William Sutherland's photos

Wall of Frames

Rockefeller Center Motifs

23 Dec 2016 44 31 433
Rockefeller Center, New York, NY [A] ll gold is but a little sand in her sight… [S] he is a breath of the power of God… unpolluted… loving… steadfast… all-powerful… a reflection of eternal light… [S] he renews all things... is more beautiful than the sun… and… against [her] evil does not prevail. [Wisdom 7:9, 22, 25-27, 29-30] For the LORD gives wisdom ; from [H] is mouth come knowledge … [Proverbs 2:6] How much better to get wisdom than gold! [Proverbs 16:16] So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom … [Psalm 90:12] Do not be conformed… be transformed… that… you may discern what is… good and acceptable and perfect. [Psalm 90:12] Note: The bottom right image was mirrored to be consistent with the top image and layout reasons.


01 Jan 2018 48 44 348
Rye, NY A negative image created from two photos taken and super imposed on each other to resemble indescribable desolation and ineffable "ice age-like" cold. The hole in the ice represents the eternal emptiness that results from loss, the footprints the indelible mark each life leaves during our existence on this Earth and the prominent naked tree represents lifelessness as the anguished and inconsolable world represented by the bent and broken reeds, is left to grieve. The tiny orbs of luminescence by the naked trees in the top left corner represent distant, departed souls that live in eternity while the reflection of the tree trunk on the thin ice represents lasting memories. May Marie-claire Gallet rest in peace and enjoy eternal life as she encounters a new spring of renewal in heaven. Your presence will be missed forever. www.ipernity.com/home/1724986

Atlas (Rockefeller Center)

23 Dec 2016 51 37 348
Rockefeller Center, New York, NY Created by Lee Lawrie. Installed 1937.

NYC Sunset

23 Dec 2016 54 42 318
New York, NY View from Rockefeller Center Observatory


23 Dec 2016 39 25 327
St. Patricks Cathedral, New York, NY And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. [A] n innumerable multitude of angels cr [ied] out… saying: “Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among [people] of goodwill…” [A] t their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder… [a] nd there were seen… [the] dead raised up… And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises… saying: “The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead…” [The Report of Pontius Pilate (c. 33-40 CE)] “When he was buried, they set guards upon him – yet while my soldiers watched him, he rose again on the third day… The soldiers… did not remain silent about what had happened. They testified that they saw him arisen.” [Paul Winter. A Letter from Pontius Pilate. Novum Testamentum. Vol. 7. Fasc. 1. (March 1964). 38.] “He appeared to them… restored to life.” [Flavius Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews. Book 18, Chapter 3,3. (c. 71 CE)]

Toronto Skyline

10 Apr 2022 52 43 389
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Linear Chaos

26 Mar 2022 46 33 355
Mamaroneck, NY


20 Mar 2022 46 41 371
Mamaroneck, NY Created from garbage and litter consisting of metal shards, plastic mats and other debris to provide a much needed smile during these challenging times of COVID and war and to honor Psalm 72:3 written c. 700-500 BCE in reference to King Solomon who brought in an era of peace and prosperity in Israel from c. 970-931 BCE - hence the title 72:3 . "Let there be peace!" [Psalm 72:3 ERV]

Relic or Timely?

03 Mar 2022 45 47 408
Larchmont, NY The basement in my building has been a "fallout" shelter since the 1950s when the specter of nuclear war was great. Although over the last few decades it appeared signs like these appeared to be relics of the past suddenly after Russia pushes on with its invasion of Ukraine, the risks of nuclear war have reached their highest level ever (higher than even the Cuban Missile crises of the 1960s) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warns, "WWIII can only be nuclear" they are appropriate and fitting for 2022. :( Pray for Peace and no World War III! Of course, this fallout shelter would be porous at best since windows could be blown in from any blasts and radiation would certainly enter through the elevator shafts.

Weep for the World :(

24 Feb 2022 60 50 374
Photo composition created from a photo of tanks taken in Moscow, USSR (now Russia) on 31 October 1991 in the aftermath of the Putsch and a statue at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, New Rochelle, NY on 3 August 2012. Tragically war has broken out, the consequence of zero sum politics and the failure to seek common ground and compromise. My prayers go out to the people of Ukraine and Russia who are the victims of this unnecessary conflict that threatens to plunge the planet into World War III if errors in judgment continue and a war that should have been avoided if only everyone had taken the time to sincerely understand the other.


29 Jan 2022 45 47 372
Mamaroneck, NY Digital Art created from a tiny sign standing in 9 inches of snow following a storm. This sign is more relevant than ever as the threat of war looms large -- World War III? My prayer is that cooler heads prevail. For that, reason and trust are needed. If President Kennedy did not want Russian missiles in Cuba during the 1960s, is it so unreasonable Russia does not want NATO on its border with missiles in Ukraine? Too bad we blew an opportunity to include Russia in NATO, which could have averted this mess, but unfortunately Russophobes won the day. :( Also, it would be nice if civility returned to the Olympics. Kamila Valieva earned her gold medal in the team event with an incredible and awe-inspiring performance and should not have it stripped to elevate teams that had inferior performances. She tested NEGATIVE during the European Championships in January and tested NEGATIVE during these Olympic games and should not have her reputation and life destroyed by geopolitics; she's a human being with feelings, dreams and aspirations like everyone else! Also, her rights were violated and so for any form of justice to prevail and to correct this wrong, she should be ruled eligible to compete based on her tests prior to and after the December test that could have been tainted or contaminated. [Update:] 14 February 2022 - the Court of Arbitration in Sport (CAS) did the right thing and cleared Valieva to compete in the Olympics.

Winter Woodland

07 Jan 2022 81 51 455
Mamaroneck, NY

Winter Reality

07 Jan 2022 43 34 414
Mamaroneck, NY

Christmas 2021: Still Merry. Still Masked.

24 Dec 2021 55 378
Larchmont, NY Note: Derivative created from a Christmas ornament and Christmas Card featuring a tree painted by Nicola Gregory (Courtesy of Image Source). The form and details of the Christmas tree in this derivative are materially dissimilar from the original. Last due to time constraints and the fact that two of my sisters, two nephews, a niece, and my sister-in-law recently tested positive thanks to Omicron within days of each other, the comment section is disabled. To all, have Merry, Blessed and Safe Christmas. Most importantly, stay well! Note: Because of this COVID situation above, I do not have the time or energy to respond to comments and therefore this feature is disabled for this photo. Please don't take it personally since it is nothing personal. The comment feature will be enabled for future photos. COVID-19 Stats - Worldometers: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries


19 Oct 2019 62 147 579
Rye, NY Created from the natural pattern found on a leaf to celebrate Native American peoples and their rich, diverse cultures. It is fitting the prominent pattern that resembles a "running deer" comes from natural origins since everything in creation is interconnected. In Native American culture, deer represent food, shelter, prosperity, clothing, continuity and the cycle of life from the “Spirit world” to the Earth and then back to the “Spirit World.” Per Native Americans deer are considered “Guardians of the Forest” which should inspire us especially during this period of climate change to rediscover our role as being guardians of the environment. The wigwam at the bottom of this abstract creation symbolizes our temporary dwelling on this planet and its lands that have been offered to provide for our needs during our transient stay. The circle represents the rising sun for new beginnings as well as equality, family ties, closeness and safety. The flowing red represents the blood that courses through our veins, which is the essence of life as well as beauty and joy. The splotches of black represent strength and prosperity while the abundance of gray represents the wisdom of simplicity and the embrace of the spiritual over the material. Finally the green represents ecological healing as well the mending that is desperately needed between red, black, white, brown and yellow in the USA. As the “Thanksgiving” holiday approaches here in the USA – an opportunity to take pause in our lives and reflect on God’s providence, Americans must also recognize it is an intensely painful and disheartening day for many Native Americans. Aside from the Plymouth Rock narrative, many of the original colonists gave “thanks” to celebrate the horrific plague that decimated Indigenous communities with the depraved view that God had “cleared the lands” for them. At another time, some also held a “thanksgiving” ceremony to celebrate the success of the 1637 atrocity they committed in Mystic, CT when they slaughtered 400+ Pequot peoples (overwhelmingly women and children since most of the warriors had been away at the time) – America’s first act of genocide that left only a dozen or so survivors with many sold into slavery. Finally, may government leaders do the right thing and recognize the Eastern Pequots as a tribe since they are DNA descendants of these dozen or so survivors. Their continued failure perpetuates this first genocide and the pain felt in Indigenous communities. Also by coincidence, my timing could not have been better. Since 2009, November is observed as National Native American Heritage Month in the USA to celebrate the contributions and culture of our indigenous peoples. :)

Rustic Autumn

01 Oct 2021 76 82 588
Eugene & Agnes Meyer Nature Preserve, Armonk, NY

Autumn Love

01 Oct 2021 57 51 447
Betsy Sluder Nature Preserve, Armonk, NY

642 items in total