The tulips and primroses are joining the daffodils to colour my garden - now the bluebells are starting to get in on the act and are coming out all over the place, making the banks on the driveway very woodlandy and appealing.

As you can see - they are fully out now and certainly brightening up the garden.....

Then I noticed that the bluebells are starting to colour the sides of the lower part of the driveway - I love them there because they grow in amongst the lilac trees and it looks very woodlandy [is that a word - if not it should be]................

The lilac bushes are also sprouting really fast - just last week I took pictures of the tiny buds and today it looks like this..........

Finally - the creme de la creme - for me anyway - my cherry trees are producing blossom already............

My little fluffy one, I think it's called a blossoming cherry - is still in its pot but I think I'll transplant it next year into the garden .........

My other cherry tree, which actually provides fruit too - is starting to blossom too.......

So you see I do get to feel better by just seeing the beauty in my garden - not so at the moment though - no sun [we have had a day of thick sea-fog and I can't see across the valley], so I'm going to take a hot blackcurrant and honey and sniff into my own hankie and feel sorry for myself. LOL

Hope you are all okay and enjoying the spring weather.......