StoneRoad2013's photos

cvd - UK data summary : 02nd July 2021

02 Jul 2021 29
. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - regional "R" ; 2nd July 2021

02 Jul 2021 1 23
As shown by all regions having "R" numbers above 1.00, the third wave ['Indian' variant] is rapidly increasing new cases. . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - vaccine doses by UK regions, 30th June 2021

01 Jul 2021 25
Stupendous achievement with vaccination rollout - only drawback is the relatively low figures for London, especially for the second dose. . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - UK, daily vax, both doses ; 1st July 2021

01 Jul 2021 34
Vaccinations rates are still at high levels, but only at about half of the peak rates for the first & second jabs. . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - UK data summary : 1st July 2021

01 Jul 2021 69
Third wave ['Indian' variant] cases shooting up, but hospitalisations and deaths are lagging behind due to vaccinations, which are still continuing. Not my image ; Fair Use & public information

par - Newhaven's Neptune, July 2021

12 Jul 2021 29
Got sent a link to this - couldn't resist nicking it, as it fits right into the theme of this album ... ... Not my Image : Fair Use & public entertainment.

66045 - general goods waggon [LMSR - 1938]

12 Jul 2021 75
Parked in the sidings on the Bristol Harbour Railway. LMSR PBA 66045 Goods Wagon built 1938 [VCTdb7125] . . Not my Image : fair use & public information

O&S(meme) - information stream

12 Jul 2021 8
Having enough correct information is a key factor in decision-making. This cartoon is a humorous reminder that whilst the internet can help with the supply of information, there is a lot of very dubious - even downright wrong - data out there. Take things with a pinch of salt until facts are verified, and that applies even to normally trustworthy sources. . Not my Image : fair use and education purposes.

O&S(meme) - feline posture

12 Jul 2021 11
Somewhat generalised, but a good guide to how to interpret posture as a guide to how the average domestic cat is feeling. . . Not my Image : fair use & public information

O&S(meme) - brexit = a disaster

12 Jul 2021 10
Track washout used to point out how much of a disaster brexit will be ... e2a [2023] sadly, the reality is that brexit was a massive mistake, it is just that many people can't see that POV.

cvd (meme) - death follows

12 Jul 2021 38
commentary on the disparity between the scientific advice & the political decision-making during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially during the early stages of the "Third Wave" in the UK. Other areas displayed similar discrepancies, with the high death toll that resulted, despite the vaccination rollout. , , Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

O&S(meme) - book buying levels

12 Jul 2021 1 10
This made me smile - I'm a level 6 book-buyer, although much of my fiction is bought second-hand. I have books almost everywhere, basically, I need yet more bookshelves. However, I do donate quite a few books to the local community / charity bookshop on a regular basis. . Not my Image : fair use & public information

O&S - Clock

12 Jul 2021 7
webfind and a rather overexposed image. Not mine ! Showing an artistic version of a long case clock - note that despite the unusual shape, the vertical space provision for the pendulum is clearly allocated. not my image : fair use & public enterainment.

O&S(meme) - failed link

12 Jul 2021 8
Meme poking fun at the various problems the UK government has been trying to deal with. [specifically - covid-19, brexit and the .gov website cracking under the strain]. . Not my Image : fair use & political comment

O&S(meme) - Bojo's biggest fan

12 Jul 2021 11
After how this clown has handled the covid pandemic response in the UK ... ie really, really badly, IMO. I'm not surprised at the number of memes like this ... This one arrived attached to an anonymous email ... Not my Image : Fair Use & political comment

O&S(meme) - signs

12 Jul 2021 7
That's not wrong ... ! Not my Image : fair use & public information

cvd (meme) - Euro Football

12 Jul 2021 38
ref the Euros (2021) - there was a lot of social mixing by football fans watching matches during the Euros, which seemed to result in loads of new cases. , , Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

O&S(meme) - money 'berg

12 Jul 2021 10
The lack of real balance between what people get paid for their work, and what that work earns their boss ... which is one of the reasons why anyone working should be in a union. To take it further, it could be said that's why employees / workers should own the means of production ... Not my Image : fair use & public information

10820 items in total