goandgo's favorite articles

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  • Great Moments - Grandes Momentos

    Blood Vessels Coming Up from the Opical Nerve
    Your humid eyes are reflected at the misted mirror by dawn they want to say something maybe to blaspheme to cry the sad rhapsody they watch willing to close tired. You travel through yourself undecided between gesture and immobility. Ritually you move an arm solemn. Your life is full of great moments like this. Teus olhos húmidos reflectem-se…

  • Text fascination - O fascínio do texto

    Walking on Words
    We are fascinated by the text cause it uses and abuses of lying words over which we walk in our insomnia's track. The word is an artifice and the text a light beam that sometimes burn and engrave the brief moment by fire while we feel the things absence the insomnia ever the fear of seeing ourselves cutting off roots . O texto fascina-nos porque usa e abusa das palavras…

  • Boring Saturday - Sábado Chato

    A Boring Saturday
    A boring saturday is a boring day. God Save the Queen! Who is able to save the common people' saturday? Neither this nor that cause the "Blood Sweat and Tears" sounds without justify the blood sweat and tears dripping down our revered and vibrant listener bodies. An idea is born grow up die purified by anarchic drizzle falling down out of the window over the horizon nightfall of building backyards with cloths drying up in balconies and the wind wrapping them beating the…

  • I Get Lost - Ando Perdido

    The Alley Rest Of  My Body
    I get lost in crossed ways complex deflections infinite trails I don't go back nor get away from the future of uncertain ways complex fears infinite dreams. Determined I carry on and stumble I fall to the ground and become moribund herald of incoming time my face drowns into the shadow and the sun at the back of my image empty of soul in crossed ways complex deflections infinite trails illuminates the alley where rests my body. Ando perdido…

  • Land tired of rain - Terra cansada de chuva

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XL, Mic Editors & Authors, June, 2005
    LAND TIRED OF RAIN It's not true my brain´s dullness and I growing old. Land tired of rain sun crop pasture forest fire Man regenerates wild flower heather thicket wind's blow flight of bird forest' sprout. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the picture)…

  • My City - Minha Cidade

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XXXVII, Mic Editors & Authors, June, 2004
    MY CITY From my building's top I blink Lisboa's roofs reticent and washed red colour warns me on coming clouds saturated of rain that falls down and carries my eyes sailing liquid tiles till the tears' swirl spills over the obstructed gutter. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) (text illustrated by FernandoGrade) www.ipernity.com/blog/armando.taborda/…

  • Dialectics of Being - Dialética do Ser

    The Poet's Thirst Is A Lost Stream
    Cause I have a bird inside me I'm free cause I have a skin out of me I'm an hostage. Por ter um pássaro dentro de mim sou livre por ter uma pele fora de mim sou refém. by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994 (post 1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2019; 3rd edition, 2023)

  • Escaped Dream - Sonho Perdido

    Paris, Museum of Carnavalet, photo mosaic
    The escape happens from the unattainable side of self till the other from the finite side of being claims the escaped part of dream. A fuga dá-se pelo lado inatingível do eu até que o outro do lado finito do ser reclama a parte do sonho que fugiu. by Armando TABORDA, in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária…

  • Stone Pillar - Padrão

    Discoveries, Cape Town Bay, old map
    I go with the flow everyday I look for islands and continents previously discovered with brand new navigational techniques Latina sail sextant compass and clean sky for my orientation through the stars here I go along the coast afterwards I…

  • All that remains to be said - Tudo o que fica por dizer

    The Earth Eras
    More and more I write less cause not all is already said but from all that remains unsaid nothing would justify the mystery of life. Cada vez mais escrevo menos não que tudo esteja dito mas de tudo o que fica por dizer nada justificaria o mistério da vida. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2019)

  • Space expansion - Espaço em expansão

    Under cardiac throb the seconds' pointer sums the minutes of the hours at the life's screen measured by the watch even if time doesn't exist and cheats us covering the space escape in expansion. O ponteiro dos segundos em seu pulsar cardíaco soma os minutos das horas no mostrador da vida que o relógio de pulso mede mesmo que o tempo não exista e seja um embus…

  • Merci Henry David T.

    “Deux personnes sont nécessaires pour dire la vérité, une pour parler et l'autre pour écouter.” Henry David THOREAU (Né le 12 Juillet 1817 — Décédé le 6 Mai 1862) “En tuant le temps on blesse l’éternité” BIOGRAPHIE DE HENRY DAVID THOREAU Henry David Thoreau n'a quitté que rarement son village du Massachusetts, Concord, qui est le reflet d'une Arcadie, d'un paradis rural auquel l'Amérique n'a jamais cessé de rêver. Études indisciplinées à Harvard, instituteur pendant deux ans, Thor…

  • Loneliness - Solidão

    when loneliness is great the light floods into the silence where life's dream is renewed quando a solidão é grande a luz inunda o silêncio onde o sonho da vida se refaz by Armando TABORDA, 2015 (post 1st edition, 2015; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2023)

  • Indefinite Light - Indefinida Luz

    Sintra, Sea of Guincho (1)
    It could be good if ugliness put on beauty and get the colour of sea indefinite light also a fascinating abyss where we breathe amphibious suddenly at a safe port of oily waters muddy of debris. It could be good if there was no port and our intimacy was a permanent sea of indefinite colour felt in the look as being ours. Que bom seria a fealdade vestir-se de be…

  • Mirage - Miragem

    Today at noon the sun is the only sound in my desert and vague rumours of abstract images fade away into the air as a mirage of life over my far horizon /// Ao meio dia de hoje o sol é o único som no meu deserto e os vagos rumores de abstractas imagens diluem-se no ar tal miragem de vida sobre o horizonte longe de mim by Armando TABORDA, 2014 (post 1st edition, 2014; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2022)

  • Sun - Sol

    Sun Burns The Water
    The sun burns the water the life is a dune without sea a mountain without wind a sky without storm where is going the universal soul journey? O sol queima a água a vida é duna sem mar montanha sem vento céu sem tormenta para onde continua a viagem da alma universal? by Armando TABORDA, 2012 (post 1st edition 2012; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2020) (photo by NASA, taken from Internet)

  • Batalha Monastery - Mosteiro da Batalha

    Alone in the main chapel of the Santa Maria da Vitória Monastery with stone and stone and stone and stained glass windows around I wait for the mystic light that converted Paul Claudel at Notre-Dame de Paris without any explanation from quantum physics or abstract mathematics or teory of nothing and other knowledge modernizations that had already walked on the loose in Aljubarrota Fields but soldiers did not realize it because they were too busy killing our Spanish brothers nor the Padei…

  • Finland in timelapse by Riku Karjalainen

    Enjoy these wonderful timelapse videos made by Riku Karjalainen Behind the scenes The importance of being alone... Do notice the subtitles in English and German which you can enable from bottom right corner! Choose the language from settings.

  • White Horse - Cavalo Branco

    White Horse

152 articles in total