Sunset from Alonnah - Bruny Island


Folder: Australasia

Orange Everlasting (Xerochrysum alpinum)

29 Mar 2023 15
Lake Lea

Sunset over Strahan Harbour

Fork-leaved Sundew (Drosera binata)

29 Mar 2023 12
This is a common Sundew species in high, boggy areas of Tasmania. This was photographed near Mont Tyndall

Wolf Spider

29 Mar 2023 12
This large spider was hunting on the surface of pools in a bog near Mount Tyndall in central Tasmania. You can see two tiny, red-pink parasitic mites on it. One on its palps and one on its hind leg. It has had a hard life as it has only 6 legs left!

Fork-leaved Sundew (Drosera binata)

Acidic stream near Mount Tyndall

Another stream near Mount Tyndall

Fork-leaved Sundew (Drosera binata)

29 Mar 2023 1 16
A close-up of the lovely flower.

Fairie's Aprons flowers

29 Mar 2023 16
This is Utricularia dichotoma, growing in an acidic peat-bog stream near Mount Tyndall.

Tree Ferns near Montezuma Falls

Fungus Gnat in mine-shaft near Montezuma Falls

Bridge - Montezuma Falls

29 Mar 2023 16
Belinda walks carefully across!

Montezuma Falls

29 Mar 2023 1 1 16
One of Tasmania's highest waterfalls

Bracket fungi on dead tree

29 Mar 2023 15
We saw these along the track to the Montezuma Falls

Woodland near Nelson Falls

Ocean Beach

29 Mar 2023 16
NW of Strahan. We descended through the sand-dunes to a huge beach with massive waves smashing in. The visibility was poor, due to all the salt-spray in the air. A really atmospheric evening in a truly wild area!

Nelson Falls

Scarlet bracket fungus

29 Mar 2023 15
This was growing in deep shade on a log at Nelson Falls.

216 items in total