Well I decided to go and look to see if I could find out if any more new growth is showing in the garden - honestly I went out there only a couple of days ago and I didn't see the sticky weed that assaulted my eyes when I went into the driveway today. There is loads and loads of it - climbing up over the log stores, strangling the plants, creeping along the gravel - it's horrendous. I swear I could almost see it growing. It comes out easily enough, but it sticks to anything and everything.........

These are just a couple of piles I'd pulled up while I was sitting down trying to catch my back from twingeing. It was late afternoon with a warm sun shining on the plants. It wasn't hot, just nice and warm - but there was a cold wind blowing, it's been like this all this year - coming straight down from the Arctic - when are we going to have a nice warm summer - it should have started by now?

I noticed some new plants sprouting - don't know what they are - but there are loads of them - I think they're loose strife but I could be wrong.......

There are new growth sprouting up in the pots - begonias etc - so am hoping for a nice splash of colour sometime soon....

The pink aqualegia is coming up in droves - the last couple of days of sun and rain has done them proud.

Of course the cornflowers are flourishing - or will - now I've got rid of the sticky weed that was strangling them.

There are one or two white lilac flowers hanging on for dear life......

There are also some California poppies popping up in various places - lovely to see them.............

This one had its back to the sun which is unusual............

Mandi sent me some pictures of the loving brothers.... because it was raining last night, Dogan said that he wanted the kittens to stay indoors - aww bless him - he's getting really soft when it come to them. He says he absolutely loves them and to have them running over him and playing with him makes his day.

They are very close too - they play together and like to be close to each other...

Today Mandi and Billy had a few 'moments' together - he does love his mum..

He's a lovely kitten as is Alfie. They both love just being near her and having cuddles and kisses and of course having nice comfy places to sleep.....