Sunset from Alonnah - Bruny Island


Folder: Australasia

Duck-billed Platypus

29 Mar 2023 16
Platypus in the Lake at the Tasmanian Arboretum. You can see one of its huge, webbed rear feet sticking out of the water.

Little Penguin

29 Mar 2023 14
A full-grown chick peers out of its burrow, waiting for its parent to return under cover of darkness. There were loads of them all along the front at Burnie.


29 Mar 2023 12
A full-grown chick peers out of its artificial burrow. These nest-sites are the equivalent of garden bird-boxes for our blue-tits!

Rainbow at sunset - Burnie

29 Mar 2023 15
While we were waiting for darkness and for the adult penguins to arrive on the beach at Burnie, we were treated to this surreal rainbow over the harbour.

Little Penguin chicks

29 Mar 2023 13
Two chicks have emerged from their burrow after dark - lit by a red lamp that avoids dazzling and scaring them. It is also helps having a camera with over 100,000ASA!

Little Penguins - the adults return

29 Mar 2023 14
At Burnie, we watched small groups of Little Penguins running up the beach to visit their nests and chicks. The photo is grainy because it is almost total darkness and flash would have scared them.

St Valentine's Peak

29 Mar 2023 1 41
This is the view up from the lower track, before we entered the forest.

The path to St Valentine's Peak

29 Mar 2023 43
We passed through some lovely wild forest.

St Valentine's Peak - a view from the top

29 Mar 2023 39
We could see for miles. However, a lot of the surrounding forests are plantations, not native forest. Also a lot is non-native species, such as Pines.

The endemic flower, Xerochrysum collierianum

29 Mar 2023 12
Growing in rock crevices near the summit of St Valentine's Peak.

St Valentine's Peak

29 Mar 2023 11
The track to the summit follows a pleasant ridge, surrounded by mountain plants and flowers.

Another Xerochrysum collierianum clump

Flower on St Valentine's Peak

29 Mar 2023 10
I think that it is a species of Heath - Epacris?

Common Shaggy Pea

29 Mar 2023 12
Oxylobium ellipticum, the Common Shaggy Pea, growing near the summit of St Valentine's Peak.

Jumping Spider

29 Mar 2023 13
Jumping spider eyes are amazing. Arranged so that they can judge the distance to jump onto their unsuspecting prey! This one was on our car when we returned from climbing St Valentine's Peak.

Stanley houses

29 Mar 2023 11
These beautiful houses are along the sea-front overlooking the harbour. Sadly - in common with most parts of the world they are nearly all holiday lets or AirBnBs. What a shame.

On top of The Nut, Stanley

29 Mar 2023 10
We walked up here at dusk to see all the Short-tailed Shearwaters returning to their chicks and burrows under cover of darkeness.

Stanley Harbour

29 Mar 2023 10
This is the Stanley in NW Tasmania. Most of the boats are owned by the same family. They also own the local fish and chip shop - and the fresh-fried fish was sublime!!

216 items in total