Armando Taborda's photos


28 Feb 2020 13 14 257
Here comes the Depression Jorge baptized before falling on our heads and ruining our weekend the storm will arrive pushed by the winds that tousle us /// AGORA AS TEMPESTADES TÊM NOME Vem aí a Depressão Jorge baptizada antes de se abater sobre as nossas cabeças e nos estragar o fim de semana a tempestade vai chegar empurrada pelos ventos que nos despenteiam by Armando TABORDA, 2020 (photograph taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA)

Vila Franca de Xira Garden

26 Feb 2020 21 42 246
HFF to all my friends and foes

Sleeping Beauty

26 Feb 2020 11 15 266
Sleep always wins over life beauty dream love tragedy pleasure anguish faith addiction it just doesn't win to death once never wakes again /// BELA ADORMECIDA O sono ganha sempre à vida beleza sonho amor drama prazer angústia crença vício só não ganha à morte uma vez que nunca mais acorda by Armando TABORDA, 2020 (photograph taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA)

Railway Station

26 Feb 2020 9 13 163
Vila Franca de Xira (press z to see in the lightbox)

Today they learned to count to 20

Walking around

26 Feb 2020 9 16 182
Anjos Palace and Park, Algés, Lisbon


21 Feb 2020 9 11 212
Never Leave Him (press z to see in the lightbox)

Anjos Palace, Algés, Lisbon (19th century)

22 Feb 2020 11 17 144
press z to see in the lightbox

HFF to all my friends and foes

Algés Municipal Library, Lisbon

08 Feb 2020 12 20 208
press z to see in the lightbox

A view

10 Feb 2020 6 8 195
Champalimaud Foundation, main lobby, Lisbon (press z to see in the lightbox)


17 Feb 2020 14 24 377
five to two wine is missing you're missing I miss you so much /// faltam cinco para as duas falta vinho faltas tu fazes-me tanta falta by Dinis MOURA, in his FB page 16.02.2020 (English translated by Armando TABORDA, 2020) (photograph taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA)

I told you I would like to lunch in Sanguinhal

I will lunch in this village today

Not so ugly corner

6954 items in total