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Publication date  /  2021  /  September   -   4 articles

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  • Mineral mutation - Mutação mineral

    - 07 Sep 2021 - 7 comments
    In the long night veins nerves muscles scars and other tissues throb on me spontaneous sperm like a water spring drop by drop oozed on a stone's abdomen. Petrified in granite I shine quartz crystals will-o'-the-wisp over the sleep tomb where I

  • Non-amazing Weekend - Fim de Semana Nada Alucinante

    - 14 Sep 2021 - 14 comments
    A-dos-Ruivos non-amazing weekend at the no feast village nor rockets excitement I rest at the porch surrounded by flowers wind golden dust heat of June cumulus clouds over the horizon useless flying insects as books from Fernando Pessoa and all his

  • Slope - Vertente

    - 21 Sep 2021 - 5 comments
    The inclined slope is brief and fleeting in its declivity vertical trees at the background horizon insert themselves into the terrain drawing angles. A tired glance towards origin into the womb to the parched and paltry land where cattle flies

  • Ideas - Ideias

    - 28 Sep 2021 - 6 comments
    Seated on the coach the ideas rapidly get inebriated of sleep and fall asleep rocked by the background noise of the TV set noticing a difficult world to face with open eyes because it's more and more black and over warmed by nightmares retained at the