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  • Photo updates (edited - 30th May 2024) ...

    My total vists were 182,001 around about 21:25 on 30th May 2024, which is close enough to being right "on the nose" ... The start of metereological summer is 1st June 2024 ! Much better weather here in the last few days, with greater amounts of sunshine, much less cloud / rain, and therefore warmer temperatures. I am sure the local sheep and farmers appreciate the improvement, my garden certainly seems to do so - and I've needed to do several grass cutting sessions. NOTE : Now on BST from 02:00 on 31st March 2024 - so hopefully some sunshine and dry weather cometh ... GMT returns on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ... Many Thanks for visiting ! as I really do appreciate all the various interactions with my images, especially the comments & favourites. I'm hoping to be more interactive with other people's images etc in 2024, as well as deal with most of my own image backlog in the next few months. Obviously, the newest albums have the least number of views - currently they are on page 12 of most viewed albums. I have been keeping up with my uploads, with various visits to places of interest featuring quite strongly but the vast majority are still "Private" as I have been busy in the garden and with a range of administration & other activities ... I have caught up with the last of the backdated items in the Cobid-19 album. Also, I am still working away with more of the various backdated images, and I have found some more "missing" images ... this has meant creating more new albums, for those that didn't fit into the existing albums; as well as adding titles, captions and keywords to the actual images. Final stage is unlocking them and adding some to groups. Mostly, I have "tagged" the albums I am working on with *New*,*updated*,*WiP* and *done* as needed, these will stay for a week or three, depending on the status. For my ease of access, I sometimes add the albums I am currently working with into my favourites, so the contents of the "favourite" banner on my album home page may get changed periodically. Currently, SRR have hree vehicles as two new jobs for 2022, their *NEW* albums appeared recently. Backdated coverage is for :- NSR23, MSR62 & 63, plus two ex-Corris vehicles now on the Talyllyn. Also, various "holiday snaps" and visits to places of interest & gala type events. I still have several hundred images to process, and a further backlog of images to upload ... Please stay safe and healthy - keep indoors or follow social distancing rules if you must make an essential trip outside. Wash hands or sanitise them frequently. Cover face - Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when required, please, for not only your own protection but also for others. Make Space ; Stay at least the minimum distances apart (for me, in the UK that is 2m) Ventilation - make sure there is plenty of fresh air That means there have been an average of 1,000 interactions with my photostream each month, so very many thanks to all the visitors and for all the comments and yellow stars. Apologies, all this has been delayed as I have been concentrating on my garden rebuilding project and writing tender documentation. Although I have been doing a lot more of my administration work at home since March 2020. Luckily, I have avoided catching the plague, so far.

  • John Chandler's 1705 Road From Woodstock to Hartford

    A Map of the Mohegan Sachems Hereditary Country

    An abridged survey of the northernmost Common Way running east from the Willimantic River to Ashford, continuing through Ashford to Woodstock. Draft Edits - March, April & May 2024 (Fin)

  • 1899 - Ich lebe mein Leben... Rainer Maria Rilke [de - eo - en - fr - es - nl - rus]

    Der Hohe Dom zu Paderborn

    [de - eo - en - fr - es - nl - rus] Fotos von Albert Jäger der Hohe Dom von Paderborn und die Frauenkirche Dresden Rainer Maria Rilke von 1899 Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge ziehn. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn. Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,… (read more)



    Bear of the city brother of words Friend of thoughts, Him, he looks into the world with clear eyes and a false bonhomie. And what he says shows the original impatience: « I want to understand, says the kid to the man! Is there something to understand, asks the man to the kid? » Him, my friend poet from Lisboa Happy Birthday, Armando Taborda Ours de la ville, frère des mots Ami de pensées, Lui, il regarde le monde avec des yeux claires et une fausse pati… (read more)

  • Evaluation of the Ambassador Group 2024

    Screenshot 2024-04-16 11.00.58

    The Ambassador Images group has now been in existence for three years. The original idea was " ... to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a 'best-of' group. " It is now time to evaluate whether the group has achieved this goal or whether adjustments may be necessary. The current inventory shows that of the total of 1264 contributions, 533 (42%) come from 81 group member… (read more)

  • U.S. Nears an Epic Historical Moment

    Something in the intensity with which Windrip looked at his audience, looked at all of them, his glance slowly taking them in from the highest-perched seat to the nearest, convinced them that he was talking to each individual, directly and solely; that he wanted to take each of them into his heart; that he was telling them the truths, the imperious and dangerous facts, that had been hidden from them… —Sinclair Lewis, It C… (read more)

  • Energy as moving cause?

    What can we see when we observe what is happening to us and around us in reality, but is still shrouded in mystery. How can we discover the unknown? It is a research work of science that attracts us. All we can do is observe that something is moving, changing, becoming different. But we are still unable to recognize or understand much of what causes this movement. The ancient Greeks already asked about the “moving cause”. We have already noticed that this movement needs something to… (read more)

  • Red Neck Buddha Cones:

    Red Neck Buddha Cones: So! For many years I’ve been impressed with Zen Buddhism and zen koans (short, sharp, arguments illogically leading to enlightenment), so, so, so here are some of that pecker wood cracker, Bubba’s, Cones The Crud Cone We find Billy Bob watching then walking up to Bubba, who’d been sitting on the general store stoop listening to Weird Willy most of the morning. Billy Bob; “Bubba, what for you waste the mornin’s daylight listenin’ to that no account Weird… (read more)

  • Au Cabaret de la Dernière Chance - Pierre Barouh

    Youtube: AU CABARET DE LA DERNIÈRE CHANCE Paroles: Pierre Barouh / Musique: A. Vallejo Interprétée initialement par Yves Montand (France) - 1989 (Chanson inspirée du roman "John Barleycorn" de Jack London ) Il y a ceux qui rêvent les yeux ouverts Et ceux qui vivent les yeux fermés Ceux pour qui tout va tout à l'envers Jamais le cœur abîmé, résigné Si quelques paumés de l'univers Au cabaret de la dernière chance Se retrouvent autour d'un… (read more)

  • Voyage - Hommage à Antonio Machado

    Voyageur, il n’y a pas de chemin, le chemin se fait en marchant Jamais je n’ai cherché la gloire Ni voulu dans la mémoire des hommes Laisser mes chansons Mais j’aime les mondes subtils Aériens et délicats Comme des bulles de savon. J’aime les voir s’envoler, Se colorer de soleil et de pourpre, Voler sous le ciel bleu, subitement trembler, Puis éclater. À demander ce que tu sais Tu ne dois pas perdre ton temps Et à des questions sans réponse Qui donc pourrait te répondre ?… (read more)

  • To Night

    To Night

    To Night

  • WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - January 28, 2023

    January 2024

    Today's discussion topic is: "Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash." ​ OK, this one is a toughie because how do I distinguish between WIPs and UFOs? I have a stack of unfinished pieces, mainly needlepoint but also at least one crewel piece and several crazy quilts yet to be quilted. But... On my laptop desktop, I have a file folder labeled "Long-term WIPs" in which I have stored the info for five different pieces. Listed in order from most oldest to most recent starts, th… (read more)

  • Der Ring - Fortsetzungsroman, Teil 8

    „Okay, Alter, wer schlägt auf?“ Marino grinste, seine grünen Augen leuchteten noch heller als gewöhnlich. Delamotte sah ihm die Vorfreude an – Gedankentennis war seins. Es war auf jeden Fall besser, als im Präsidium zu sitzen. Die Stimmung dort hatte Marino nicht ausgehalten, wie er Delamotte am späten Vormittag freimütig erklärt hatte. Der Psychologe hatte sich ohnehin die Freiheit genommen, von zuhause zu arbeiten, und Marino hatte sich entschieden, seinem Kumpel dabei zumindest Gesellschaft… (read more)

  • WIPocalypse Check-In - December 31, 2023


    This month's discussion topic is: "Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc)." 2023 Finishes (not FFO): Below are my three finishes for 2023. First is "Happiness is Handmade" by Durene Jones for Lakeside Needlecraft, finished August 21, 2023.Next is the Halloween 2023 SAL from Stitchonomy, finished October 23, 2023. On the right is the Charity SAL from The Steady Thread, finished December 22, 2023. All were 2023 starts...… (read more)

  • 1 December 2023 - Club News


    Dear members and friends of ipernity, Seasons Greetings! With the coming change of season we are reminded that we are a global community. We are happy that here on our website we are able to enjoy, both the cold low winter light and the brightness of hot summer. What a pleasure to share these moments with each other. We are thankful for this community which shows us how varied our world is. Peace be with you. 1. Statement from our Club President about AI images. We've noticed th… (read more)

  • Duties of the Vice President of ipernity

    As the current elected mandate holder, I would like to answer questions regarding the duties of the Vice President of ipernity as follows: Duties of the Vice President as specified in the Statutes, Article VII, Section 1 (B) : 1. Compiling, publishing and moderating these periodical Club News 2. Maintaining relations with external media (as far as helpful) 3. Creating and distributing press releases (very seldom, only if required) 4. Selecting and finalising eye-catching pi… (read more)

  • 3 November 2023 - Club News


    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. Bulletin from our club president. On 7 October 2023 we were presented with a claim for monetary damages from a well-established and reputable German-headquartered company that specializes in obtaining compensation from intellectual property theft (e.g. copyright infringements) because of the actions of an ipernity member. He is now a past member because his account was promptly deleted along with the image that had been uploaded without the photog… (read more)

  • Ethel - the Car I Always Wanted

    “Never meet your heroes” is what they say. As a young man I had two – the Jaguar E-type (naturally) and the 7-litre, Frua-bodied AC428. Of the latter, only 79 were ever made and, unlike the E-type, the 428 was and remains little-known. Every year I went to the Motor Show at Earl’s Court to worship both of them, and arriving at their respective stands I would almost fall to my knees. I fantasised about speeding along The Hog’s Back in one or the other in a state of euphoria, but never in real… (read more)

  • Forgotten Paths

    The Vault

    Town records, Town Clerk's vault (M. Palmer) The following is a slight digression intended to complement a couple of longer works-in-progress about overland travel in Colonial New England. The various primary sources included here hopefully provide some background on a methodology of working with documents from the early Colonial New England period. Working directly from the early records, in their own words, can help foster a narrative based on the content of the records rather than a… (read more)

  • 12 Règles pour une vie : Un antidote au chaos de Jordan Peterson

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