Well Mandi went off this afternoon, but not til we'd been shopping. I thought it was going to be about a fortnight before I could go shopping again, so bought enough in only to find out after Mandi left, that Ann will be here to take me next Thursday. At least I know I have a week of being able to go at my pace and to enjoy myself...............

Anyway after Mandi left I thought I'd go around the garden and see how things are going because we've been lucky with just a quick shower during the night and a mild warmish day since.

Oh have the flowers and plants loved this -

The tulips are suddenly all coming up and there are loads of buds getting ready, so it looks as if I'll have lots of colour for the next few weeks.............

The bluebells are now suddenly opening up and there was a lovely bumble bee having a whale of a time visiting all the opened flowers.............

The fluffy cherry blossom is showing promise by buds like this sprouting all over the place..........

You can't see the blossom much as the cloud cover doesn't allow the delicate flowers to stand out much. This wasn't even showing yesterday, apart from a couple of lumpy bits - so watch this space................

Well the cats have enjoyed the moving around of the furniture. It's amazing really - we only took out a couple of plastic tubs and moved the furniture around and it looks so different. Anyway Pippin has already chosen his best place for a look out - on the top of the couch's new position...........

While Boo.....................

Still loves her box.....................

I will be around more soon, just need to catch my breath and get over everything........
Speak to you all soon, and please bear with me.