Search among Armando Taborda's articles

Publication date  /  2020  /  December   -   3 articles

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  • Dark Matter - Matéria Escura

    - 04 Dec 2020 - 16 comments
    I was born from dark matter I became visible in my mother's pregnancy to be soul one day sequence of many million years with many million beings and many million lives and deaths kept in planetary glass cases which dark energy doesn't allow to disperse

  • Initial Silence - Silêncio Inicial

    - 26 Dec 2020 - 14 comments
    Initial silence we can only hear the words since a few millennia now. The first sound was violent inaudible in the void where the cosmos was born followed by the first cell's reproduction whisper the primate' squeal the man' speaking the

  • Nightfall - Anoitecer

    - 30 Dec 2020 - 10 comments
    This nightfall seems mine and to be the only one of my life now that I'm 71 years old it's difficult to imagine I was touched by it as it was the first or the last light of my days /// Este anoitecer parece meu e ser o único de minha vida