William Sutherland's photos

Clothing: Refraction

15 Sep 2024 56 57 117
Larchmont, NY Note: Created from four ties hanging in my closet. Digitally edited to change the colors and create a paneled image.


08 Sep 2024 63 53 155
Donald M. Kendall Gardens, Purchase, NY Note: Created from photographed sections of Hats Off created in 1969 by American Sculptor Alexander Calder (1898-1976).

World Photography Day 2024: 1966 Chevrolet Impala…

19 Aug 2024 95 112 306
Mamaroneck, NY

2024 Paris Olympics Abstract

21 Jul 2024 81 78 295
Created from an assortment of litter, Mamaroneck, NY. The number "2024" came from free clip art from Freep!k . The French Flag was created from a public domain image and the Olympic rings also came from a public domain image (registered with the U.S. Copyright office before 1 January 1929 by an artist who passed a way in 1925.

Church Triptych

21 May 2024 90 75 431
Church of St. Augustine (built 1928), Larchmont, NY l. Crucifix ; r. top Crucifixion Stained Glass Window ; r. bottom Mary Magdalene Stained Glass Window

Juneteenth 2024 Wall Art

27 May 2024 82 63 356
Mott, the Abolitionist by Kathrina Garcia Rupit, Larchmont, NY. Kathrina Garcia Rupit (a.k.a. KinMx) is a world renown artist (born in Tulum, Mexico) who presently resides in Dublin, Ireland. Her wall art is featured in numerous countries. This work of art was created in 2018 to honor James Mott (1788-1868), a well-known abolitionist who resided at 2137 Boston Post Road in Larchmont, NY as well as the freeing of slaves through the underground railroad, Emancipation Proclamation (1 January 1863) by President Abraham Lincoln and the great sacrifices made during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). Juneteenth named a federal holiday in the USA in 2021 marks the freeing of the last slaves when Union soldiers arrived to Galveston Bay, Texas on 19 June 1865 and Major General Gordon Granger (1821-1876) proclaimed, "The people of Texas are informed... all slaves are free!"

Stained Glass Window - St. Paul

13 May 2024 77 53 277
St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, Rye Brook, NY Stained Glass window created in 1970 featuring St. Paul, a sword and a chain to capture his life as a persecutor and then a prisoner for Christ following his conversion.

Spray Paint Abstract

02 Jun 2024 81 68 349
Art Omi, Ghent, NY Note: Created by children attending camp during the summer of 2023. left: Race Car and Amoebas; middle: Love; right: Blooming Flower Spray Paint Abstract left: Octopus, Cross and Snake; middle: Wolf and Two Suns; right: Sun, Anteater, Ant Hill ___________ Love Bus: - Ghent, NY (2 June 2024)

Butterfly Macro (HMM)

02 Jun 2024 89 68 405
Art Omi, Ghent, NY


27 May 2024 89 58 353
Olaf Breuning - Clouds , 2014 - Art Omi, Ghent, NY Forest Myers - Valledor , 1969 Robert Grosvenor - Untitled , 1968 Bernar Venet - Arcs in Disorder , 2000 Alexandre Arrechea - Orange Functional , 2022

Stained Glass Abstracts

13 May 2024 77 49 393
St. Paul Roman Catholic Church, Rye Brook, NY Abstract of a stained glass window created in 1970 with panes featuring humble prayer, a cross and Ichthys "fish."

Descent of the Holy Spirit

13 May 2024 68 60 362
Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church, Rye Brook, NY When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit ... [Acts 2:1-4] And as [Jesus] was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him... like a dove... [Luke 3:21-22] Descent of the Holy Spirit : The Holy Spirit descends upon Mary and the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday. [Third Glorious Mystery of the Rosary] To Jesus, son of Mary, We... supported him with the [H] oly [S] pirit (Ruh al-Qudus) . [Qu'ran: Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:253] …the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) was hovering over the face of the water [a] nd God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. [Torah: Bereshit (Genesis) 1:2-3]

Our Lady of Kazan

13 May 2024 65 70 423
Created from a photograph of an icon of Our Lady of Kazan , circa 1970 in Sofrino, Russia. The original icon was created in Constantinople in the 13th century and brought to Russia shortly thereafter. When the Tatars captured Kazan in 1438 the icon disappeared. It was rediscovered under the ruins of a burnt down house in 1579 by a young girl Matrona who had received messages from the Virgin Mary. This icon has a lot in common with Fátima, Portugal. Consequently, with the expansion of wars and hardening of the already rigid and unyielding positions by world leaders that reject compromise and who have discarded the concept of mutually assured destruction (coined during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870), the 13 July 1917 Fatima message to Lucia – “ When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign God gives you that He is going to punish the world… ” – remains relevant and fitting today. On 25 January 1938 an intense geomagnetic storm lit up the night sky all across Europe and could be seen as far south as Bermuda. A month later Hitler invaded Austria. Eight months later he invaded Poland and World War II was officially underway. On 11 May 2024 an intense geomagnetic storm (perhaps the most intense since record-keeping began in1932) lit up the skies across much of the world. Auroral displays could be seen all across the United States into Mexico, in the Bahamas, western Africa and as far south as Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Argentina. Could this be history repeating itself with the greater intensity warning of an even greater conflagration that leads to nuclear war? Let’s hope world leaders rediscover reason and pursue peace if we are to remain a planet of the living. In the meantime, as the Blessed Mother has repeatedly implored through the ages – La Salette, France (1846), Lourdes, France (1858), Fátima, Portugal (1917), Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1981), to name four such instances – we should pray for peace . And as we pray for peace Our Lady of Kazan can serve as a protector. Although we may not live to see that day when peoples and nations are reconciled to each other and live in peace, one day it will happen if humanity doesn’t first extinguish itself into extinction through nuclear war and consequent Armageddon.

Love Heals

18 Feb 2024 66 54 333
Newark, NJ With this being Mother's Day weekend and Newark, NJ having some of the highest crime rates especially with violent crimes, I thought the themes were fitting. May love prevail so there's no more senseless deaths and needless mourning especially among mothers who lose their children way too soon.

Tulip Abstract

01 May 2024 86 77 484
New Rochelle, NY The earth is the Lord’s… [Psalm 24:1] and it is full of [His] creations ! [Psalm 104:24] Consequently nature including the below tulip is the Lord’s canvas and the resulting abstract is in reality the work of [H] is hands [Psalm 19:1] __________________________________________

Anthropocene Artifacts

NYC Totality 2079

21 Apr 2024 93 89 458
Hypothetical depiction of the Solar Eclipse totality that will occur over New York City on 1 May 2079 for those of us who will be well over 100 or not around for this momentous event. Created from an photograph of Freedom Tower , New York, NY (taken on 10 December 2023) and totality (solar eclipse), Moose River/Jackman, ME (taken on 8 April 2024).


16 Apr 2024 75 62 339
Totality was created from a photograph I took of totality during the 8 April 2024 solar eclipse viewed in Moose River/Jackman, ME using digital effects from Paint Shop Pro ® and Smart Photo Editor ®. The moon and the sun’s corona during totality are depicted in as close to their actual colors as possible. The black color of the moon represents awe and mystery since no words or images can fully describe the experience of totality; no matter how precise scientific explanations are, a sense of intrigue remains during totality. The white color of the corona represents peace and hope as the solar eclipse allowed everyone present to forget the divisiveness and violence that plague the world. The landscape is flooded in an abundance of red representing love and joy, both attributes that are badly needed today. At the same time, the sky is filled with an abundance of tan/gray to represent unity to commemorate the large number of people who came together for a common purpose, demonstrating there is still hope for healing in this torn world. The scattered splotches of greens, blues and purples and bleaching of the trees were added to depict the Bailey’s Beads effect in which surreal shadows are cast as the moon makes its final move to eclipse the sun in totality in which the only sunlight reaching the area passes through the moon’s topographical features. The wavy section of reds in the upper right hand corner represent the very distant horizon to the north that had retained a dark orange-red color during totality because of the solar maximum during this eclipse. Last, the extruding blocks were added to represent the multi-dimensional sensory experience totality elicits when physically present.

641 items in total