Amelia's photos

Woolly thinking

14 Apr 2020 41 32 241
HFF to you all from Shropshire.

The loveliest of trees

14 Apr 2020 19 11 185
Loveliest of trees> Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough, And stands about the woodland ride Wearing white for Eastertide. From A. E. Housman's book 'The Shropshire Lad'

Stellaria holostea. Greater Stitchwort

07 Apr 2020 34 15 266
The five petals are each deeply notched as to appear as ten petals. Flowers appear from April until June. When the seed cases ripen the seeds can be heard ‘popping’ as they are released, unless one is very deaf. ;-).

A set of 3

12 Apr 2020 29 11 269
If dandelions were much rarer, we wouldn't class them as weeds. They really brighten up a dull day.

Sets of 3

12 Apr 2020 18 12 183
The Sunday Challenge today is: 'Three'. Sets of 3 are everywhere when one starts to look. The PiPs show other examples.

HFF from Shropshire

16 Mar 2020 44 31 240
This photo was taken just before the National Trust property, Attingham Park, was closed because of the pandemic.

Drammen Tollbud.

17 Sep 2012 26 8 257
A new customs warehouse, the third to be constructed, was built in the same place as the previous two had stood. It was commissioned in the summer of 1877, and was designed by architect Georg Bull, city manager in Kristiania. The construction work was led by mason Larsen, builder Christoffersen and master friend A. Eilertsen, all residing in Drammen.

Prunus avium. Wild cherry blossom.

Implied triangle

05 Apr 2020 50 27 313
Today's challenge is: Implied triangular composition. No problems with social distancing this morning. We only met 2 dog walkers, and there was plenty of warning and space to move over. This part of the Montgomery Canal is very straight.

Trapped by fences

02 Apr 2020 26 29 185
I'm rapidly running out of local fences to photograph here. I think that this is a dipping pen for sheep, although I have never seen it used.

Bridges Over the Montgomery Canal

A silver morning

30 Mar 2020 50 22 354
Up and out early for our permitted exercise. Over the 3 miles we only saw a Canals and River Trust worker maintaining the verges on the Montgomery Canal. He was on the opposite bank so not a problem for the social distancing rule. This area has been recently converted into a wetland reserve at the side of the canal. Last year we saw swans and ducks here. This morning only a heron.

Anemone nemorosa

24 Mar 2020 43 24 351
The woodland floor is covered with Anemone nemorosa and lesser celandines. Next month or perhaps May, the bluebells will take over

Carpets of Anemone nemorosa

24 Mar 2020 10 4 244
The woodland floor is covered with these wild anemones, and luckily everyone seems to avoid this walk.

Welcome sunshine. HFF from Shropshire

24 Mar 2020 38 31 304
The metal structure is a kissing gate. , This field where I'm standing has been re-ploughed this week because the excessive rain in February ruined the winter wheat crop.

Fragaria vesca. The wild strawberry

25 Mar 2020 35 20 306
Wild strawberries are much smaller than the garden varieties, but infinitely sweeter and tastier. The flowers are tiny - about 12 mm. The plants were growing on a bank by the side of a rarely used unmade road. Now I know where to come in the summer when the fruits appear.

2214 items in total