StoneRoad2013's photos

cvd - Africa fully vaxxed rates, 30th Sept 2021

30 Sep 2021 65
The WHO set a target for 10% of population to be fully vaxxed by the end of September 2021. Only 15 African nations achieved that, despite COVAX and other schemes for the supply of vaccines. tbh, that seems very low, but even the covax scheme is only stuttering forward ... . . Not my Image : Fair Use & Public Information

cvd - Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine

01 Dec 2021 60
Researchers at Cardiff Uni have discovered the mechanism by which AZ has produced blood clots. It is very important to note that these blot clots are extremely rare, there is a far greater risk with covid-19 of developing blot clots. . . . Not my Image ; Fair Use & public information

cvd - vax uptake bars, 1st Dec 2021

01 Dec 2021 1 56
Booster take-up is going well, and a few extra first & second doses have been administered. It takes a couple of weeks for immunity to build up after any dose of the vaccine. . . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

TiG (Rail) - Mountaineer

26 Mar 2009 4 2 122
The builder's plate for "Mountaineer" aka "the Alco" - built 1916 Works No.57156 [currently (2021) stored out of use, probably still in the sheds at GyP]. Unfortunately, not my favourite loco. Once visited the Vale of Rheidol, for which it was worth being in the train. Definitely had a good bark from the exhaust, going up the last part of the climb into Devil's Bridge. [date tbc]

phw [ave] / par - "Horse-head rock"

20 Apr 2009 2 128
This one is known as "Horse Head Rock" - don't look too hard, or maybe the thumbnail will show "it" more clearly.

clch - Nat Gas production; 1990 - 2020

01 Nov 2021 113
In the past decade, The USA has overtaken Russia as the top producer at Natural Gas [Methane], with a significant increase in production. A good deal of gas from Russia is exported to Europe, via pipeline(s). . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

bwc - Stress ? who, me ?

08 Oct 2021 8 5 225
Settled down for the evening after dinner snooze, in the 'pop-up' tent. He had been getting some strokes and ear scritches, resulting in the usual loud purrs. As the purrs got softer and slower, it was clear he was going to sleep.

B&M - marbled carpet [2 of 4]

29 Sep 2021 3 140
This one was hard to identify. On the basis of the wing pattern I initially thought it was a Bloxworth snout [Hypena obsitalis] but the head is wrong - no snout ! After consulting with the regional / county moth recorder, what I had here was a Common Marbled Carpet [Dysstroma truncata] but with one of the rarer variations in colouring. [2 of 4]

clch - transport emissions

26 Oct 2021 125
Range of "carbon dioxide emissions" from various modes of transport [2019] calculated as grams per passenger km travelled. Personally - I am Quite impressed with the low figure for "Eurostar" - guessing that's because the electricity is from low carbon generation - eg French nuclear - it is also a very limited route. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

cvd - YouGov surveying "Plan B"

23 Oct 2021 3 5 157
Results from an on-line survey carried out by the polling / market research organisation YouGov on 20 & 21 October 2021. Clearly showing a large proportion of the British population want to see the re-introduction of mask mandates, working from home and the use of vaccine passports. Aka "Plan B" . Survey carried out during a period of relatively high numbers of new cases, hospitalisations and increasing deaths. . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information.

O&S(meme) - government by ?

01 Nov 2021 63
The role of "lobbying" by various "vested interests" in banking, business & industry (plus the military) and other specialist groups [like the NRA in America] should be far better appreciated that it is actually known & understood. Even the UK has had problems with professional "lobbyists" attempting to affect decision-making [over many years - it is not a recent problem]. . . Not my image : fair use & public information

cvd - political victims of covid-19 [2 of 3]

01 Oct 2021 64
For some reason I do not understand, American's have divided their response to the covid-19 pandemic along party political lines. A large proportion of Trump supporters and some Republicans seem to have adopted an anti-covid, anti-mask, anti-vaxx and conspiracy theory supporting mindset. As opposed to the rational and scientific viewpoint. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & Public Information

cvd - political victims of covid-19 [1 of 3]

01 Oct 2021 64
For some reason I do not understand, American's have divided their response to the covid-19 pandemic along party political lines. A large proportion of Trump supporters and some Republicans seem to have adopted an anti-covid, anti-mask, anti-vaxx and conspiracy theory supporting mindset. As opposed to the rational and scientific viewpoint. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & Public Information

cvd - political victims of covid-19 [3 of 3]

01 Oct 2021 69
For some reason I do not understand, American's have divided their response to the covid-19 pandemic along party political lines. A large proportion of Trump supporters and some Republicans seem to have adopted an anti-covid, anti-mask, anti-vaxx and conspiracy theory supporting mindset. As opposed to the rational and scientific viewpoint. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & Public Information

O&S(meme) - revenge ?

01 Nov 2021 1 30
That's a turn-up for the books ... . . Not my Image : fair use & public entertainment

In mem - Barrie & NSR61

01 Nov 2021 58
One of the Knotty Coach Trust members, Barrie Allan, died late October 2021. Not only was he one of the Trustees, he was also their treasurer at the time we worked on NSR61 and NSR127.

O&S(meme) - advice for bojo

01 Nov 2021 32
gawd, what an image of the scruffy BoJo [no idea what the posing was about]. . Not my Image : fair use & public entertainment

in mem - Aberfan 1966 to 2021 [2 of 2]

01 Nov 2021 42
Lest we forget ... This left me with thoughts that popped up in my nightmares for years, although I never lived anywhere with similar risks. I was only slightly older than the children at Pantglas Primary School at the time this happened. The events left a deep impression on me, and the callousness of the NCB's upper echelons was appalling. . . Not my Image : Fair Use & public information

11402 items in total