Sunset from Alonnah - Bruny Island


Folder: Australasia

Pademelon on Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 16
...and another one...

A Chiton shell

29 Mar 2023 31
These are unusual, segmented molluscs. There were lots in the rockpools near the Painter Cliffs on Maria Island.

Unusual seaweed

29 Mar 2023 32
Segmented seaweed growing in rockpools on Maria Island.

Darlington Bay and Hopground Beach, Maria Island

Settlement Harbour, Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 15
The Painted Cliffs are at the far end of this beach.

Rocks and dead tree - Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 13
These are next to the Painted Cliffs.

View of the mainland from Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 14
This is the view from the Painted Cliffs. The seashore here is good for rockpools and marine life.

Monkey Flower

29 Mar 2023 29
Possibly Thyridia repens? On Maria Island.

Painted Cliffs, Maria Island

Eucalyptus forest

29 Mar 2023 14
Typical forest on Maria Island, with Bracken understorey.


29 Mar 2023 14
Possibly Wahlenbergia stricts? Seemed to be common on the east coast in many places

Green Rosella

29 Mar 2023 14
One of Tasmania's endemic parrot species. They were common on Maria Island

Wombat grazing

29 Mar 2023 12
Oooh - they do look so cuddly...

Pademelon on Maria Island campsite

Pademelon on Maria Island

Cape Barren Goose on Maria Island

Sleeping Wombats

29 Mar 2023 14
On Maria Island the Wombats are so trusting that these two were happily relaxing outside their burrow.

Tasmanian Native Hen

29 Mar 2023 14
These were common on Maria Island, but we saw them in many places in Tasmania. They are flightless and like a giant, brown Moorhen.

216 items in total