Armando Taborda's photos

There isn't white so white

Princess Earrings


07 Jan 2016 15 24 738
The dancers are stretching, loosening in their dressing rooms, half-dressed in a mess of costume rails, water glasses topped with a dusting of rouge. Although it's still soon to dance, look at the rush of guttered rain through grids to join the surge towards an open sea. See how the dry leaves catch in corners, petals of a burnt manifesto caught in a breeze between tenements. And after curfew watch our flags lift in unison like unbowed heads to mock us, because the dance, though fugitive, is here, and not be held back. Already it breaks on the roofs of our mouths and we barely contain the taste. It is there in the off-key buskers, dog-howls, click of the heels of those uniformed men who think they hold this city captive still, and soon must think again. /// ENSAIO PARA O DIA DA ALEGRIA Os dançarinos descontraem-se, libertos em seus camarins, semi-vestidos numa confusão de trajes circundantes, copos de água cobertos com uma camada de rouge. Embora cedo demais para dançar, olham através das grades a chuva que cai e se junta à corrente em direcção ao mar aberto. Vêm como as folhas secas se juntam nos cantos, pétalas dum manifesto inútil capturadas por uma brisa entre prédios. E depois do recolher obrigatório observam nossas bandeiras içadas em uníssono como cabeças levantadas a troçar de nós porque a dança, embora fugidia, está aqui, e não voltará atrás. Já se escapa pelo céu de nossas bocas e mal podemos conter-lhe o gosto. É lá na desafinação das ruas, uivo de cães, bater de calcanhares daqueles homens fardados que pensam manter esta cidade ainda cativa e de novo voltarão a pensar. by MIchael Symmons ROBERTS, in "LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS", Volume 38, Number 1, 7 January 2016 (Portuguese translated by Armando TABORDA, 2016) (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA) (1st edition, 2016; 2nd edition, 2018)


15 Aug 2018 9 14 202
HFF to all my friends and foes

The flowers are sparrows that land and depart

15 Aug 2018 5 8 178
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The Law Concerning Mermaids

18 Oct 2014 18 30 1437
There was once a law concerning mermaids. My friend thinks it a wondrous thing - that the British Empire was so thorough it had invented a law for everything. And in this law it was decreed: were any to be found in their usual spots, showing off like dolphins, sunbathing on rocks - they would no longer belong to themselves. And maybe this is the problem with empires: how they have forced us to live in a world lacking in mermaids - mermaids who understood that they simply were, and did not need permission to exist or to be beautiful. The law concerning mermaids only cause mermaids to pass a law concerning man: that they would never again cross our boundaries of sand; never again lift their torsos up from the surf; never again wave at sailors, salt dripping from their curls; would never again enter our dry and stifling world. by Kei MILLER, in "A LIGHT SONG OF LIGHT", 2010 (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA) (1st edition, 2014; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2018)

Close friends

Olive tree - II

At last the bidet is useful for something

Olive tree - I

11 Aug 2018 5 10 197
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17 Feb 2007 15 25 1134
The water while running is never the same but the following water seems like the other. /// L'eau jamais se répète pendant qui coule mais l'eau qui la poursuivre semble égal à l'autre. /// A água não se repete enquanto corre mas a água que a persegue parece igual à outra. by Armando TABORDA, In "SINFONIA EM DOR MENOR", Edição Escola de Mar, 2007 (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2018)


05 Aug 2018 6 16 200
HFF to all my friends and foes

Who get the other shoe?

It's better to stay under shadows than in the sunn…

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