Armando Taborda's photos

"Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela H…

15 Jun 2008 633
See the review written by myself upon the artist at the right page & "Self-portrait", title of the painting reproduced at the left page, acrylic paint on canvas

"Escape's Point", Painting Exhibition by Manuela H…

15 Jun 2008 2 2 665
"Sara", title of the painting reproduced at the cover, acrylic paint on canvas

Escape's Point - II (painting)

15 Jun 2008 3 6 693
by Manuela Horta (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), acrylic paint & plaster on canvas

Algarve, old Portuguese caravel (replica)

Mozambique, 1969-1971

14 Apr 2008 2 2 1080
As a Portuguese Army Captain I was there commanding an Infantry Company during my second two years long sovereignity's mission in the ex-Ultramar (Portuguese colonies)

Algarve, Loulé, bell-tower

Vatican, Former Papal Apartments, Raphael's Stanze

Algarve, Natural Reserve of Castro Marim (4)

Rafaela, vague looking

Algarve, Praia Marinha, marine caves (3)

Sevilla, Cartuxa Island, river navigation control…

Algarve, Praia Marinha (2)

Algarve, Praia Boca do Rio (1)

08 Jun 2008 1 500
This wild beach, close to Sagres, is one of the most beautiful in all Algarve, crossed by the mouth of the small river, Budens

Algarve, Rio Guadiana (2)

Algarve, Praia Marinha, marine caves (2)

Algarve, Praia Marinha (1)

05 Jun 2008 1 750
The Guide Michelin includes the Praia Marinha in the 100 top list of wonderful beaches in the world

Algarve, Praia Marinha, "Cathedral" marine caves (…

7011 items in total