William Sutherland's photos

Garbage Abstract

03 Dec 2017 78 71 1503
Mamaroneck, NY

Autumn Lotus (Infrared)

16 Nov 2017 98 115 1605
New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY

Moody November Day

08 Nov 2017 101 99 1721
Weinberg Nature Center, Scarsdale, NY

Sunflower Still Life

15 Oct 2017 93 105 1709
Mamaroneck, NY Note: With October 2017 on pace to become the warmest October on record in New York City and its metro area, the sunflowers and summer colors are fitting. At the same time, this is one of the better years for Monarch butterfly migration. I counted 1351 Monarch Butterflies over a 7 hour period. The late and heaviest migration here since 1978 is due to the unusually warm weather and the fact that Hurricanes Jose and Maria lingered off the East coast for weeks disrupting and delaying bird and butterfly migration for between one to four weeks. With Monarch Butterflies still being reported in Toronto, the migration could still last another one to two weeks extending into November. At the same time, with Verizon beginning to dismantle Flickr -- first the removal of stats, now the discontinuation of photo book and wall art options -- Borischa Krautmo wrote a great article, How free is a free site that illustrates why it is more important than ever that sites like Ipernity are run by the members who are interested in promoting our passion rather than commercialization or bottom line results. Borischa's great article can be read at: www.ipernity.com/blog/b_k/4681430

Sleepy Hollow

13 Oct 2017 76 99 1467
Sleepy Hollow, NY …[T]he place still continues under the sway of some witching power. …[G]ood people… are subject to trances and visions, and frequently see strange sights, and hear music and voices in the air. …[T]he Headless Horseman… patrolling the country; and, it was said, tethered his horse nightly among the graves in the churchyard. Washington Irving (1783-1859) Though modernity seems to have pushed the supernatural aside, telltale signs still emerge in an around the original churchyard. Leaves are bleached by white mold and gravestones are encrusted by an eerie array of lichens. At the same time, a perturbing quiet still lingers around the Headless Horseman’s stream and its dense foliage that hides evil’s presence. Note: Headless Horseman image with Pumpkin captured from a t-shirt hanging on display in Sleepy Hollow.

Happy Friday the 13th!

13 Oct 2017 88 89 1536
Created using free, public domain clip art and effects from Smart Photo Editor.

Autumn Colors 2017

01 Oct 2017 107 101 1799
Pryer Manor, New Rochelle and Larchmont, NY

Summer Splash

13 Aug 2017 80 75 1612
Mamaroneck, NY With the return of Summer-like temperatures and today's (24 September 2017) forecast for NY at 92° F / 33.3° C, I thought it is appropriate to put up a summer-like "garbage" abstract.

Yellow Vibrance

11 Mar 2017 113 130 2336
Mamaroneck, NY Crowdfunding for Ipernity – 100% towards goal. Thank you!


05 Feb 2017 106 129 2326
Mamaroneck, NY


28 Jan 2017 123 110 2230
Mamaroneck, NY

New Beginning

20 Jan 2017 106 130 2222
Photos taken on January 1, 2017 and December 23, 2016, respectively in New York, NY. Collage created: January 20, 2017 They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. [Isaiah 2:4]

New Year's Day Vibrance

01 Jan 2017 100 100 1780
Times Square, New York, NY Note: Created using New Year's Day items, confetti and other litter found in Times Square before sanitation crews cleaned it up after the night of celebrations. The colorful confetti was released from rooftops of the skyscrapers in and around Times Square when the ball dropped, the clock struck midnight and fire works were unleashed. This confetti initially covered the streets in and around Times Square and even blew into Central Park located approximately 20 blocks north of Times Square. The confetti looked especially vibrant in the early morning sunlight.

Holiday Cheer

23 Dec 2016 87 102 1931
New York, NY

The Nativity: A Different View

21 Dec 2016 105 119 2093
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with Happiness, Prosperity, Good Health, Happiness and Peace. Created using free online clipart and images purchased from Shutterstock to incorporate elements of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Taoism for the promotion of religious tolerance. I also included the universal symbol of peace in one of the snowflakes since when religion truly serves God there can be nothing but world peace and a heart since God is Love [1 John 4:8] and the Word was made incarnate during the nativity as an expression of His boundless unconditional love for each and every work of His creation.

Olympic Victory

23 Oct 2016 104 113 2031
Mamaroneck, NY To me there is nothing purer in sports than the Olympics that bring the world together for two weeks every two years alternating between the best in winter and summer sports. It is my hope that "clean" athletes receive all the honors and when cheating is discovered, those imposters are stripped of their medals which the IOC unlike many major sports organizations seems to be doing an effective job. Last, I hope that Olympic Victory can turn into "Ipernity Victory." Then the smile of this photo will be contagious.

Old World

26 Nov 2016 135 145 2623
Mamaroneck, NY

Garbage Gallery

06 Nov 2016 98 116 1853
Mamaroneck, NY

641 items in total