goandgo's favorite articles

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  • Madeira sky - Céu da Madeira

    Madeira Island (5)
    I draw gliding clouds in Madeira's sky at night they pile up spilled waters soon return to the sea at gallop on streams. Fresh waters run liquid rumours of mountain pulsate in my body's arteries. I release the words through my last wind of useless passion flag's life pleasure on smiling lips. I want the silence picks me up by surprise in the tumultuous words' running at gallop on s…

  • I wonder...

    ...what has happened to Nicklas 'Nifflas' Nygren (?) Something like ten years ago I was a big fan of his computer games Within A Deep Forest and Knytt . And one important reason were the ambient soundscapes on those games. It was a great pleasure to play the games even just for the music. Nifflas also had his own web site, where he generously shared his music and other stuff. But disappearance of his web site made me wonder if he has totally given up with computer games and music. L…

  • In the city - Na cidade

    I run cause you run but I depart cause you stay full of hopes at the schism stop. We were riding on the social dynamics from the reverse of your right interior to the right of my left exterior and all and everything aferwards. Right now I remember the slow political magnetism theory degenerating into an obelisk of stone monumental of incapability in the city and time when the soul was too small. Right now…

  • Being's Liturgy - Liturgia do Ser

    Madeira Island (1)
    God gangrenes my memory of words and facts for the being's liturgy. Dream's beauty the music and perfume illusion of the rejuvenated island by rain the eternal within us doubtful it lengthens the life we are dying love must be recorded on anger texts for God's memory. Deus gangrena-me a memória das palavras e dos actos para a liturgia do ser. A beleza dos sonhos a música o perfume a…

  • Bird of prey - Ave de rapina

    The World Under My Feet
    From my hermetic and decadent flight from my bird of prey glide I know the parachutist technique to land in a moment. Do meu hermético e decadente voo do meu planar de ave de rapina sei a técnica do pára-quedista para chegar ao solo num instante. by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO ", Ceres Editora, 1994 (post 1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2020, 4th edition, 2024)

  • Petit Mot d'Ami - Palavra de Amigo (email lettre - carta, de Lionel Deyna)

    Talking of Poets
    Je t'aime beaucoup mon ami Armando , toi et ta Poésie. J'ai souvent le sentiment de bien te comprendre (malgré la langue!!) et ta propre poésie fait beaucoup de bien à la mienne. Tu sais, je ne crois pas que nos poèmes racontent nos vies mais...la vie, les questions des hommes devant l'amour, la nature et devant Dieu bien sur...l'infini et le fini. C'est pour cela qu'on nous aime parfois et nous deteste aussi parfois!: comme tu dis, "l'inquiètude". C'est encore plus fort que l'angoisse car l'an…

  • Swimming-pool - Piscina

    Amphibious Birds Fly Indefinite Black Dots
    I went to the swimming-pool it was raining I came back it still rains so the hotter season of the year is also the more benign and me as a go-between within two showers. I fill myself of the metallic-grey landscape agony where amphibious birds fly indefinite black dots and disintegrate themselves into the magnetic field that blinds. I close my eyes and think of what I write because what I live is too little ordinary a…

  • Fire update

    The fires in Australia are still catastrophic. Some have been burning since September. So far the estimate is that ONE BILLION animals have been killed, 24 people have died, and 2000 houses, plus farms, farm buildings, vehicles have been destroyed. And an area the size of the country of Ireland has been totally ravaged. The fire fronts and locations are many, but what is unique is the size and intense ferocity of these blazes, unlike any before. And it is heartbreaking to see the animals which a…

  • Monday - Segunda-Feira

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XXXIII, Mic Editors & Authors, May, 2002
    Monday Monday is a nice day to start again to describe anything that hides the sun a tree a house a polluted river a son of a bitch a foolish a piece of pain at full gallop on the road so the sun disintegrates in light not to hurt the eyes sarcasm of clouds enough heat to life heroin in the blood of addicts Monday or Tuesday…

  • Silence - Silêncio

    POETÂNEA 5, Edition by the Authors, 2006 September
    SILENCE One can hear a far off outcry closer silence increases from the immediate silence it doesn't matter if the sound is universal lament or God's roar upon imperfect landscape or Valkyries' gallop into the bohemian dawn the outcry doesn't justify the distance from where it comes perishable deteriorates in silence.…


    In fact I tell you the truth an intense light from nuclear explosion still guides the Magic Kings of the night in the way to the crib of dreams that often dye in the manger cradle. (to read the Portuguese version click on the picture) En vérité je vous dis vraiment qu'une lumière intense d'explosion nucléaire oriente encore les Rois Mages de la nuit au chemin de la crèche de rêves qui meurent fréquemment dans la mangeoire berceau. by Armando TABORDA,…

  • Next Soul - Próxima Alma

    Everyday there are incoming new souls
    I have time to disintegrate in pieces of myself thought's implosion or from the life? W hatever the wind scattered cells unity remains destroyed thought gets lost and body as well waiting for the next incomig soul . Tenho tempo para me desintegrar em pedaços de mim implosão do pensamento ou da vida? Sejam quais forem as célula…

  • Two in morning - Duas da manhã

    The Melody of Silence (illustration)
    Two in morning it's time to face my night´s remains shadows combine with the light coming up from the avenue into the room where I am seated sometimes one or another noise passes through double-glasses windows this is my sound-proofing solitude there is no background music and consequently there will stay the melody of silence rocking my night's remains.…

  • In the space's cradle - No berço do espaço

    Space Sleep
    I wait the mildness of a quite night for my pain fall asleep in the space's cradle I may yawn before an opera of stars the music is always the same celestial chorus dumb virtual the space immense fits light-years of distance and my pain strident real so small that fits inside me waits the mildness of a quite night to fall asleep in the space's cradle. Espero a brandura de uma noite c…

  • Raining - Chuva

    Rainy Wall
    Eyes of wet rain face of frozen wind body of lost soul at the price o rain in the wind's taste. Olhos de chuva molhados rosto de vento gelado corpo de alma perdido ao preço da chuva ao sabor do vento. by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994 (post 1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2019)


    Cold tears persistent diamonds or opala that runs on veins masses and nodules glide on the windowpane and get lost in the oblivion ditch I look and see flowers girls at window whiskey books and I think reality that temps and moves us isn't always the one that's within our reach Lágrimas frias persistentes diamantes ou opala que corre em veios massas e nódulos deslizam na vidraça e perdem-se na valeta do esquecimento Olho e vejo flores meninas à janela u…


    Light leaves weak shadows badly drawn on the walls rain falls poorly but there will be a heavy shower by mid-afternoon workers on the scaffolding of the opposite building gather at the works dockyard cars slow down the avenue windshield wipers oscillating no pedestrians on sidewalks just open umbrellas that hurry in my living room comfort I'm electrocuted by a mettalic gray sky that doesn't kill but blinds stunned I blink the melancholy of the day and record in this petty t…

  • Day of Dead - Dia dos Mortos

    Day of the Dead
    It rains the Day of Dead is there the memory we keep of them becomes more liquid in this humid apathy at cemeteries flowers will stay exuberant for longer. Chove o Dia dos Mortos está aí a memória que deles temos fica mais líquida nesta apatia húmida nos cemitérios as flores ficarão viçosas por mais tempo. by Armando TABORDA, 2012 (post 1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2019; 4th edition, 2021)

  • Simple vibration - Simples vibração

    When Convictions Die
    I believe in life interpreted from one thing to another more than simple vibration necessity dissatisfied desire halo not from saint charisma but sound light colour mystery. I believe and currently I want the great ball of needs with an eccentric smile as an axis. I believe and I want to feel that is enough my confidence on your morphology attentive part of me when the paradox is that you see at the mirror your adult's conscience and independent body's beauty and everything cause you ha…

  • Mineral mutation - Mutação mineral

    Slow Mineralization
    In the long night veins nerves muscles scars and other tissues throb on me spontaneous sperm like a water spring drop by drop oozed on a stone's abdomen. Petrified in granite I shine quartz crystals will-o'-the-wisp over the sleep tomb where I bury myself. Adequately I get older through the mineral mutation to the ether where I float serene in a ship of light' smile as if the slow mineralization of my body was etern…

152 articles in total