William Sutherland's photos


09 Jun 2019 59 83 774
Mamaroneck, NY Note: I created this image using discarded garbage that consisted of broken glass, broken glass, a pair of spoons and other debris. I created the title since the two spoons represent the fatigue and mental anguish we can experience during trying times symbolized by the chaos of the broken plastic and glass, and selected the main rouge/red color to represent humanity, life, renewal and most importantly love. The circle represents continuity and the eternal nature of life while the white colors of the broken glass bits represent light and goodness. The fact we are all saved through universal salvation – goodness to be celebrated since the darkness of death cannot keep us within its grasp is sufficient reason to rejoice represented by the tiny happy face.


18 Sep 2019 87 79 837
New York, NY Note: Vessel consisting of “154… interconnecting flights of stairs,” 2,500 individual steps and 80 landings was created by British designer Thomas Heatherwick (b. 1970) as the centerpiece of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project on the west side of Manhattan. Construction began in April 2017. Vessel , an interactive honeycomb-like work of art opened to the public on 15 March 2019. [1] [1] Hudson YardsTM New York. 19 September 2019. www.hudsonyardsnewyork.com/discover/vessel Additional Source: Vessel (structure) Wikipedia. 5 September 2019. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vessel_(structure) ____________________ Entrance (l.) and Views from the Interior (r.) View inside Vessel (l.) and Street Views from the top of Vessel

The Cup of Life

20 Dec 2013 62 64 710
St. Paul's Chapel, New York, NY Note: Created by Jessica Stammen. The base is made of steel from the fallen World Trade Center. To me, in conjunction with Jeremiah 2 9:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” , this chalice has special meaning since it symbolizes God's love and His protection of my life represented by holding it in within His loving hands. www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727442

Green-Spotted Triangle Butterfly

09 Jul 2016 99 89 1000
Butterfly Conservatory, Niagara, Ontario, Canada Note: The Green-Spotted Triangle Butterfly ( Graphium agamemnon ) is a common species of butterfly native to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and much of southeast Asia as well as Australia. I uploaded this photograph since green is so relevant on 9/11 since it symbolizes life and renewal. America certainly needs renewal at this time as society is torn apart. Article: Post 9/11 Requiem? www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727366

The Preciousness of Life

25 Oct 2015 81 71 928
New Rochelle, NY Note: Featuring a statue of Buddha and a Ladybug that represents the preciousness of life, all of which is intrinsically priceless, unique and special. Because of this, the ladybug is represented in color within a heart that symbolizes the love we ought to have for life. Associated Article: Even a Bug's Life Matters -- www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727304


14 Jun 2010 81 82 678
Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas Note: It is reassuring to hear Atlantis Resort was not seriously impacted by Cat 5 Hurricane Dorian and her 185 MPH winds and the property, marine life (including the "Katrina" dolphins), staff and visitors are okay. I posted this photo to show solidarity with the people of the Bahamas as they endure this record strength Atlantic hurricane.

Cubed Curve

04 Jan 2015 71 85 1041
New York, NY Info: Cubed Curve , a work of modern contemporary art was created by American sculptor and painter William Crovello (b. 1929) and placed outside the Time-Life Building at 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY in 1972 after being commissioned by the Association for a Better New York. It stood there until October 2018 when donated and transferred to Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA. Per the press release by Ursinus College, Cubed Curve , a large blue geometric metallic sculpture that weighs 3,500 pounds and “consists of [a] formed, bent and welded stainless steel plate that measures 144 inches high by 48 inches long” was inspired by a “brushstroke” motion and is a “seminal example of the artist’s skill in silhouetting open and closed spaces in three-dimensional form.” [1] ________ [1] Iconic New York City Sculpture Has New Home in Collegeville. Ursinus College. 17 October 2018. www.ursinus.edu/live/news/3112-iconic-new-york-city-sculpture-has-new-home-in Additional Sources: Berman Museum at Ursinus College receives iconic public sculpture from New York City. Artdaily.com. 23 October 2018. artdaily.com/news/108568/Berman-Museum-at-Ursinus-College-receives-iconic-public-sculpture-from-New-York-City#.XWB3nflKjIU biography of William CROVELLO (1929). Artprice.com. 23 August 2019. www.artprice.com/artist/150644/william-crovello/biography


25 May 2014 70 69 658
Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY Note: This high-key photograph depicts Unisphere , the iconic stainless steel globe built by U.S. Steel for the 1964-65 World’s Fair held in Queens, NY. Unisphere represents the Earth, the World’s Fair theme – “Peace through Understanding” [1] in a globally interdependent world, that a half century later is even more dependant on each other with the presence of the Internet, abundance of multi-national corporations and real-time communication to every corner on the planet thanks to satellite technology. Unisphere was dedicated to human achievement highlighted by the reality we live in a “shrinking” world “in an expanding universe” made possible by it. The three rings represent Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s 1961 orbit, American astronaut John Glenn’s 1962 orbit and the 1962 launch of the 70 lb Telstar communications satellite that was conceived and built through American, British and French collaboration and responsible for the first live trans-Atlantic TV broadcast. [2] In today’s 21st century world, the planet has shrunk even more because of population growth and technological evolution. Because of this, our limits in the universe have grown exponentially. Yet, challenges relevant back to 1964-65 persist when it comes to racial, gender inequality and social inequality, the elusiveness of world peace and continued challenges of clean water shortages, immense pollution problem especially of non-biodegradable plastics, hunger and disease. To address these challenges as well as that of climate change and the protection and respect for life, it is more important than ever peoples and nations put aside their differences, make just peace with each other and work together to address them, in which the latter must include consistent and uniform standards for all (developed and developing countries alike) if we are ever to succeed and put the one human race, comprised of billions of precious, indispensable individual lives that are as it is far too short, fragile and fleeting in nature, first. I chose a perspective that included a high-key tree line to reflect the infallible reality, we live in an interconnected world that is ecologically interdependent on each other as well as our need to address climate change whether one agrees it is human-caused or cyclical in nature. As Unisphere rises above the tree line in my photograph, we too have risen from the Earth’s dirt and until we can expand our horizons to other habitable planets in the universe remain completely ecologically dependant on our planet. Thus, if nothing is done to address our planetary challenges, we along with our architecture and technology, will crumble into extinction leaving an empty, desolate and lifeless planetary legacy for others to discover millennia in the future – that’s if anything remains. ____ [1] Flushing Meadows Corona Park. . NYC Parks. 18 August 2019. www.nycgovparks.org/parks/flushing-meadows-corona-park/highlights/12712 [2] Unisphere . Wikipedia. 14 August 2019. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unisphere Additional Source: Suzanne Deffree. Telstar I makes live trans-Atlantic TV broadcast, July 23, 1962. EDN Network. 23 July 2019. www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4390874/Telstar-1-makes-1st-live-trans-Atlantic-TV-broadcast--July-23--1962

General Sherman and Nike

01 Jan 2017 68 77 638
New York, NY Note: The statues feature Nike, the goddess of victory leading General William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891), a highly successful, victorious military leader during the American Civil War (1861-1865) was designed and cast by American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907) in 1902. It stands just outside Central Park in Grand Army Plaza in Manhattan. Augustus Saint-Gaudens also designed the allegorical Liberty featured on U.S. double eagle $20 gold coins minted from 1907-1933.


07 Aug 2019 66 68 739
Marble Sculpture by French artist François Auguste René Rodin (1840-1917), c. 1903, Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville, FL. Note: “This sculpture depicts a dramatic moment from Greek mythology when one of the Danaids, the daughters of Danaos, collapses in despair… after being punished with the endless task of filling a bottomless barrel with water.” [1] After Aegyptus had seized the Egyptian throne from his twin brother Danaos, the latter agreed to betroth his 50 daughters to the former’s 50 sons for the sake of peace. However, instead of keeping with the agreement, Danaos fled with his daughters to Argos where the people made him king believing they had been sent by the gods because of his daughters’ indescribable beauty. Under his rule, Argos experienced an era of “peace and prosperity” [2] that was threatened when Aegyptus and his sons arrived upon learning Danaos and his daughters were there. Danaos in no position to wage war accepted Aegyptus’ terms to honor the agreement but warned him, “[a] t thine own peril touch them! ” to which Aegyptus responded – “[t] he prey is mine, unless force rend it from me. ” [3] Peace! For what Fate hath ordained will surely not tarry but come… Wide is the counsel of Zeus… Only I pray that whate’er, in the end, of this wedlock he doom…” [4] Consequently, Danaos who did not want his daughters despoiled by Aegyptus’ sons, lamented his decision and instructed them to kill their husbands after marrying them: “Bring down the curse of death, that dieth not…” [5] He provided each with a dagger to accomplish the task, to which they agreed if there was no other way: “Artemis, maiden most pure, look on us with… pity – Save us from forced embraces: such love hath no crown but… pain... Great Zeus, this wedlock turn from me… hold from my body the wedlock detested, the bridegroom abhorred!” [6] Accordingly, as their husbands slept on their wedding night, each of Danaos’ daughters having resolved – “Come what come may, ‘tis Fate’s decree…” [7] – when their prayers went unanswered, with the exception of Hypermnestra (who spared her husband Lynceus because “he had respected her virginity” [8] ) killed them according to plan. They then disposed of their husbands’ heads in a Lernaean marsh and buried their bodies in separate graves. To express the “emotional anguish” of the eternal punishment allotted to 49 of the Danaids, Rodin depicted one of the Danaids lying “huddled on the ground” filled with “physical contortions.” [9] She heaved from an outburst of violent weeping as she protested her fate and prayed for mercy upon learning of her punishment: “The exile that leaveth me pure… the doom is hard!” [10] _____ [1] Exhibit Display Tag. Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. Jacksonville, FL. 9 July 2019. [2] The Danaides. Paleothea. 28 January 2004. www.paleothea.com/Myths/Danaides.html [3] Aeschylus. The Suppliants. 463 BC. classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/suppliant.html [4] Aeschylus. The Suppliants. 463 BC. classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/suppliant.html [5] Aeschylus. The Suppliants. 463 BC. classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/suppliant.html [6] Aeschylus. The Suppliants. 463 BC. classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/suppliant.html [7] Aeschylus. The Suppliants. 463 BC. classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/suppliant.html [8] Danaids. Greek Mythology Link. 1997. www.maicar.com/GML/DANAIDS.html [9] Exhibit Display Tag. Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. Jacksonville, FL. 9 July 2019. [10] Aeschylus. The Suppliants. 463 BC. classics.mit.edu/Aeschylus/suppliant.html Additional Sources: Campbell Bonner. A Study of the Danaid Myth. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Vol. 13. 1902. 132. www.jstor.org/stable/310344?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Madeline Miller. Myth of the Week: The Danaids. February 2018. madelinemiller.com/myth-of-the-week-the-danaids

Section of Limestone Relief of Ramses II, c. 1280…

09 Jul 2019 47 50 594
Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville, FL. Info: Ramses II (1304 BC-1213 BC), also known as Ramses “The Great” ruled Egypt as a noble and great Pharaoh for 66 years and 2 months. Consistent with Egyptian polytheistic religious beliefs of the day, Ramses II was a strong advocate of Maat – “the rightful order of the universe established by the gods… that was crucial to human life and included [concepts] of truth, justice (focused on “increase[ing] life… prosperity and happiness” [1] ) and [tolerance].” [2] Consequently, women were permitted to participate in government and even “the humblest workers could seek redress at the highest court if they felt they were being treated unjustly.” [3] His reign marked the height of Egypt’s glory and power, in which he built more temples, monuments and statues than any other pharaoh. Following the Battle of Kadesh Ramses II played a leading role in crafting the world’s first peace treaty that established friendship and trade with the Hittites and led to the repatriation of political refugees. Despite claims, there is no historical evidence Ramses II was the pharaoh referred to in Exodus. Instead evidence indicates Thutmoses III (1481 BC-1425 BC) was likely the pharaoh during the plagues and Hebrew escape from Egypt led by Moses or perhaps Thutmoses II (1510 BC-1479 BC), based on “the fact he had a brief, prosperous reign and then a sudden collapse with no son to succeed him” and the presence of cysts on his mummified body, “possible evidence of plagues...” [4] Last, even though Ramses II had more than 200 wives and concubines, with marriage being a routine matter of civil law during his era, his genuine love for his first wife, Nefertari, whom he married just before becoming pharaoh is well known. He often addressed her as “Sweet of Love” and “My beloved.” When she died circa 1255 BC, he had the most beautiful tomb created for her – often referred to as the “Sistine Chapel of Ancient Egypt” and had written in it, “… no one can rival her, for she is the most beautiful woman. Just by passing, she has stolen away my heart.” [5] __________ [1] Anna Mancini. Maat Revealed: Philosophy of Justice in Ancient Egypt. Buenos Books America. 2004. 79. [2] Egypt’s Golden Empire: Religion. PBS.org. 2006. www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/newkingdom/religion.html [3] Alex Warren. Ramses II. New Acropolis International Organization. 8 August 2014. library.acropolis.org/ramses-ii [4] Thutmose II Wikipedia. 31 May 2019. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thutmose_II [5] Ajadi. Ramses II and Nefertari: The Real African Love Story is the Everyday Valentine You Should Celebrate. Ohafrika. 2017. face2faceafrica.com/article/this-real-african-love-story-is-the-everyday-valentine-you-should-celebrate Additional Sources: Joshua J. Mark. Ramesses II. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 02 Sep 2009. Web. 31 Jul 2019. www.ancient.eu/Ramesses_II Thutmoses III Pharaoh of Exodus. 2 August 2019. www.bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-exodus-date-1440bc.htm

Jacksonville, FL IR Diptych

09 Jul 2019 69 82 734
Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, Jacksonville, FL Note: l. Diana of the Hunt sculpted by Anna Hyatt Huntington (1876-1973) depicts the Roman goddess of women and patroness of the hunt. The “lithe figure of the goddess stretches upward after shooting an arrow toward her celestial attribute, the moon.” [1] r. Palm trees and a flowering bush. [1] Diana of the Hunt. Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. 27 July 2019. gardens.cummermuseum.org/diana-of-the-hunt

Ponte Vedra Beach IR

21 Jul 2019 91 82 1092
Jacksonville, FL Note: Beach landscape and Seagull photographed on July 7, 2019; Shells photographed on July 8, 2019 Above the Clouds , Photographed over New Jersey on July 7, 2019

Summer Sun

15 Jun 2019 85 125 1520
Mamaroneck, NY Note: Summer sun was created from randomly discarded garbage. Other than the face, red and white disks, and spacer ring, the metal spikes and wire were in photographed as they were found since they had the “perfect” random pattern. The brilliant red disk represents the hot summer sun that can be downright scorching at times. The digital splattered paint adds to the abstract nature of the composition and creates the appearance of clouds ineffectively shrouding out part of the summer sun. It is the focal point since the sun is what defines the summer season. The large disk and spacer ring represent continuity since summer is part of the continuous cycle of seasons. The wire heat distortions in air patterns while the spikes symbolize the randomness of each summer such that each summer is unique. The colors and textures represent the land and water that encompass the Earth. The smiling face represents the joy of everyone who enjoys this season – sailing, sunbathing, swimming, or even watching summer sports such as baseball.

In Solidarity

15 Mar 2019 83 96 973
Created utilizing free clipart, public domain clipart and the mosque outline image purchased from Shutterstock. The ribbon heart symbolizing love between peoples of different faiths -- all children of the same, one God as well as God's eternal love for all of us, regardless of our faith, was added since it resembles Arabic calligraphy with its distinct, rich, cursive form. The Arabic statement directly under the mosque's outline reads: "We are one with God!" A cross and Star of David were imposed on the mosque's minaret to symbolize religious unity which I am a strong believer in and hope one day will be achieved. I also avoided the use of color so as not to distract from the distinct message and used simplicity since simplicity can often be equated with beauty. Last but not least, I condemn this barbaric unspeakable act of evil in the strongest of terms and pray for the innocent victims and their families.

Ocean Spray

09 Feb 2019 99 142 1267
Mamaroneck, NY Note: The various shades of blue represent the color of the ocean. The shapes represent ocean flora are are depicted in the colors of seaweed so that the presence of life often not seen can stand out. The circle representing continuity is vibrant so the message is clear that it is imperative we protect the world's ecosystems and their rich, diverse abundance of life. The vertical lines represent the world's coasts that can be found in the north, south, east and west while the curve on the right represents an incoming wave and the white-gray section that encompasses the "incoming wave" as well as the jagged white-gray areas on the bottom represent the ocean spray and foam that is generated by the energy of each incoming wave. The smiling face represents happiness when a homeostatic balance is maintained in the oceans around the world such that all forms of life, plant and animal alike, from the largest whales to the smallest of microorganisms, can flourish.

Valentine's Day Love

27 Jan 2019 79 76 1093
Mamaroneck, NY Note: This image was created using vibrant red colors, and garbage featuring hearts. Each piece of garbage featuring a heart was replicated so that no heart is solitary and alone since love relies on another to love. The numerous spacer rings represent eternal love and the face represents happiness since when there is true love, happiness is perfected and blissful. Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Silent Slaughter

03 Feb 2019 75 79 794
Larchmont, NY Note: This photo was edited to appear depressing, grimy, and as ugly as possible with the exception of the teddy bear since this is the mood when playgrounds are empty because children who by right should have been born, were not. I created this photo composition to protest passage of the Reproductive Healthcare Act in New York since unborn infants are no longer protected in the third trimester. Abortions can now be performed in New York up to the point of birth. Worse yet, Governor Northam of Virginia believes in post-birth abortions in which a baby's life can be terminated after birth. Actually, even though politicians here in NY won't admit it, this may already be the case since abortion clinics have no obligation to document any live births or measures taken to save these babies. Thus they can kill them with impunity while the official record will indicate no such birth ever occurred! This should be a concern for everyone since it has nothing to do with protecting a woman's health. The question is, now that abortions can be performed up to the moment of birth in New York, Va. Governor Northam proposes post-birth abortions, where will it end? Will people of faith and those who simply disagree with the so-called "Progressive" agenda or dare be different eventually also be fair game for their lives to be terminated? Is the world per se laying the foundation for another round of genocide? This was the motivation for the below poem: Abortion’s Babies Blessed are the persecuted… for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [1] – The spirit of Herod lives – innocents are slaughtered without remorse or concern – Genocidal crimes against woman and child and all of humankind alike. In New York, they lit Freedom Tower in pink to celebrate passage of the Reproductive Healthcare Act – a wolf in sheep’s clothing, infanticide in disguise, A Nazi inspiration – It might as well have been blood red for the three thousand victims of September 11th murdered at the site and the thousands of infants massacred daily By a callous world that mocks the limitless potential And precious worth of each and every unborn life. Through no fault or choice of their own, like Christ himself, They are despised and forsaken… pierced and crushed [2] – They are crucified by a cruel, uncaring and sick world – They are innocent sheep led to the slaughter in a silent, unseen Holocaust – What have I done to you? How have I offended you? [3] Their soft whimpers and cries go unheard by closed, indifferent ears, As stone frozen hearts, antithetical to love, are unmoved By their undeserved horrific plight. Isaiah’s prophetic words resound loudly in this lost, depraved world – Evil is good and good is evil, darkness is light and light is darkness! [4] Human sacrifice lives! The blood of innocent infants is offered daily To satisfy evil’s unquenchable, monstrous craving – we are Satan’s slaves! They say it is about women’s rights and her body, but what about the rights of the baby? What about the baby’s body? Does anyone care in this apathetic twisted world? In reality, this daily slaughter is a heinous deed, not to protect the future As the wicked proclaim – For playgrounds lie empty as still swings drift limply in the melancholy breeze, Cribs remain deathly quiet and nurseries are but joyless expanses – Mournful testaments to an extinguished future that could have been. When will these blood offerings end and the world be free of evil’s oppressive yoke? Will cold hearts ever warm to love, closed minds accept wisdom’s consoling embrace And blind eyes rediscover light, goodness and hope So we, a pitiful planet may find our way and salvage the future? One can only hope and pray for it cannot happen soon enough, But without God, it simply will not! © 2019 ____________ [1] Matthew 5:10 [2] Isaiah 53 [3] Good Friday Reproaches (Improperia) [4] Inspired by Isaiah 5:20 Created from purchased images from Shutterstock.com. What if... What if Mary had allowed herself to be ruled by fear and had allowed social standards to influence her decision-making? What if Mary out of shame – since virgins simply do not conceive or give birth under conventional wisdom – had chosen to have an abortion so the world would judge her favorably? There would be no joy in the world and the crèche would lie empty. There would be no guiding star and no three kings – just the grim reaper. Angelic choirs would sing mournful funeral hymns, while she without a doubt would weep with regret as salvation fled the Earth, darkness extinguished the last remnant of light and death ruled for eternity. Abortion's Nativity created from purchased images from Shutterstock.com and public domain images from openclipart.org.

641 items in total