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Photos of Japan

At this stage of my life Japan is my favorite place to visit.

Shinto Shrine on a misty morning

04 May 2012 1 236
In Umenomoto, Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku Island, Japan

Hanging in "my" cabin in Japan

another Kobe manhole

12 Nov 2010 1 614
Just another pic of a gate to the nether realm

Uwajima manhole

01 Dec 2010 2 584
I just got back to Umenomoto after a 2 day trip to the Uwajima area of Sukoku Island. As that's where they have bull fights (bull against bull), this is one of their manhole cover designs.

Kobe underground

12 Nov 2010 1 599
Not only otta one slow down and take time to smell the roses, one ought to stop and look at the manhole covers as well! This one is set in a street in Kobe, Japan

Seto in the morning

09 Nov 2010 1 1 236
I spent much of yesterday feeling a bit depressed, I'm winding down toward the end of my visit here, only 13 days left! None the less, here is a view of the inland sea that I won't quickly forget!

'cabin' on the island

09 Nov 2010 1 1 215
This is the cabin we stayed in on Naoshima Island. The room is a tatami room, floor covered with tatami mats, beds are futons laid out on the floor. As the reflection in the window shows, it looks out over the Seto inland sea. Nice view to both fall asleep and awake to. As this was the off season, I think only one other cabin was occupied while we were there.


02 Dec 2010 1 1 268
I was making this sketch at the harbor's edge in Mizugara, where the stepped, terraced, fields are. I'd had two shots of the local shochu (Japanese vodka) that a storekeeper offered me as samples, a little old lady stopped by to watch and chat as I was sketching. Nice times! One of my greatest pleasures in sketching while traveling is the people I meet!

Matsuyama manhole

29 Nov 2010 3 779
Alas my camera died and this is one of the last pictures I took with it. But all is not lost, there was a camera store on the corner and I bought a new one. Alas the operating manual is in Japanese. But all is not lost, I figured I could go on line and download an English O&M manual. Alas, they don't sell this model camera outside of Japan. But all is not lost, I found another model's O&M manual that has similar features and controls. So! after 45 minutes of teaching my new camera to speak English, I'm back in business! Oh yea, the manhole cover; I'd tell you more about it but I've run out of space here. -grin-

Another scarecrow

02 Dec 2010 183
Here's another scarecrow working in the stepped, terraced, fields in Mizugaura.

stepped fields

01 Dec 2010 1 1 223
Picture a harbor village, mountains rising sharply behind it starting almost at the shore line. If you live there where are you going to farm? Well, in Mizugaura, Uwajima their answer was/is to farm the mountainside. Over the centuries it's been terraced, rock walls laid rock by rock to contain maybe a two foot strip of arable soil, one terrace above the other, climbing to the top of the mountain! Off to the left, high up, you see a scarecrow, to the right, high up, a guy working his field. In the middle, a blue traction engine monorail to haul produce down from the fields.

lazy scarecrow

01 Dec 2010 198
Actually I don't blame this scarecrow for sitting down on the job, it's a long climb to his worksite! Nice of the farmer to carry a chair up the slope for him though.

Meanwhile out Kanazawa way

03 Dec 2010 1 199
Kanazawa, on the other side of Japan, facing the Sea of Japan apparently gets lots of snow. The rope tepees you see here are to protect the trees in winter. Each rope is tied to a tree branch, to hold it up and keep it from breaking under the snow load.

Terraced fields and harbor

03 Dec 2010 172
Here is another shot of the terraced fields in Uwasjima, looked down this time

Me sketching at Mizugaura

05 Dec 2010 187
If you follow the note, you can see me wayyyy down on the harbor's edge sketching away and talking with a nice obasan.

Rush hour on Shikoku Island!

11 Dec 2010 2 1 239
I am almost home to North Pole, Alaska now, -or at least I'm back in the neighborhood, am in San Francisco today. This is a shot of ducks wintering on Shikoku. Me, I didn't winter there but I did spend a fine month and a bit, away from Alaska winter extending my autumn season. If these ducks could talk I'm sure they'd express the same thoughts and emotions I felt: Good food, good company, beautiful country, It's all good!!!

The sunset watchers

07 Dec 2010 2 1 196
Just a bunch of buddies, hanging, discussing the events of the day, and enjoying the beautiful sunset.


08 Dec 2010 1 231
One of the local doves, here in Umenomoto, decided I was OK to hang with and started preening and showing off for me.

121 items in total