goandgo's favorite articles

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  • Entropy - Entropia

    Benfica, Factory Simões & Company (3)
    I fight against the entropy of life and world but sooner or later all collapses inside and outside me - from each piece of rubble I dream and through it I continue my aimless trip into nothing /// Combato a entropia da vida e do mundo mas cedo ou tarde tudo colapsa dentro e fora de mim - faço de cada escombro um sonho e nele continuo minha viagem sem rumo pelo nada by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (post 1st edition, 2015; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2020)

  • FRANZ SCHUBERT, Impromptus

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XXVIII, Edições Mic, January, 2000
    FRANZ SCHUBERT, Impromptus They are impromptus they are secret talks intimate monologues jumping from mind to mind they are naked bodies free emotions traveling from sound to sound they are impromptus I just said. (to see / read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) Illustration by Fernando Gra…

  • Decisive Dream - Sonho Decisivo

    I Want a Decisive Dream
    I want a decisive dream all the others didn't come true they laid behind they were badly dreamed incompetent forgotten by routines that support me survival expensive vices exhibitionist ego for nothing now I know cause it's still feasible I get rid of my pantomimes and I want to dream of you. Quero um sonho decisivo todos os outros não se cumpriram ficaram pelo caminho foram mal sonhados incompetentes esquecidos nas rotinas que me sustentam sobrevivên…

  • All is forgotten - Tudo se esquece

    All Is Forgotten

  • Anguish - Angústia

    Blue Fascination Where I Dive
    Suddenly the anguish of not having you dominates me my eyes look at the illuminated mountain's outline far away till the limit of liquid and mineral reflections where goes my thought towards dream while I smoke my pipe that reminds me many rooms where we made love till the resting bodies clearness in the sky blue fascination where I dive when I should carry on my work. Súbito a aflição de não te ter domina-me por intantes meus olhos fitam o contorno da montanh…

  • Sunray - Réstea de Sol

    Benfica, remains of an old farm (1)
    A sunray slips down by ruined walls of the house ahead and stupidly also into my thought as there was nothing more important to do in this right moment. Uma réstea de sol desliza nas paredes arruinadas da casa em frente e estupitadamente também no meu pensamento como se nada houvesse mais importante a fazer neste preciso momento.…

  • Writing - Escrita - Écriture

    More and more I write less not all is said but from everything that remains to say nothing justifies the mystery of life Plus ça va moins j'écris non que tout sois déjà dit mais dans ce qu'il reste à dire rien ne justifie le mystére de la vie by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 Traduction en Français par Lionel DEYNA, 2015 (post 1st edition, 2015; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2020)

  • Sleepy - Sonolento

    Lisboa, thunderstorm over the Bridge Vasco da Gama (2)
    Sleepy I get numb over roofs against cracked clouds late sun shines through fans of light awake up buildings planted on streets hurted by cars in constant movement to uncertain destinies certainly a public department an office a coffee shop a commercial center a residence a clandestine appointment. Rain doesn't stop glory lightni…

  • Butterfly - Borboleta

    Provocatively unstable dream comes as a butterfly flight or other ultralight insect that a bit strong breeze throws against the garden's flowers O sonho passa provocadoramente instável tal voo de borboleta ou outro ultra-leve insecto que uma brisa mais forte atire contra as flores do jardim by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (post 1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2016;…


    When I blink I look into the night and I see the moon in its bright intense move as if there were several overlaying each other in my insomnia's orbit LUAR Quando pestanejo olho para a noite e vejo a lua em movimento de intenso brilho como se fossem várias umas e outras sobrepostas na órbita da minha insónia by Armando TABORDA, 2020

  • Deserter - Desertor

    Deserter (illustration)
    Drums are beaten far away I don't know who is being executed I imagine myself a sailor without navigated sea hidden in the Jerónimos' crypt cowardly pasted to the stone's columns as they were land to discover deserter in time to sail away not departing criminal. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) www.ipernity.com/blog/armando.taborda/98691…

  • Mexique : Le pays où la photographie est un sport

    Pour la photographie, le Mexique n’est pas l’Inde, ni l’Asie en général. Voyons l’aspect positif : Je ne suis pas assailli de demandes de selfies. Mais d’un autre côté, mes demandes de photos sont refusées à quatre-vingt-dix-neuf pour cent. Surtout par les indiens. De nombreuses chouettes images n’iront pas remplir mes disques durs et resteront dans ma tête. La moisson de portraits sera d’autant plus maigre que pour ce genre d’images, sans autorisation, pas de photo. Nada !…

  • My city - Minha cidade

    Nausea (illustration)
    This is my city necessity of a stand an open window for the night the sea' smell turns back by the river among the sewer's nausea. (to read the Portuguese version please click on the picture) by Armando TABORDA, in "SINFONIA EM DOR MENOR" (illustrated by Carlos ALEXANDRE), Edição Escola de Mar, 2007 www.ipernity.com/blog/armando.taborda/28321 (post 1st ed…

  • Hot Sun - Sol Quente

    Lisboa, 4th floor (2)
    Feel the hard and hot sun irradiating from the shop window's glasses and coaches parked on all lanes or sidewalks at the Benfica's avenue where I live close to the Park of Monsanto shades on the other side of the building's forest where the halo of passed rains refreshes my memory. Sentir o sol que irradia duro e quente dos vidros das montras e carroçarias dos automóveis estacionados por tudo o que é rua ou passeio na…

  • Neither God nor Devil - Nem Deus nem o Diabo

    A-dos-Ruivos, insolvent factory (3)
    The structure could be straight stable death as aim but no nothing will be blood flows in the veins dream at dawn chance with the wind blood dream chance neither God nor Devil maybe love nothing else will be . A estrutura podia ser contínua estável a morte um fim mas não nada será porque o sangue corre nas veias o sonho na madru…

  • Twilight - Crepúsculo

    The day runs away from me as if it was the night that invades me I don't demand anything from it not even the last light rays kissing my cold face of December in farewell my hands touch the buch of keys while my feet corsetted by shoes leave me at the house door for my escape of the night that invades me O dia foge de mim como se fosse a noite que me invade não lhe exijo nada nem sequer os últimos raios de luz a beijarem-me o rosto frio de Dezembro em despedida min…

  • Beggining of Writing (5) - Escrita Inicial (5)

    My Initial Writings, Poetry
    If in the moonlight there is hope and in the hope there is fear if I love at moonlight fearful of loving you I feel the moonlight's hope. (to read the original Portuguese version click on the figure) Sun between morning and afternoon ripe fruit in the space alone hot remote without trees neither land nor roots you were God emblem…

  • Nightfall - Entardecer

    Our Shadow Will Wave On The Cold Sea Water
    Sun of west sunset sleeping angers horizon' sentry diving seagulls sails far away believe me the breeze justifies clouds misleading distances. If there will be moonlight our shadow will wave on the cold sea water. Sol de sol posto poente raivas adormecidas sentinela do horizonte gaivotas a mergulhar velas ao longe acredita que a bri…

  • Last coffins - Últimos caixões

    Guinea Bissau, 1973-1974
    Last coffins of useless surplus loads from the colonization that will be lost are being made aside around the crates from other consumption loads abundant diverse and also surplus shit spreads with the wind and the desolation of calcined and loose nails and not burning papers and perspiring bodies of the men that make the crates is so much that disturbs the indefinite ample nightfall. Also indefinite my emotional stability in the aft…

  • The ridiculous figure of the stars - A figura ridícula das estrelas

    The ridiculous figure of the stars
    I look so lengthy to the stars that I close my eyes and feel them inside they populate me. Why there would be the cosmic space where stars are mere burning items of decoration? I want to think and the stars pester me absolutes stupids scintillating. Olho as estrelas tão demoradamente que fecho os olhos e sinto-as dentro de mim povoam-me. Por que será o espaço cósmico onde as e…

152 articles in total