The sun has been blazing down all day today - well for us Brits it's a wonder, although to be absolutely fair - this year we've had a great summer. Just the right amount of rain and sun. Today was gorgeous - so a bedding wash was on the cards because it would dry beautifully outside on the washing line. Pippin wasn't so keen because he was fast asleep on the bed when I took it off to change the bedding! Still I think he'll like the new covers - my poppy set which he took to immediately after I bought it!

Anyway - after the washing was put out on the line I remembered that I'd intended on cutting the lawn today. My back wasn't too bad, so camera in hand and the extension cord outside the window - I set to cutting the grass. It does hurt me doing it, but at least I do it!!! So mini-breaks to ease things are necessary. So I took advantage of these times to take pictures of the flowers that are still fighting their way through the jungle!!

The Japanese anemone is so prolific and such a gorgeous flower. Very photogenic. Just love taking pictures of it.........

Found lots of these seed pods from the Aqualegia and just after this photo, I shook them and all the tiny seeds fell onto the ground, so hopefully that'll mean more and more of those gorgeous little flowers next year.....

The purple toadflax is still flowering and the bees absolutely love it - but they move so quickly - I was very lucky to just catch this bee as he was having a drink.........

Then the geraniums are still flowering beautifully - I'm so pleased that I bought them, I'm going to get more of these lovely little plants next year and maybe put them in hanging baskets - they would look so pretty. This flower is so different from the geraniums I'm used to seeing............

And the petunias are still flowering!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean how long have they been out now - 3 months?

Then my lovely little nasturtiums - flowering even though they get pulled up every winter - they still manage to survive and they're gorgeous...........

So that's been my day really - nothing much but a good day all the same.