Gudrun's photos

03/50 ein Wengertstäffele am Schimmelhüttenweg

12 Feb 2022 36 46 258
Durch die Weinberge des Degerlocher Scharrenberg verläuft der Schimmelhüttenweg, von dem steile Stäffele durch die Weinberge abgehen.


19 Oct 2022 25 30 163
SSC: ein gelbes Motiv

Museale Durchblicke

28 Dec 2021 35 48 213
Innenhof im Folkwang-Museum

Multiple fence

Skaftá valley

29 Jul 2022 44 52 241
Skaftá valley with Fögrufjöll mountains in the background, seen from Lakagígar. During the Laki eruptions (1783/84) Skaftá river dried up completely as the lava shot down the valley into the lowlands. The phreatic explosions as hot lava reacted with water could be heard from far away.


14 Oct 2016 43 52 208
Looking out over Breiðafjörður from Styykishólmur harbour, on the left are the basalt columns of Súgandisey. In the note ferry "Baldur" getting ready for her morning crossing to the Westfjords. The current "Baldur" was bult in 1969 and originally sailed under Norwegian flag as Lofoten ferry "Vagan". She's now starting to show her age with repeated machine trouble:

Súgandiseyjarviti at sunrise

14 Oct 2016 49 54 215
Súgandisey is a small basaltic island sheltering Styykishólmur harbour. Situated on the island's highest point, the lighthouse from 1948 is only 3,5m high but that suffices to assist navigation through the many islands of Breiðafjörður and into Stykkishólmur harbour which is the ferry port for the Westfjords.

Sweet sin with a good conscience

17 Oct 2022 19 35 149
MM: Schokolade Dark chocolate 85%, milk chocolate with cardamom

Lambavatn and Lakagígar

29 Jul 2022 39 36 222
Another one from Laki, looking SW over Lambavatn and Kambavatn.

The 2021 lava at Fagradalsfjall

05 Aug 2022 44 45 251
seen from the path to Langihryggur. In the background is an eruption crater in the form of a more or less perfect circle, this type of crater is called eldborg (fire castle, Feuerburg) in Icelandic. The light coloured stuff is sulphur. The site of the 2022 Meradalir eruption lies in the valley behind that crater..

02/50 Schickstaffel

09 Oct 2022 45 72 235
hFF, folks! Schickstaffel is named after classicist painter Gottlieb Schick (1776-1812). In its upper part it's a normal road (Schickstrasse) which turns into several flights of steps as the terrain gets steeper.

Doppelhaus Le Corbusier mit Pierre Jeanneret

09 Oct 2022 24 26 215 Clickable PiP:

Werkbundsiedlung 1927: Einfamilienhaus von Hans Sc…

09 Oct 2022 39 50 242
Weißenhofsiedlung was built in record time in 1927 as part of the Werkbund exhibtion about new forms of building. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was responsible for the project for which 16 renowned architects (among them Le Corbusier with Pierre Jeanneret, Mart Stam, Peter Behrens, Walter Gropius, Max and Bruno Taut, J.J.P.Oud, Hans Scharoun and Mies v.d.Rohe himself) designed houses. Of the original 21 houses 11 are left, most of the others were destroyed in WWII bombing raids, among them the ones by Gropius and Taut. But the war thankfully also stopped Nazi plans to demolish all houses of what they called "Araberdorf" (Arab village). In 1958 Weißenhofsiedlung got protected status, in 2016 the Le Corbusier buildings were awarded UNESCO World Heritage status..


30 Jul 2022 56 58 302
Svínafellsjökull is an outlet glacier of Öræfajökull/ Vatnajökull. The mountainside on the right is unstable as can be seen by the landslide that covers part of the glacier.


05 Jan 2018 24 30 146
MM: optisches Objektiv, Linse

Podiceps auritus (Ohrentaucher, Horned grebe)

02 Aug 2022 29 42 223

01/50 Staffel zur Weißenburg

08 Oct 2022 24 28 179
CMT15: staircase, stairs Flight of steps in Weißenburgpark, site of a former castle and now a popular viewpoint over Stuttgart. There even is a beer garden:-) Due to its topography Stuttgart has hundreds of named and unnamed "Stäffele" (flights of steps) leading up the hills surrounding the city centre. When the terrain gets too steep streets sometimes have dead ends and continue as steps;-)


31 Jul 2022 34 31 195
11,5m high Hvalnes Lighthouse was built in 1954 and has been in operation since 1955. It stands on the cape below Eystrahorn, to the west are Lón lagoon and Vestrahorn.

1929 photos in total