Sunset from Alonnah - Bruny Island


Folder: Australasia


29 Mar 2023 33
This cute animal visited us in the 'kitchen' at the Maria Island campsite.

Wombat on the move

29 Mar 2023 17
Wombats tend to amble along slowly, but just occasionally they move with a bit more urgency!

Pyralid moth

29 Mar 2023 31
A tiny moth that I found sitting on dried Wombat dung on Maria Island.

Original buildings on Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 32
These were part of the penal colony, but are now used as tourist accommodation.

The Fossil Cliffs on Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 34
We passed this great view on our way to climbing the Bishop and Clerk rocks.

Plant bug on Maria Island

Bennett's Wallaby - Maria Island

View from Bishop & Clerk on Maria Island

29 Mar 2023 15
Fossil Cliffs are in the foreground, the mainland in the distance.

View from Bishop & Clerk on Maria Island

Leaf Beetle on Maria Island

Forest on Maria Island

Grassland on Maria Island

Leaving Maria Island

Squid boats in Triabunna Harbour

29 Mar 2023 41
There are rows of lights hanging around the boats. They shine them at night to attract the squid to be netted.

Belinda on the beach, south of Swansea

Young Welcome Swallows in our hotel

29 Mar 2023 16
Nesting above the stairs to our room in the Hawley House Hotel, Pert Sorrel

Frog in the garden of Hawley House Hotel

29 Mar 2023 1 40
It doesn't match any of the Tasmanian Frogs listed online - a mystery (quite a large frog, about 8-19cm long)

Damselfly - Hawley House pond

216 items in total