One of Mandi's friends is married to an artist and I hadn't seen his work before yesterday. I saw these incredible pictures and just felt I had to share them with you.

He draws with pencils and I think he's got a fantastic talent. At first I thought they were photographs but they're not........

This is the actor Jon Pertwee who played the third Dr Who

This is Peter Davison who played the 5th Doctor Who

This is Peter Capaldi who is the 12th and current Doctor Who

Well known actor John Hurt.......

Christopher Lee as Dracula..

A character from 'Game of Thrones'..

Johnny Depp......

The Joker...

And finally the ones which just caught my eye and I honestly thought they were photographs.....

Captain Kirk - William Shatner..

Leonard Nimoy as Mr Spock.

These wonderful drawings are done by Richard Young who has his own company called Tiny Turtle and he lives in Washington, Newcastle. You can always look him up on Facebook. I hope you appreciate his work as much as I do.