Articles by Armando Taborda


  • Trash - Lixo

    - 03 Mar 2021 - 2 comments
    POETÂNEA 5, Edition by the Authors, 2006, September
    TRASH Flowers born in the dark narcissus at the bathroom sunflowers at the kitchen roses at the bedroom poppies at the living room they grow up in the walls bloom in the ceiling rot on the ground then arrives the maid that piles petals sepals stamen and corollas badly swept trash forgotten into the box of thought.…

  • Rumours of Cascade - Rumores de Cascata

    - 24 Feb 2021 - 12 comments
    Today I navigate rumours of cascade light that wonders me it's so easy to surf on golden sun vibrations surrounded by the mystery that leads navigators to find out the world immersed as astronaut's levitation where the blue planet appears suspended in the chaotic space marvel so I stay dull alone and astonished by the geography's contemplation of dream. Hoje navego rumores de cascata de luz que me extasiam é tão fácil ondular na vibração dourada do sol envolt…

  • Perfect Abyss - Abismo Perfeito

    - 17 Feb 2021 - 3 comments
    The Silence I Talk About
    The silence I talk about is not human only the astronauts know the wonder of the perfect abyss the solitude without fear the multidimensional mystery. O silêncio de que falo não é humano só os astronautas sabem do fascínio do abismo perfeito da solidão sem medo do pluridimensional mistério. by Armando TABORDA, i n "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994 (post 1st edition, 2011; 2nd edi…

  • Nothing to do - Nada para fazer

    - 14 Feb 2021 - 5 comments
    This Is The Way The World Goes
    What I do is the question of doing nothing because there is nothing to do then I disguise seated before a typewriter AZT keyboard which I spell with fingers and the sheet of paper letter by letter teach me the morning emptiness. I still breathe with one of the first morning cigarettes the esophagus' taste of breakfast imported from UK «milk and coconut biscuits». So to speak the subject now comes up from solitude and the words' space is a hiss into my…

  • Wrinkles - Rugas

    - 07 Feb 2021 - 23 comments
    I'm getting older in the city (1)
    I feel the sun in the wrinkles of my hands empty of light the shadows are on the fingers rings sparkling the morning. Sinto o sol nas rugas de minhas mãos vazias de luz as sombras são nos dedos anéis que refulgem manhã. by Armado TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS, MÚSICAS E BLASFÉMIAS QUE EN…

  • Guardian Angel - Anjo da Guarda

    - 30 Jan 2021 - 11 comments
    L'Ange Dubitatif à Lisbonne (4)
    My guardian angel turns over my tingling ears he wants to warn on the traps that wait and lose me or just tell that I exist in my diaphanous uselessness each time more ephemeral looking after the transfer from the nothing I am to the all I will be. Meu anjo da guarda volteja por sobre minhas orelhas febris quer alertar-me das ciladas que me esperam e perdem ou simplesmente di…

  • Lisboa - Lisbon

    - 23 Jan 2021 - 10 comments
    Lisboa Menina e Moça
    Lisboa sunny white city winter morning fado houses sleep on the old hills empty of fatalism till the night falls down. Lisboa of morning proclamations that don't come back anymore from chestnut and vegetable vendors flowers and fruit fish and Gipsy's clothes drugs and sanitary pads who enjoy themselves imprecating against the police while running away. Old Lisboa…

  • The Poem's Writing - A Escrita do Poema

    - 14 Jan 2021 - 10 comments
    I want to enjoy the waiting time and leave my idleness at almost eighty years I feel easily asleep in front of the TV and also in the hospital waiting room with a straight BLACK BUSH after lunch or in the interval of night's insomnias urination of course is inevitable think the next poem and memorize it it's a good way to enjoy the time twists and turns I take in bed and run over my wife don't suggest any theme certainly because I always say the same or did poetry get t…

  • The refrigerator - O frigorífico

    - 06 Jan 2021 - 19 comments
    The Man is to God as the machine is to Man. If the refrigerator does not know how cold produces for the benefit of Man Man does not know what makes for profit of God. /// O Homem está para Deus como a máquina para o Homem. Se o frigorífico não sabe do frio que produz em proveito do Homem também o Homem não sabe o que faz a favor de Deus. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS, MÚSICAS E BLASFÉMIAS QUE ENVELHEÇO NA CIDADE", Ulmeiro Editores, 1996 (post1st edition, 2014; 2nd edit…

  • Nightfall - Anoitecer

    - 30 Dec 2020 - 10 comments
    Geographia Exhibition (2)
    This nightfall seems mine and to be the only one of my life now that I'm 71 years old it's difficult to imagine I was touched by it as it was the first or the last light of my days /// Este anoitecer parece meu e ser o único de minha vida agora com 71 anos de idade é difícil imaginar que fui por ele tocado como se fosse a primeira ou a última luz dos meus dias. by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (pos 1st edition, 2013; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2020)

  • Initial Silence - Silêncio Inicial

    - 26 Dec 2020 - 14 comments
    Sobral de Monte Agraço, Church of S. Quintino, aisle (2)
    Initial silence we can only hear the words since a few millennia now. The first sound was violent inaudible in the void where the cosmos was born followed by the first cell's reproduction whisper the primate' s queal the man' speaking the writing philosophical regeneration of the mystery. Necessarily God doubts spill down stained glasses in the aisles and chapels of the temple where the evolu…

  • Dark Matter - Matéria Escura

    - 04 Dec 2020 - 16 comments
    I was born from dark matter I became visible in my mother's pregnancy to be soul one day sequence of many million years with many million beings and many million lives and deaths kept in planetary glass cases which dark energy doesn't allow to disperse so that not everything vanishes in the virtual universe. Nasci da matéria escura tornei-me visível na gravidez de minha mãe para um dia ser alma sequência de muitos milhões de anos com muitos milhões de seres e…

  • Man is God - O Homem é Deus

    - 19 Nov 2020 - 1 comment
    Berlin, Zoologischer Garten, gorilla thinker (4)
    Was God conceiving the Man under His image and similarity when the ape understood the Man was himself. /// Andava Deus a inventar o Homem à Sua imagem e semelhança quando o macaco percebeu que o Homem estava nele. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS, MÚSICAS E BLASFÉMIAS QUE ENVELHEÇO NA CIDADE", Ulmeiro Editores, 1996 (post 1st edition, 2007; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2020)

  • Rainbow - Arco-iris

    - 17 Nov 2020 - 11 comments
    Around me there is too much green but also red orange yellow blue indigo and violet colours wrap me as a rainbow sweat drops refract my body with feet in a pond the head undulates the chest distends as an arch without hunger nor sleep or thirst or dream. À minha volta há muito verde mas também vermelho laranja amarelo azul indigo e violeta as cores embrulham-me em arco-iris gotas de suor refractam-me o corpo com os pés no charco a cabeça ondula o peito distende-se em a…

  • Emergency of life - Émergence de vie - Emergência de vida

    - 12 Nov 2020 - 5 comments
    This afternoon I invent good deeds while the light is degraded in shades. There lies my liquid memory fossil oil spot on the land where burn lichens trees and birds fly emergency of life. Ce soir je m'invente de bonnes actions tandis que la lumière se dégrade dans l'ombre. . Ci-gît ma mémoire liquide fossile pétrole tache dans la terre où brûlent des lichens des arbres et les oiseaux s'envolent émergence de vie. /// Esta tarde invento boas acções enquanto…

  • All Together - Todos Juntos

    - 05 Nov 2020 - 10 comments

  • Visionary - Visionário

    - 28 Oct 2020 - 5 comments
    Visionary I look at the stars astonished by the intermittent twinkling of memory. Visionário olho as estrelas perplexo do intermitente brilho da memória. by Armando TABORDA,in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária Editora, 2000 (post 1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2020))

  • Diaphanous Clarity - Diáfana Claridade

    - 20 Oct 2020 - 12 comments
    Sun emotional appeal to my daily wit diaphanous clarity that slowly gets away by nightfall and leaves the mystery of life so intense and present that I stay static astonished by my compelling shadow of light. Sol emoção que me concentra a atenção do dia diáfana claridade que ao fim da tarde lentamente foge e deixa o mistério da vida tão presente e intenso que fico estático perplexo em minha envolvente sombra de luz. by Ar…

401 articles in total