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Publication date  /  2024  /  February   -   4 articles

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  • Refugees - Refugiados

    - 02 Feb 2024 - 5 comments
    Awake at dawn lying in the comfort of my bed I hear muted news of the radio alarm inadvertently left connected and insisting on refugee hordes fleeing from fratricidal wars to drown in the Mediterranean or find the cheap labor peace in the host countries

  • Guernica

    - 10 Feb 2024 - 1 comment
    GUERNICA White-grey-black-rectangle spectre of Guernica's flight of arms-legs-heads and their morsels in Madrid at the museum I hear the sarcastic bombing of silent comments. (to see / read the original Portuguese version

  • Way up - Escalada

    - 19 Feb 2024 - 4 comments
    In the way up there is a time for tiredness it's when we stop and look to the way already done from which we can conclude even we climb much more there will be no bigger reach in the life's horizon. Na subida da vertente há lugar para

  • I Get Lost - Ando Perdido

    - 28 Feb 2024 - 12 comments
    I get lost in crossed ways complex deflections infinite trails I don't go back nor get away from the future of uncertain ways complex fears infinite dreams. Determined I carry on and stumble I fall to the ground and become moribund herald of incoming