Jim O'Neil

Jim O'Neil club

Posted: 08 Feb 2020

Taken: 24 Jan 2020

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Steve Bucknell has particularly liked this photo

 Steve Bucknell
Steve Bucknell club
4 years ago.
Jim O'Neil club has replied to Steve Bucknell club
Thanks Steve.

Working with ink and oil pastels is quite sensuous.

There's the unverifiable story about one of the old masters, lauded for his flesh tones, Rubens I think, that he's start mixing his paints, pinch his model, mix his paints, pinch his model, etc., until he'd want to pinch the paint, then he'd touch brush to canvas.

One gets kind of the same feeling hand blending pastels on Bristol vellum paper.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Steve Bucknell club has replied to Jim O'Neil club
Don’t get yourself thrown out of the Life Drawing Class, Jim.
4 years ago.
Jim O'Neil club has replied to Steve Bucknell club
Good advice Steve. ;-)
4 years ago.

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