
Kees club

Posted: 13 Jul 2008

Taken: 13 Jul 2008

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532 visits

Icking - The Fog 1

Icking - The Fog 1
Sometimes the citizens of Icking have a view, and sometimes not. Sometimes, the view is the lack thereof.

, , Sherry ~ Rebujito have particularly liked this photo

11 comments - The latest ones
 Agatha Savoie
Agatha Savoie
Quelle atmosphère !!
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Agatha Savoie
Thank you, Agatha. My wife has her room at the front side, and whenever she calls me I know I’ll have to bring my camera. My own room being at the back, I would certainly have missed this.
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to %name%
I don’t know that song, but I do know the “Fool on the Hill” and the “House of the Rising Sun”. Do they apply too?
16 years ago.
 Sherry ~ Rebujito
Sherry ~ Rebujito
incredibly awesome shot Kees.
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
Thanks, Sherry, I wonder why it isn’t on “What’s hot”... ;-)
16 years ago.
Sherry ~ Rebujito has replied to Kees club
;-) okay smartass you really want me to go there??? LOL LOL LOL
hmmm today is my long day at work...but I'm sure later I can initiate some hyper commenting ;-PPPPP
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to Sherry ~ Rebujito
Please don’t! :-)
16 years ago.
Sherry ~ Rebujito has replied to Kees club
hee hee I really should muuuwwaahh haa haa!!! ;-)
16 years ago.
Das sieht ganz schön bedrohlich aus, Mann! Aber coole Aufnahme!
16 years ago.
Kees club has replied to renovatio06
Danke, Werner! Wir fühlten uns glücklicherweise nicht bedroht: Der Nebel reichte (wie meistens) nicht ganz bis uns hinauf und verschwand dann auch recht bald wieder. Aber Autofahren möchte ich in der Suppe nicht!
16 years ago.

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