William Sutherland's favorite photos

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Der Mohlenhof...

Dampflok, Hornby, Made in England, 1950s

Grandson’s 6th Birthday Cake - will he score - 14…

The other goldfinch

Am Großen St. Bernhard - HFW

Biochemistry Building, Oxford

Wrack im Hafen von Paleochora

Columnas de la Alhóndiga de Bilbao. Azkuna Zentroa

After the War - HWW

Penguins on the wall

Colombe-Blanche-Sans-Soutif est le nom de cette jo…

Alte Schraube - Hamburg

Wissous (91) Novembre 1967. L'A6 vue en direction…

Iceland, Road F208 close to Stútur Crater

Schwebfliege an Cosmea... ©UdoSm

Botanischer Garten Basel

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