What can we see when we observe what is happening to us and around us in reality, but is still shrouded in mystery. How can we discover the unknown? It is a research work of science that attracts us.

All we can do is observe that something is moving, changing, becoming different. But we are still unable to recognize or understand much of what causes this movement. The ancient Greeks already asked about the “moving cause”.

We have already noticed that this movement needs something to move it, which we then called energy. We even learned how we can change states with energy. Making cold warm and vice versa, or moving objects from one place to another, even to the moon, or finally to outer space.

But why can and should we do that? We do not know that. Then it also showed us how we can generate energy in different ways, from fire, water, sun rays, etc. For scientific thinking, it became more and more revealed where we can get hidden energies from that we didn't know before (e.g. atomic energy). According to the logic of probability, if we continue our research, some other energy sources will emerge that we do not yet know about.

What is special about this energy relationship for us is its human connection. According to the latest scientific findings, objective knowledge without human intervention does not exist, i.e. the discovering spirit (dialogical) is an organic part of it. Or matter itself (something alone) does not exist at all. This should be the recognition of the transcendence of classical physics, with quantum and relativity theory, according to Max Plank, Einstein and the further research, according to their basic findings.

This “in itself” thinking (by Kant) has shown itself to the humanities-scientific thinking of philosophy, in the historical development (with Hegel) by overcoming the limit of the dialectic of idealism, the historically necessary transgression, in the dialogics of Rosenzweig reached.

It didn't take that long, relatively speaking, until humans were able to recognize (with a high degree of scientific probability) that everything around us, including the universe, is charged with energy, filled and is always moving. But we have not yet been able to recognize what the essence of this energy is or the cause of its movement. Classical philosophy then called this ultimate reason God

Along the way, however, a few secrets for scientific thinking have been revealed (even if we were able to learn at the same time how little we know about the whole thing). But reduced to anthropomorphism (for our inadequacy), some connections have still become understandable to us, mosaic-like, in a relatively human whole. (This “humanization” can be plausibly experienced and understood, for example, in the prayer of the Judeo-Christian religion, the “Our Father.”)

According to these latest findings, our previously classic relationship to the entire universe and consequently also to our existence must be reconsidered. The fact that we have reached the end of the dialectical classic has become evident on a planetary level in the present. But to move forward with “new thinking”, we must first learn to understand and be able to use the latest findings.

In our time, something is only credible if scientific findings and evidence of acceptance can be presented. This has already happened in several sciences recently. What was crucial in each case was the transcendence of classical thinking. This applies to the historical-social as well as the mathematical and scientific subjects.

However, these results must also meet anthropomorphic requirements. It is best to be supported with experimental evidence and experience. However, the end of history that has been expected in the US for over 200 years has still not occurred. Instead, only the development of the natural sciences, together with the historical-social sciences, reaches the end of the dialectic.

The latest findings in overcoming classical physics, with quantum theory, have had a significant influence on further development, as they dissolved classical, firmly believed laws. Because when observing the atomic neutrons, something unexpected emerged. They simply disappeared and then appeared again. But now, depending on the people watching. Scientists have not yet been able to find out where they were during the time they disappeared.

How should we interpret this “disappearance” using the classical physical laws? Because they don't want to obey the laws previously made by people. Or is this simply explained as a miracle? Like the many other phenomena in reality that we do not understand and cannot explain rationally

After the dissolution of the previously established classical laws, space has opened up to the universe. In the process, man himself was also rediscovered, his unique being created by God. Outside the classical hierarchy and ethics, freed from those into which he and she (man and woman) were forced into in the previous millennia.

It has been shown for consciousness that God is also inside people. But that doesn't mean that man is God, as in history this appearance was exploited by some rulers, pharaohs, emperors, kings and gurus, etc. But just that people can also observe themselves dialogically (not just their surroundings) and then learn about themselves from this.

In the past, people objectified what they knew about themselves. And by separating the body from the soul, which was founded by classical science. Which was then able to prevail dialectically until the end, as a body-soul problem, in the subject-object opposition, right up to our present. At least, mainly from Western science influenced by ancient Greek classical. The Far Eastern way of thinking was, to some extent, spared from this separation.

The latest scientific findings include the results and conclusions from the analysis of energy. Which govern our current life. Without energy nothing works. Starts with the light bulb, which only lights up when connected to electricity. Follows the accidental discovery of Max Planck that the light rays leave the light source in very small particles and not in uniform radiation. This will become the basis of quantum mechanics, which will then determine our daily lives based on bizarre laws.

As a result of this, a number of devices that are currently indispensable now work. Radio, television, cell phones, Internet, etc., which are used to transport information over the air. No longer just on the globe, but far into the universe through quantum fields when they are connected to an energy sourc

The special insight here is that this energy source can be the person themselves. Of course, only if it is charged. However, in order to solve these problems, it is also necessary to understand several other recently discovered components. Which Nikola Tesla summarized in three important terms: “Energy, Frequency and Vibration”. And said; that considering these three concepts opens the way to knowledge of the universe.

The human body, soul and spirit also need energy. The body first needs food to produce energy, like any living thing. For humans, it is important to self-control what food they eat and in what quantity. What not only his physical but also his mental health depends on. When the basic needs for body and soul are met, only the spirit can be addressed.

The mental health of today's people must adapt to today's new conditions. It is necessary to learn from the past and classic history and adapt to the new circumstances with “new thinking”. (Which, unfortunately, is still being postponed by some in power.

Through measurements it has been possible to prove, after applying the discoveries of quantum theory, that the entire space surrounding us is interwoven with quantum fields. From which the conclusion was probably made (which is already beyond my understanding) that the entire universe can be included.

Yes, there was a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 for three cosmology researchers, Saul Perlmitter, Adam. G. Riess, and Brian P. Schmidt, who discovered through supernova observations that only 4% of the universe is matter (including all nearby and further galaxies) and the other 96% is energy that permeates the entire material world. This refers to all objects, all living things and all celestial bodies.

The human physical body is only 4% of his entire being. The remaining energy body is 96%, aura that surrounds it. This energy that creates man is not separate from the energy of other people, not even from the planets or from other parts of the universe. Consequently, we are conscious parts of the energy universe. And if the parts are conscious, the whole can only be conscious. Which then includes our thinking. With which we can be in universal connection with everyone (including telepathically?)

Then it depends on how we can make our energy conscious. Human consciousness arises through thinking. We can find out that thinking needs energy during mental thinking work. After a while we get tired and need to recharge. It's not enough to just eat something; that often makes us even more tired for further thinking.

We need mental peace to prepare ourselves for further thinking. This needed rest can be achieved using various methods. Classic methods, especially in European-influenced civilizations, are various sports, general games, artistic activities, etc. Deeper mental peace can also be achieved with methods of meditation, which go back several thousand years in history. Fortunately, they can still be found in the Far Eastern cultures in their originality.

Especially in our hectic lives, we have been able to experience the calming mental effects of different types of meditation. (If we can take some time to relax). Yoga is becoming increasingly popular in the Western world. The most popular of these are the physical exercises with Hata Yoga, which is actually initially only intended as preparation for later meditation. (Which, in addition to our activities, comes only rarely for many people and usually only involves physical exercises.)

But in order to create the conditions for meditation, you need physical rest. If someone can then allow themselves the time (and also finances) to take part in further seminars, they can experience the spiritual world of emotions that goes beyond the usual intellectual. At the highest level of Hata Yoga, in Tantra, you can experience the spiritual power of the chakra harmonies.

Into a sphere whose existence has been measurably proven using instruments according to the latest scientific findings. What has already been pointed out by several spiritual personalities in the ancient wisdom. The breakthrough in understanding this only came in our most recent era, with the overcoming of classical physics by quantum mechanics.

With the dialogic relationship, the latest science with ancient spirituality, which e.g. Gregg Braden, American, former space engineer and now spiritual researcher, tries to build a bridge between the latest science and ancient philosophical wisdom.

Because the latest instruments have measurably confirmed the body's reactions, which were previously only assumed esoterically. The body's most important vibration comes from the brain, electrical impulses generated by thoughts and feelings, which can be measured by EEG (electroencephalogram). These are information, or ordered energy examples, from the material body, with which, according to quantum theory, the entire universe is connected in information fields.

These are also morphogenetic fields, which in a structured form, not visible (like the gravitational field, or electric current) but noticeably weave through the universe. According to this knowledge, the previously unexplained telepathic phenomena, which C.G. Jung suspected in the collective subconscious that we have found understanding. (Although a phenomenon that has already been observed as an instinct in animals.)

For the anthropomorphic view, it is important which waves and at which frequencies the brain produces. It can be observed that joyful events leave behind positive impressions and feelings, which then also have a positive, uplifting effect on the holistic health of the human body. After all, in all probability, positive radiations are also sent into the universe. Thus, the long-awaited wish of several religions could (perhaps) come true, that individuals must and can contribute to the goodness of the community.

But how can we create positive feelings so that we also radiate positive energy out of ourselves? It would be the task for each individual to find out (perhaps experimentally) that each individual has their own frequency potential. What and how should I do something to trigger happy, relaxing, satisfied feelings in myself so that I can then radiate positivity? According to which everyone is an individual, unrepeatable human creation, i.e. I too, together with others, can influence the universe.

It can be observed that with rhythmic dancing, pleasant music, moving the body, can create joyful feelings. Man has discovered this since ancient times, even in primitive cultures, right up to the present day. Recent observations have shown that the feelings that can be triggered also depend on the height of the frequencies and the tones. How do the vibrations occur during movements, e.g. when dancing? (Research in this direction, however, still awaits further psychological studies.)

With rhythmically repeating frequencies and dance movements, other determining components also come into play. Whether someone moves alone or in interaction with others. The female-male component can have a decisive influence. The attraction, or the degree of agreement, of the individual wavelength is important. What matters is the complementary harmony of these forces.

Also in general, when it comes to female and male powers, whether they can attract each other, they need human distance from each other. Heidegger called this movement at a distance, anthropomorphically philosophically, “ approaching at a distance ,” that the physical-mental complement can take place in reality. Because if there is no distance between them, the attraction cannot work. But what is a prerequisite for the discovery movement of research, i.e. for the new knowledge of science.

Thus the arc seems to close from the time when classical science distanced itself from the spiritually emotional whole human being and separated the body from the soul (in subject-object opposition). The latest contemporary science has brought new evidence of the interconnectedness of the whole human being, through its undivided radiation of energy, from person to person and matter and spirit.

After the knowledge of quantum physics, it was discovered that matter, through its atomic structure, with the movement of neurons and protons, releases information through energy waves to the outside world, about the state of the particular body together through consciousness, i.e. mind . Which means our world understanding of reality has completely changed. Practically, the old classical assumption that matter exists first has been proven wrong. Other evidence has come forward that; even the previously conceived matter is essentially spirit.

However, we who have learned to think in classic categories still have certain difficulties getting used to understanding this. Philosophically, holistically have more access to understanding and fewer difficulties, which were also common in ancient metaphysics. Yes, even the wisdom that came directly from the ancients.

Thanks for your attention
