StoneRoad2013's photos

IoM[2] - Tower of Refuge

05 Sep 2018 19 8 184
Constructed in 1832 at the instigation of Sir William Hillary (largely paid for by him, & with substantial public subscriptions), partially as a consequence of the wreck of the steam packet RMS St George in 1830 on the reefs around Conister Rock [Kione y sker]. As viewed from the Loch Promenade, Douglas ... has many more details.

IoM[2] - Pillar Box

05 Sep 2018 10 1 160
This caught my eye on Douglas Prom, a nicely maintained Edward VII pillar box.[dates from 1901 to 1910]

cvd - Covid-19 tests positivity rates, 7th July 20…

07 Jul 2021 31
The red indicates positivity rates greater than 5%, which tends to correlate with increases in new cases. , , Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - UK vaccine uptake

06 Jul 2021 34
It would seem that females, of any age, have a better take-up of the first dose of the vaccination programme. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information.

cvd - NorthEast case by age, second & third waves

02 Jul 2021 31
Comparing cases by age groups for, the second / Kent [lower histogram] and third / Indian [upper] waves in the North Eastern UK [NHS region]. A clear reduction of cases within the older age groups [red/purple] and a significant increase in the youngest adult/older children age group [green] . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information.

cvd - regional hospital admissions

02 Jul 2021 34
These increases in hospital admissions are from early June, with a further rise in late June, primarily cases of the 'Indian' variant. I would hazard a guess that the areas showing more admissions are those with a higher numbers following football [soccer], although there will be other factors at work, such as the vaccine hesitancy found in some economically deprived area and certain ethnic groups. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - New cases in Edinburgh

01 Jul 2021 27
New cases [by specimen date] in Edinburgh [4th March 2020 to 24th June 2021] . Showing the three waves, note that there was limited testing during the spring months in 2020, the second wave - Kent Variant - peaking in Dec 2020 & Jan 2021 with the third wave of the 'Indian' variant rapidly increasing in late June 2021 [the 'Euros affect'] . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - NHS northeast, case rates by age bands

01 Jul 2021 33
Case rates by age bands in North--East [NHS region] March 2020 to June 2021 . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - UK case rates by age bands

01 Jul 2021 24
Covid case rates by age, from end of January [2020] to end of June 2021. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - Vaccine Uptake in 50+yr olds, by ethnicity 2…

01 Jul 2021 48
Vaccine uptake in the over 50 age groups, by ethnicity in England. [as at 01 July 2021] There are some significant disparities showing in these figures, overcoming this hesitancy - outright distrust in some areas - requires a major effort, including finding the best way to transmit the main message. Not my image : Fair Use & education / public information

cvd - european case rates : 1st July 2021

01 Jul 2021 72
The extent of the Indian variant infections in the UK [third wave] can be seen and compared to the majority of the rest of Europe. It would appear that Spain and Russia are not doing well. Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - ONS cases by UK regions

01 Jul 2021 30
Regional [UK] variations. I suspect the steeper rise in the NW & NE regions *may* have something to do with football ... . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - ONS cases by age groups

01 Jul 2021 39
The relatively lower rates as the age group increases will be from the protective affects of vaccination. . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - modelling "fails" for 'Indian' variant

06 Jul 2021 34
The "new" 'Indian' variant is more infectious and spreads faster than the existing covid-19 virus, therefore, the increase in new cases is greater than the modelling is predicting. , , Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - england cases by age groups

02 Jul 2021 30
England cases by age ;- light blue for 0-59, and dark blue for 60+ This shows the two previous waves, plus the recent rapid increase in 'Indian' variant cases in the under 60 age groups and the protection afforded by vaccination to the over 60s. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - Northumberland cases, age heatmap, 12th July…

12 Jul 2021 38
first wave - lack of testing failed to pick up many cases in adults and children, but the high case rate in the very elderly resulted in many deaths. the double peak of the second wave ['Kent' variant] with the dip in cases detected during the festive season. The third wave ['Indian' variant] is beginning to build up - the early peak in young adults [mostly football fans] can be seen. , , Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - ONS weekly infections

02 Jul 2021 31
Note the rapid jump in Scottish cases. Largely, I suspect, due to the "Euro Football Affect" - similar, but smaller increases in Wales & England. Cases are probably 'Indian' variant. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - Scottish case rates (May to July 2021)

01 Jul 2021 24
Scottish covid cases. These case rates shows the growth of huge peak at the end of June, most likely from the huge numbers of close social contacts whilst watching the "Euro" football matches which has pushed up cases of the 'Indian' variant over what would have been expected. Once there were enough cases within the community at large, the higher transmissibility has kept the case rate high, especially among the younger adults. . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

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