William Sutherland's photos

Autumn Delight

11 Nov 2022 63 46 366
Larchmont, NY

Children at Play

30 Oct 2022 67 50 424
Happy Halloween! Larchmont, NY

Hangers Abstract

01 Oct 2022 64 43 469
Mamaroneck, NY

The Blue Swan

25 Sep 2022 62 48 409
Harbor Island, Mamaroneck, NY

Spreading Light: 2022 Kazakh Interfaith Summit

21 Sep 2022 53 42 404
St. Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church, White Plains, NY It was encouraging to see Pope Francis demonstrated courage to attend the 2022 Kazakh Interfaith Summit despite objections from the dying minority that cling to the archaic and obsolete “one true religion” view that is antithetical to God's love, limits the power of the resurrection, monopolizes Jesus Christ’s saving grace and has caused so much human grief and suffering through the ages. During this conference, participants referenced the historic “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” signed by Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed Al Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi, UAE (February 2019). During his closing speech, Pope Francis reinforced Point 10 of the summit’s declaration – “We note that pluralism and differences in religion, skin color, gender, race, and language are expressions of the wisdom of God’s will in creation. …any incident of coercion to a particular religion and religious doctrine is unacceptable” [1] – declaring “extremism, radicalism, terrorism and all other forms of violence and wars, whatever their goals, have nothing to do with true religion and must be rejected in the strongest possible term.” He also called on “world leaders to ‘abandon all aggressive and destructive rhetoric which leads to destabilization… and to cease from conflict and bloodshed…” [2] _________ [1] Hannah Brockhaus. Kazakhstan interreligious congress adopts declaration calling religious pluralism ‘God’s will.’ CAN (Catholic News Agency). 21 September 2022. www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/252298/kazakhstan-interreligious-congress-adopts-declaration-calling-religious-pluralism-gods-will [2] Nicole Winfield. Pope criticized over interfaith event. The Journal News. 10 September 2022. 3A.

Paper Memories

11 Sep 2022 50 36 372
Created from Photographing British and Canadian Paper Currency Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) who had the longest reign in British history will go down in history as universally loved and one of the greatest monarchs because of her enduring faith, courage, and a life that had dedicated to service, generosity and benevolence. Because of her refusal to inject politics into her rule, she served as a bridge to bring peace, tolerance and understanding. May God continue to save the Queen as she lives in eternity attested to by the double rainbow above Buckingham Palace upon her passing. And despite the rupture of relations under her great grandfather King George III (1738-1820) and the consequent American Revolution (1775-1784), there is no greater friendship and fraternity than that between the USA and Great Britain an indelible testament that no rift is too great to forgive and no wound too great that it cannot be healed. May God save and guide King Charles III as he begins his reign during this period of mourning and these uncertain times where the hearts of so many have grown hard and cold. Only a thaw and willingness to listen, understand and respect can bridge the great chasms between peoples and nations and bring much needed healing and peace. And today as we here in the USA also somberly remember 9/11 as we mourn the Queen's passing, we are reminded her 9/11 message that "Grief is the price we pay for love." Finally, it is reassuring to remember the message in Isaiah 61:2 that God "comfort [s] all who mourn" and that our "grief will be turned into joy." [John 16:20]

Lines and Swirls (HFF)

19 Aug 2022 64 51 387
Mamaroneck, NY

World Photography Day 2022

19 Aug 2022 52 43 455
Mamaroneck, NY

Free Expression

13 Aug 2022 42 34 344
Mamaroneck and Larchmont, NY This work created from a montage of garbage and litter (Mamaroneck, NY) and Scrabble® pieces that read “Free Expression” is dedicated to best-selling author Salman Rushdie who was brutally attacked on 12 August 2022 in New York as he was about to lead a discussion as all decent people wish for and pray for his rapid recovery. He must NOT die under these circumstances! Mr. Rushdie was brazenly attacked in an evil attempt to silence his voice and suffocate the concept of “free expression,” the latter an infallible and inalienable human right. The smiling face is used to reinforce the fact that “free expression” is fundamental to human existence and essential for joy. This outrageous and barbaric attack only serves to besmirch Islam and the good Prophet Muhammad, a strong believer in forgiveness. Coincidentally, it also desecrated the Muslim sabbath when millions of pious Muslims were praying and attending services all around the world. :( The 1989 fatwa calling for Mr. Rushdie’s murder is antithetical to Islam. It is the product of an apostate who lies in a sarcophagus in Tehran and whose name is not worth mentioning so as not to give him undeserved recognition or respect. Let the following Qu’ranic verses and admonition testify to true Islam and the tragic path the fatwa's issuer followed: “…and let them pardon and overlook.” [The Light: 24:22] “Do not follow the footsteps of Satan.” [The Light: 24:21] As for the few (when all Muslims are considered worldwide) who rejoiced out of depravity, it would be wise if they familiarize themselves with the Hadith (a traditional saying traced back to the Prophet Muhammad as guidance) that declares: "Do not rejoice over the misfortune of your brother, lest Allah have mercy upon him and afflict you with trials." [Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2506]


07 Aug 2022 42 31 361
Mamaroneck, NY God created… all from the same organic dust… [1] All souls are alike... None is superior or inferior. [2] [T]he seeds of the kingdom are planted in both female and male… [I]n the kingdom there is no difference… [3] All [are] sisters and brothers… reaching out to a common… destiny… [4] And He gave you… the diversity of your tongues and colors. What should it matter that one bowl is dark and the other pale, if each is of good design and serves its purpose well... [5] Heaven covers all without partiality; earth sustains and embraces without partiality; the sun and the moon shine upon all without partiality. [6] _____________ [1] Bahai’ism. [2] Jainism: Mahavira Vardhamana (599-527 BCE): Thus Spake Lord Mahavir: Excerpts from the Sacred Books of Jainism. Jainism Literature Center. 21 July 2013. [3] The “Luminous” Religion (practiced in China from c. 635-1399 CE before being stamped out by oppression and persecution in mid-to-late 14th century CE). [4] Cao Daoism: Emiel Van Den Boomen. Mesmerizing Vietnam – Fusion in religion. 3 July 2011. www.actoftraveling.com/2011/07/mesmerizing-about-vietnam-fusion-in-religion and Basic Catechism of Caodaism. 8 March 2012. en.nhipcautamgiao.net/news/136-basic-catechism-of-caodaism-1.html [5] North American Indian: Polingaysi Qoyawayma, Hopi. [6] Confucianism. Note: human was created from garbage and litter consisting primarily of discarded plastic from an air conditioner, broken yellow plastic pieces, red and white plastic bolts, a discarded piece of wood, copper piece, broken light bulb and piece of a discarded cardboard box. The colors and shades of black, brown, red, white, and yellow represent the races that comprise the diverse fabric of humanity. Each color is indispensable and integral without which there would be an unbridgeable loss of beauty. The pixellation represents the fragility of life and the smile face represents joy when all peoples of every ethnic background, gender and religion of the one human race live in peace and harmony.

Surreal Sunrise

23 Jul 2022 49 41 376
Mamaroneck, NY "The old has passed away; behold the new has come!" [2 Corinthians 5:17]

Eco Collage

23 Jul 2022 40 37 382
Eco Collage was created from various garbage and litter consisting of broken glass, a plastic spacer ring, and a piece of a light bulb. The green colors were added to represent a vibrant, lush “Eden-like” earth when people and ecosystems live in harmony. It is disheartening that as the planet burns with scorching heat, massive wild fires and unquenchable drought, humanity remains oblivious to the existential threat that approaches. This collage also consists of various shapes and forms to represent how every nation and its peoples seamlessly fit together and thus must work together to address climate change through consistent policy and fiscal investments regardless of so-called socio-economic status – developed or third world – especially since both the former and latter share the same planet. While the development of the hydrogen economy is likely a decade or more away, there are solutions for today – nuclear energy with mini reactors (in the 21st century in the United States, 21 people have died in nuclear accidents, predominantly from falls and electrocution [1] versus the 892 from coal mining accidents [2] and the more than 1500 figure for oil and gas extraction [3] ; so regarding safety you be the judge!), the expansion of wind, solar and geothermal energy usage, the planting of trees, preservation of rainforests, the reintroduction of indigenous flora, the banning of pesticides that continue to exterminate crucial pollinators (bees and butterflies) and the shuttering of coal-fired plants that are not retrofitted to use the necessary filters for “clean coal.” At the same time hard deadlines no later than 2040 must be established for the end of fossil fuel use to promote the necessary investment and research and development for 100% clean energy use. Bottom line: If the world continues to dither, then the prophesy of the 1500 CE triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights by Dutch master painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) will come true and we will be left with a scorched, charred planet. :( smarthistory.org/garden-bosch If people come together and work together, then we will continue to have a green planet with ecosystems that thrive and humanity will be spared. :) [1] Zakaria Hsain, Alissa Johnson, Erin K. Reagan. Nuclear Energy Meets Climate Change. Kleinman Center for Energy Policy. 5 October 2021. kleinmanenergy.upenn.edu/research/publications/nuclear-energy-meets-climate-change [2] The U.S. Department of Labor – arlweb.msha.gov/stats/centurystats/coalstats.asp and Statistica – www.statista.com/statistics/541314/mining-fatalities-in-the-united-states [3] Fareed Zakaria. In tackling climate change, don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. The Washington Post. 21 July 2022. www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/21/practical-steps-fighting-climate-change-heat-wave-nuclear-gas-coal

"Harmony by the Sea" Mural

14 Jul 2022 58 45 385
New Rochelle, NY This mural was painted by Spanish Urban Artist Lula Goce (b. 1976 in Galicia, Spain) to celebrate the "special connection that exists between New Rochelle, NY and the Long Island Sound." It was inaugurated on 2 November 2019 as part of #NRNYMURALS. It was curated and produced by Street Art for Mankind. streetartmankind.org/artists/lula-goce


21 May 2022 55 44 442
Mamaroneck, NY

Dawning of a Bridge

24 Nov 2016 64 52 410
Governor Mario M Cuomo / "New" Tappan Zee Bridge , Tarrytown, NY Construction: Began in 2013. Cost: $3.9 Billion Opened: 2017 Note: I photographed a section of the construction scene to depict the various linear patterns created by the bridge's cables and numerous scaffolding and cranes as well as the fencing.


01 Jan 2017 61 46 435
New York, NY Note: Iconic sculpture created by Robert Indiana (1928-2018). Located on the corner of 55th Street and 6th Avenue. First displayed in New York City in 1970.

Toronto Abstract

10 Apr 2022 59 37 349
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Note: Created from two photos taken in downtown Toronto.

Prelude to Spring

01 Jan 2017 55 43 396
Central Park, New York, NY

642 items in total