Moved over 500+ miles ... furniture, boxes [ and more boxes - really think they multiplied overnight ] .. you finish one room and start on another --- but, there are boxes for that room just 'finished' !
Who put them there?
They were separated -- saw it with my own eyes --
Room for a car ? Ha !
How can two people have so much 'stuff' - 32 boxes are not in the 'stuff' category --- that is another story.
Before packing, there were piles of:
1 - donate
2 - trash
3 - pack

That seemed a logical way of doing it -- has been over 20yrs since we have gone through this ...
Decided that we would 'treat' ourselves --- we supervised ---- didn't do the actual chore -- watching other people pack your things was an odd feeling - but, that's okay. Some of the comments from the packers were hilarious!
I have a few colorful caftans .. some with embroidery .. some with faux stones .. some plain .. all were used at drum circles or dance events I attended or drummed for. The fellow who packed them was really surprised - he had to ask, "when did you wear these?" Then, had to explain what a drum circle is ... he didn't know there were any except at the beach!
Explaining hip scarves with jingly coins was interesting - would have love to hear his discussion when he went home .."you'll never guess what I packed today!"..
Then.. the drums and percussion instruments ... as he packed, he got cliff notes on what kind of music, etc ... figured might as well tell him before he slowed down to ask ~
All our things were packed in 1 day.
Spent the night with friends I would have loved to put in my suitcase :) -- sigh -- hope to see them soon ...
They loaded the van the next day and headed for our new home ... as did we.
Stayed with friends at [the Inn] for a couple of nights before the van got there.

They arrived exactly when they told us - that never happened before ! The van was unloaded; most boxes into the garage, but some in the house. Those fellows moved like a precision drill team -
Coffee pot had been located ~
We then went shopping for a washer & dryer and a fridge ... had thought about bringing the one from there, but it turned out that the measurements we had been given --- the fridge would not have fit !
Found all 3 items in one store; arranged for delivery and hook up the following day.

Headed on down the road to the home of friends [the Inn] .. spent the night.
Back to the new home and boxes..
Appliances arrived --- we can wash our clothing and have ice water ! WooHoo! Down the road to a grocery store for a few things .. like supper stuff ... and back home .. to those boxes.

Think we have found everything - just think we have... you never know~
But my husband went out this morn to pick up something from the grocery store ---- when he came back --- be still my heart !

The car is in the garage!
After 42 days, the boxes have been emptied; flattened --- and we have a usable garage !
May wonders never cease ~
Might just get my camera and take a photo of this occasion !