 - 5 comments
    Visionary I look at the stars astonished by the intermittent twinkling of memory. Visionário olho as estrelas perplexo do intermitente brilho da memória. by Armando TABORDA,in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária Editora, 2000 (post 1st edition, 2012;

  • All Together - Todos Juntos

    - 05 Nov 2020 - 10 comments

  • Emergency of life - Émergence de vie - Emergência de vida

    - 12 Nov 2020 - 5 comments
    This afternoon I invent good deeds while the light is degraded in shades. There lies my liquid memory fossil oil spot on the land where burn lichens trees and birds fly emergency of life. Ce soir je m'invente de bonnes actions tandis que la

  • Man is God - O Homem é Deus

    - 19 Nov 2020 - 1 comment
    Was God conceiving the Man under His image and similarity when the ape understood the Man was himself. /// Andava Deus a inventar o Homem à Sua imagem e semelhança quando o macaco percebeu que o Homem estava nele. by

  • Dark Matter - Matéria Escura

    - 04 Dec 2020 - 16 comments
    I was born from dark matter I became visible in my mother's pregnancy to be soul one day sequence of many million years with many million beings and many million lives and deaths kept in planetary glass cases which dark energy doesn't allow to disperse

  • Initial Silence - Silêncio Inicial

    - 26 Dec 2020 - 14 comments
    Initial silence we can only hear the words since a few millennia now. The first sound was violent inaudible in the void where the cosmos was born followed by the first cell's reproduction whisper the primate' squeal the man' speaking the

  • Nightfall - Anoitecer

    - 30 Dec 2020 - 10 comments
    This nightfall seems mine and to be the only one of my life now that I'm 71 years old it's difficult to imagine I was touched by it as it was the first or the last light of my days /// Este anoitecer parece meu e ser o único de minha vida