True to form - this year's seagull chicks have fallen off the roof! The difference this year is that two of them did it! I've called the chicks "Winking", "Blinking" and "Nod " as there are three of them this year. Now I didn't hear Winking land on the porch roof, I was just met with this sight......

A chick looking at me through the kitchen window. When I went outside, I had the parents squawking at me. Undaunted I walked up my drive with my new gadget. It does help me so much, I can go further than before and I don't feel giddy too much.

I looked at my favourite wild bush - Spirea. Quite a few flowers this year.

I love the fact that on each flower (only around 2" long) are loads of tiny flowers. Amazing . Further up the drive I found some gorgeous white flowers peering over the fence . ....

Then I noticed the fig tree is fully laden with fruit....

I was just sitting at the top of the drive, enjoying the silence until it was broken by a group of around 6 or 8 gulls squawking. They were flying from my house to the top of the driveway. I ambled back and saw, who I assumed to be Winking walking around the drive. I congratulated him on reaching the ground, when I was aware of a pair of beady eyes looking at me from the porch roof! So Blinking fell off the roof too, only I don't think he managed to land on the roof, but fell the whole distance from roof to ground (about 40feet) in one go.

He seemed unharmed, so I left him alone and came indoors. I saw him walking up the drive before turning round, flapping his wings in an attempt to fly. Here's hoping it won't be long before he joins the rest of his family on the roof.

My laptop has decided to give up the ghost so I've had to buy another one, and it comes Tuesday. Thank heavens for the tablet, but it's hard work tapping away with my dabber to do a blog!!!