William Sutherland's photos

"I Love NY" Still Life

15 Jul 2020 65 60 546
Larchmont, NY Note: Still Life created using digital textures and colors from a photo taken on 15 July 2020. The "I Love NY" logo was created by Milton Glaser (1928-2020) in 1976 when New York City faced great challenges ranging from verge of bankruptcy, urban flight to the suburbs and high crime. Mr. Glaser created a special logo when NYC was reeling from 9/11. The heart was slightly singed and the wording read, "I Love NY More Than Ever." Considering Mr. Glaser recently passed away at 91 (26 June 2020), to honor his memory and the state and city I love, I created a logo to fit the COVID-19 moment that has hit the state and city so hard (on 18 July 2020) using a face mask and heart I obtained from Clipart Library , a site that offers free clip art for use without copyright restrictions. This logo is displayed below:


12 Jul 2020 64 45 546
Mamaroneck, NY Created from the inside of a discarded dryer. The pulley wheel at the top represents COVID-19. The black areas represent the darkness of the pandemic and mourning. The gray splotches represent uncertainty complemented by the abstract linear patterns that represent the many unexpected turns in life. The soft pastel pinks and yellows represent the light of a new dawn just before the sun rises above the horizon since we still await this sunrise when the pandemic recedes. The earthen tones represent life and recovery for through it all we will persevere and LIVE! The vibrant reds represent love, fortitude and renewal for through love and the fact we are “human strong” we shall overcome. The face represents the day our “sorrow will be turned to joy” [John 16:20] and the pandemic is nothing more than a distant memory.

Every COVID-19 Death Has A Name

07 Jun 2020 68 91 664
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY Every COVID-19 death has a name... and every COVID-19 death, reported, unreported or covered-up, is real. Digitially enhanced collage created from the hundreds of posters, flyers, banners, and images attached to Green-Wood Cemetery's fence just to the right of the main entrance at 500 25th Street to reinforce the heart-breaking reality of COVID-19 here in NYC and everywhere in the world. www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

Barclays Center 7 June 2020

07 Jun 2020 61 55 502
Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY In light of the unlawful murder of George Floyd at the hands of four MPD cops and the nationwide riots, looting and acts of arson, I chose to focus on the positive with hope this time will be different and African-Americans will have their lives valued and will no longer have to live under "police-state" conditions in America. Therefore, I photographed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s inspirational saying that is eternally relevant as well as "Black Lives Matter" posters and graffiti honoring George Floyd, the latter two digitally edited, found also in Brooklyn, NY. I did not include the looted and borded up stores around Barclays Center that include but are not limited to Shake Shack, Target, Modell's, Old Navy. I also didn't include photos of rage influenced graffiti since hopefully now these are days of healing and the beginning of a grass roots movement to create a more perfect union where human rights are respected and peoples of all diversity interact and live in peace. The LED display is located on the Barclays Center, home of the NBA's Brooklyn Nets.

My Voice Against Racial Injustice

31 May 2020 84 103 639
Merged Image created from photographs I took in Larchmont, NY on 31 May 2020 (the squashed, torn and soiled American flag) and in Bridgeport, CT on 27 November 2014 (the graffiti message). Racial injustice has been going on for too long in the USA. While it is sad to see the looting and arson, these are natural and tragic consequences to the endemic racism that continues to plague American society. This has to stop! Police reform is badly needed and in my opinion, it should start with instituting a mandatory policy of de-escalation. Physical force should only be used when violent crimes occur, for self-defense, and to protect life and property when imminent danger exists and to the minimal degree necessary. Suspected offenses like drug possession, open container violations, loitering, and with the case of George Floyd passing a counterfeit bill that he may not have even known was counterfeit based on the premise of "innocent until proven guilty," a right ALL Americans are guaranteed, should have resulted in no more than a written summons to appear in court to explain his side of the story. No handcuffs or arrest was necessary. And for those who say this is naive, I strongly disagree. It is possible with proper training, discipline and respect for the U.S. Constitution, legal framework, impartial justice that is blind to color and equal for all, and human rights. #BlackOutTuesday 2 June 2020

COVID-19 Still Life: An Incalculable Loss

25 May 2020 65 71 537
COVID-19 deaths here in New York and in every country and region of the world are an “Incalculable Loss since “They were not simply names on a list. They were us.” For instance, just six names presented on The New York Times cover page and ensuing follow-up pages infallibly testify to this fact and the gaping emptiness left behind in their passing: Romi Cohn, 91 – New York City, Saved 56 Jewish families from the Gestapo Janissa Delacruz, 31 – Haverstraw, NY, Known for having a smile on her face Joseph Feingold, 97 – New York City, Architect and Holocaust survivor Mike Field, 59 – Valley Stream, NY, First responder during the 9/11 attacks Kious Kelly, 48 – New York City, Nurse in the Covid fight Vincent Lionti, 60 – New York City, Met Opera violinist and youth orchestra conductor The COVID-19 death toll is staggering and these deaths are real! For New York City, the COVID-19 death toll is now greater than even that of the 1918 Influenza pandemic: +232 at the end of the day 25 May 2020. On this Memorial Day, let us remember each and every COVID-19 victim, many of them heroes who selflessly gave up their lives, some without the necessary PPE, to save others as well as the brave men and women of the armed forces, who also selflessly died so we can live in freedom. Note: I created this still life using the cover from the 24 May 2020 edition of The New York Times that lists just a mere 1% of America’s COVID-19 victims, a burning candle to mourn their loss, and a bottle of tequila with a “Freedom Tower, One World Observatory” shot glass, the latter from Ground Zero since 9/11 and the COVID-19 pandemic are two events that will forever remain in the collective NYC psyche. I also splashed tequila on The New York Times Cover, used selective color, shadows and grunge effects to evoke greater emotions from the staggering loss that can never be fully comprehended nor forgotten no matter how much one may try to drown it away, a futile attempt that leads only to unsteady and shaky hands, a hangover for some and then the return of cruel reality – acute emptiness and pain that will never be fully healed. www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries NYS Re-opening Metrics: forward.ny.gov/regional-monitoring-dashboard

Lamentations 2020

17 May 2020 76 77 616
The inspiration of this photo composition comes from Lamentations 1 since as they were relevant to the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, they are strikingly relevant to New York City of 2020, viewed by many as the “capital of the world.” In the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, NYC has seen eerily empty streets, and scarce few visitors from the outside. Her businesses are shuttered and shut and cultural venues silenced. NYC has also been abandoned by many of her wealthiest who at the start of the pandemic, fled in fear. She has experienced empty shelves and been embraced by a new “Great Depression” and the consequent reality that things of value during the pre-COVID-19 era matter little today with some trading material goods for scarce necessities. Last, in her greatest time of need, NYC has been abandoned by the federal government and denied essential funding for hospitals and overtime costs, and resources such as sufficient quantities of test kits for prompt tests for all. Lamentations 1: [1] How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! How like a widow is she, who once was great among the nations! [2] Bitterly she weeps… tears are on her cheeks… [T] here is no one to comfort her. [4] All her gateways are desolate… her young women grieve, and she is in bitter anguish. [6] All the splendor has departed… Her princes… in weakness they have fled… [7] When her people fell… there was no one to help her. [11] …her people groan as they search for bread; they barter their treasures for food to keep themselves alive. [20] I am in torment within… inside, there is only death. [22] My groans are many and my heart is faint. Fortunately NYC and the world will not remain mired in this hellish pandemic forever since we are reminded in Lamentations 3:57-58: You came near when I called to You, and You said, “Do not fear!” You… took up my case; you redeemed my life! And yes, so as declared in Psalm 104:30 – “You send forth Your spirit… and renew the face of the Earth” we can be assured – “Mourning will be turned into joy!” [Jeremiah 31:13] as the COVID-19 pandemic is “swept away… like the morning mist” [Isaiah 44:22] such that “Times of refreshing may [yet] come [again] .” [Acts 3:19] Note: Created May 17, 2020 from photographs taken at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, NY (May 7, 2012) and Rockefeller Center Observation Deck, New York, NY (December 23, 2016). www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries NYS Re-opening Metrics: forward.ny.gov/regional-monitoring-dashboard

Thumbs Down for Corona(virus)

26 Apr 2020 81 88 612
Mamaroneck, NY www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries NYS Re-opening Metrics: forward.ny.gov/regional-monitoring-dashboard COVID-19 Reality: Yonkers, NY - 26 April 2020: COVID-19 Reality: Mamaroneck, NY - 26 April 2020:

COVID-19 NYC: A Day in Photos

12 Apr 2020 70 104 694
New York, NY Note: Created from graffiti scrawled on a wall and a section of a discarded water painting that resembles the COVID-19 Coronavirus. www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries Photos 1-3: Central Park Makeshift Hospital Tents, East Lawn Across from Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY: Photo 4: Empty Playground, Central Park, New York, NY: Photo 5: Social Distancing Measuring Sign, Central Park, New York, NY: Photo 6: Fifth Avenue Street Scene, New York, NY Photo 7: Canine Resistance to Social Distancing, Central Park, New York, NY: Photos 8-9: Fifth Avenue Views: Sanitizer Bottle, NYC History Ongoing and American Flag at Half-Mast for the COVID-19 Deceased, New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photos 10-15: Signs and Letters, New York, NY: Photo 16: COVID-19 Posters designed by Mirko Ilić (2020), New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photo 17: Eleven Thermo King® Freezer Trailers to store the bodies of the COVID-19 Deceased and a Hearse (waiting to collect a COVID-19 victim’s body when released by the Medical Examiner) behind Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY: Photo 18: Thermo King® Freezer Trailers behind Bellevue Hospital with the Landmark Empire State Building in the background, New York, NY: Photo 19: Monotonous Routine: Closing the Gate behind another NYC COVID-19 Deceased, New York, NY: Photo 20: Somber City, New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photo 21: Graffiti of Despair, New York, NY (Taken 19 April 2020): Photo 22: Discarded Gloves and Face Mask by Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY: Photo 23: Medical Examiner’s Van parked by NYU Medical Center to collect the body of a deceased COVID-19 victim, New York, NY: Photo 24: Couple Wearing Face Masks, East 35th Street, New York, NY: Photo 25: Message of Hope, New York, NY: Photo 26: NYC COVID-19 Sadness, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photo 27: Brooklyn Bridge View, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photos 28: # The Act of Love, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photo 29: NYC Tough, Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020: Photo 30: "We'll Get Through This!" Brooklyn, NY -- 3 May 2020:

Ash Wednesday Gloom and Hope

26 Feb 2020 87 260 1127
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, NY “ [T] here is a… great silence, and stillness” and fear “over the earth” [1] on this Ash Wednesday as we are reminded – “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” [Genesis 3:19] It is 1347 again. COVID-19 is the Black Death of 2020. Though the number of afflicted rises, Medieval lock downs are expanded, isolation threatens social bonds and peoples worldwide are urged to prepare for an uncertain future with significant disruptions in life, gloom cannot extinguish hope for God has “posted [angels] to guard you” [2] and “will take away from thee all sickness” [Deuteronomy 7:15] with the promise, “I [W] ho am life… I [M] yself am united to you.” [3] We , humankind will get through this! ___________ [1], [2], and [3] From an Ancient Homily for Holy Saturday. 26 February 2020. www.vatican.va/spirit/documents/spirit_20010414_omelia-sabato-santo_en.html

COVID-19 Reality

16 Feb 2020 77 96 922
Larchmont, NY Note: This composition was created to promote awareness and provide images of precautionary supplies. While N-95 rated face masks (the only face masks manufactured to protect against airborne pathogens) are not needed at this time in much of the world, hand sanitizer and good hygiene are a good idea to prevent its spread as well as that of seasonal flu, the latter whose casualties rarely make the headlines. The rose, heart, and color scheme were used since Valentine's Day, the international day of love, falls in February and because love should be the pre-eminent approach to everything.


02 Feb 2020 84 113 762
With the proliferation of novel coronavirus cases (2019-nCov) -- officially named Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease-19) racism and xenophobia have cropped up in several Asian and European countries as well as the United States and Canada. Restaurants refuse to serve Chinese tourists, people cross the streets to shun Chinese people, refuse to patronize Chinese establishments and in one case a crowd even gathered in front of a hotel to demand its Chinese guests immediately leave and return to China. Such xenophobia and racism are repugnant and unacceptable without exception. It is because of this and to stand in solidarity with these victims and the Chinese people who are being unjustly discriminated against I created this derivative panoramic image from a photo I purchased from Shutterstock® and switched the 1st and 3rd letters of the city where 2019-nCov (placed over the facemask) originated and flipped the “W” over to spell the word “human” since these people are not a virus as clearly and concisely stated by the #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus ( #IamNotAVirus ) movement that originated out of France – but are human beings deserving of the same inalienable rights and dignity as every unaffected person. People get sick. Period! Such people deserve the best medical treatment possible and compassion instead of misguided blame and condemnation. Period! Wuhan:huMan. Let’s never forget that! Note: For those who elect to purchase and wear a facemask, it should be "N-95" rated.

January 2020 Record Warmth New York Metro Region

12 Jan 2020 74 103 693
Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, and Bronx, NY The 2019-2020 autumn-winter season resulted in anomalous blooms for Forsythia and Periwinkles -- Mamaroneck and Larchmont, NY, respectively on 27 September 2019 (record early for the New York City metro region. Other observations include a blooming Weglia Red Prince Bush (record early 28 September 2019), purple violets (record early 4 October 2017) and scattered apple blossoms (record early 14 October 2019) -- the former two in Mamaroneck, NY and the latter in Larchmont, NY. Quince also bloomed in Central Park, NY (record early 7 October 2019). On 11 and 12 January, 2020 the temperature rose to record highs of 69 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. With only a few short bursts of cold weather, vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and thyme continued to grow while frogs and turtles, both cold-blooded amphibians have yet to hibernate and now have been present for a record late length into meteorological and seasonal winter. Their habits may perhaps be changing because of climate change such that one day they may no longer hibernate, vegetables (that include cabbage, curly kale, thyme, Swiss chard, have continued to grow through the duration of meteorological winter (1 December 2019-29 February 2020) in the metro NY area) will experience extended growing seasons and plants such as forsythia may experience double blooms every year. Also of note, many chipmunks did not go into hibernation for the duration of meteorological winter with sightings at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (12 January 2020), in Mamaroneck, NY (January and February 2020) and in Greenwich, CT (15 February 2020). Adonis blossoms were present as of 8 February 2020 at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY while crocuses also began emerging on this same date in Mamaroneck, NY. Japanese apricot blossoms and irises were present by 17 and 23 February 2020, respectively at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY and daffodils were present by 22 February 2020 in Rye, NY. In addition, marsh marigolds began blooming in Larchmont, NY on 23 February 2020 and a primrose plant which had bloomed through 12 January 2020 in Mamaroneck, NY produced additional flowers that began to bloom on 24 February 2020. Hyacinths were present in Mamaroneck, NY as of 27 February 2020 followed by viburnum at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY on 29 February 2020. Top. l.-r: Pansy (Mamaroneck, NY - Jan. 11, 2020), Cabbage and Curly Kale (New Rochelle, NY - Jan. 12, 2020); Middle l.-r.: Camellia, Frog, Bee (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020); Bottom l.-r.: Turtle (Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020), Mahonia (New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020) and Viburnum lantana (Bronx Zoo, Bronx, NY - Jan. 12, 2020) Sample Documentation: Additional: l.-r. Forsythia, Mamaroneck, NY (27 September 2019) and Periwinkle, Larchmont, NY (29 September 2019) l.-r. Cherry Blossoms/Bee and Lady Bug, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (12 January 2020) -- Courtesy of Don Sutherland l.-r. Forsythia, New York, NY (15 January 2020) and Cherry Blossoms, Central Park Garden, New York, NY (15 January 2020) l.-r. Chipmunk, Mamaroneck, NY (31 January 2020) and Adonis Blossoms, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (8 February 2020) -- the latter, courtesy of Don Sutherland l.-r. Daffodil, Rye, NY (23 February 2020), Japanese apricot blossoms and Irises, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY (23 February 2020) -- the latter two, courtesy of Don Sutherland

Merry Christmas!

Graffiti: Unfiltered

Anthropocene Love

10 Nov 2019 64 87 878
Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY

Autumn Joy

20 Oct 2019 79 91 1000
Jay Estate Grounds/Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY Additional: “Find joy in what is.” [Anonymous] “Be joyful always.” [Thessalonians 5:16] Top left: Remains of a sink, piping, a brick and section of tiled floor from an early 20th century two- story house of which only the foundation remains. Bottom left: Recent garbage consisting of paper, plastic, a discarded water bottle and toothpaste tube. Right: Broken glass and boards from a small greenhouse once used to grow delphiniums during the 1930s along with fallen leaves and a fallen black walnut ( Juglans nigra ). This section has been abandoned since the 1950s and appears to be set for a makeover, in which most of the trees and imbedded appliances and garbage, some entrenched deep in the soil, will be removed. This area was abandoned in the 1950s and now consists of the foundations of two houses, the remains of a greenhouse used to grow delphiniums before outdoor planting, and the remains of these buildings reclaimed by nature as well as recent garbage and litter. And for Halloween created from recent garbage in this same area consisting of a toy axle and wheels, discarded plastic, a wrapper, eye glasses arm, fishing rod float, and plastic eye ball:

"Hidden Gem" Waterfalls

07 Oct 2019 79 87 764
Central Park, New York, NY Related Article: The Hidden New York City

641 items in total