I went out on Tuesday to go to the doctors to make an appointment but mainly to give the car a run. I'm finding it harder and harder walking up the driveway nowadays, my back tends to go into spasms, but the main excuse is the giddiness. The extreme unbalanced feeling I have everytime I stand up is so sick making, that really that's the main reason I don't walk far nowadays. There is nothing they can do about that - vertigo at its worse. So I just have to put up with it. Some days are better than others, but unfortunately there are now more bad days than good. Never mind though - I don't have to stand or walk to enjoy myself.

Anyway as I was driving up the driveway I noticed that the primroses have started to bloom. Oh if ever that was a sign of spring on its way - that's it. So I wound down the window and took my pictures!!!! I drove slowly, stopping every 6 feet or so to take the photos!!!

As you can see there are good sized clumps of them, and these line the drive lying against the fence. I used to have a gardener, but unfortunately he's not been well and so doesn't do volunteering work anymore. Ann and Peter sometimes spend time tidying up my drive, but that's mainly cutting back overgrowth which impede the drive.

You can see the grape hyacinths are flourishing too - I don't remember there being as many as there are this year. I also noticed that they are lying in amongst bluebells, which are only showing their leaves at the moment, so there should be a nice show of them when they start to flower.

There are a few daffodils in bloom, but a lot have come up blind which is a shame. I think I'm going to have to dig the bulbs up when they've died off and re-pot them in good compost.

I've got this weird tree which have these catkin-like sprouting bits. When they are fully sprouted (?) they become like dandelions do, all feathery and delicate and they fly all over the place...

The lilac trees show budding going on - the leaves are a wonderful shade of green, all fresh, so in about a month or so, they should be full of flowers - hopefully...

So at the moment that's the only indication in my garden that spring is on its way. It's a start isn't it? Last year I wasn't well enough to go out and see them. Apparently on Sunday we can expect some sunshine, so I'll try and get out to Instow or somewhere where I can start to see life going on, watch the dogs - anything to get me motivated to be going out more often, but to be totally honest, when it's raining all the time, unless you have a proper reason for going out, then a trip out doesn't exactly grab you!!!

Hope you all have had a good week and that you have a great weekend.