
tiabunna club

Posted: 05 Sep 2013

Taken: 05 Sep 2013

9 favorites     13 comments    707 visits

1/400 50.0 mm ISO 1600


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leaf insect
Pentax K30
reversed Pentax SMC M 50/1.4

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Photo replaced on 05 Sep 2013
707 visits

Tiny leaf insect

Tiny leaf insect
Today I was watering the garden and found this tiny (about 10-12mm) leaf insect. Every time I tried to take its photo, it would shuffle around the stem away from me! Taken with reversed SMC Pentax M 50/1.4.

, , , just"jj" and 5 other people have particularly liked this photo

13 comments - The latest ones
What a cutie and what a great shot!

Well Done!!
Seen in

Leap's Photo
10 years ago.
 Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor club
A sweet shot. Nice!
10 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
ROFLMAO!!! The game of chasing the insect around the stem, it's so FUNNY!! I think we would die laughing to see one of us going round and round the stem, and then going around the other way to try to outsmart it, but it has already anticipated the maneuver and is on the other side already!!! *cackle* So funny. Very hard to win this game. I try to slowly approach but it doesn't work most of the time. I was trying to get a picture of a really cool looking weevil yesterday but the stinker kept going around to the other side and then crawled into the space between the leaf and stem with just its butt sticking out...the party pooper! :D :D

GREAT JOB with this neon wonder!! Incredible! I think that's a type of ??leafhopper?? but I can't id beyond that! :)
10 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Oh this is a FUN game !!

The grasshoppers as Past masters at it too !

Gorgeous photo George !
10 years ago.
GrahamH club
A beautiful green, and so strong within the picture.
10 years ago.
tiabunna club
Thank you for your kind comments, everyone. :) I now have done what I should have done in the first place - a little homework. Working on the reasonable expectation that I hadn't discovered a new species, a little internet searching soon had the results. This goes by the name Siphanta acuta or, more easily, "The Green Planthopper" - it is from the family of insects called the Flatidae, which I gather have representatives in most parts of the world.
10 years ago.
I love to see this guy and your fine shot of him!

That's Wild!!
Seen in

Wonderful World
of Wildlife!!
10 years ago.
tiabunna club has replied to Puzzler4879
Thank you.
10 years ago.
The image is great and the story is too.
I am glad you took the time to tell it
10 years ago.
tiabunna club has replied to just"jj"
Thank you very much, "jj".
10 years ago.
tiabunna club
Many thanks, Dave.
10 years ago.

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