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Publication date  /  2023  /  July   -   5 articles

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  • Adrift - À deriva

    - 05 Jul 2023 - 13 comments
    The sea is an ocean's arm and the ocean an earth's body spacecraft without astrolabe or sextant nor science of sails winds and currents adrift in the infinity's tides looking for what seaportor yacht club for an intermediate stop in the space where

  • Yesterday - Ontem

    - 14 Jul 2023 - 3 comments
    Yesterday in the coronary-graphic' screen I saw ways of my inner body fat calcifications and other squeezes trying to prevent the catheter progression looking for my soul that after all I didn't see. Ontem no monitor da

  • Heteronyms - Heterónimos

    - 18 Jul 2023 - 7 comments
    How many am I in this prolonged summer which die sweat over the deodorant from a while ago where am I in the mirror's image? Generations of men and women pass by me as insects flying against the city's walls. Who am I low flying over the bed's

  • Unusual Mysticism - Misticismo Inusitado

    - 26 Jul 2023 - 3 comments
    In the surrounding landscape there is an unusual mysticism either by nature or man as if it was the eternity embrace at the life threshold /// Na paisagem que me cerca há um inusitado misticismo da natureza e do homem como se fosse o

  • BARBIE, the movie - o filme

    - 29 Jul 2023 - 2 comments
    The beginning is brilliant, a remake of "2001: The Space Odyssey", by Stanley KUBRICK, promises a film speaking of the future of a better humanity. But then it touches on many things at the same time, inequality between sexes, consumerism, overspending,