It's another cold day here today, although the sun did show its face for a while. I did pop out for a few minutes to see if the tulip had opened up - but I have a strong feeling it's out there saying - ''To hell with this weather - I'm not opening until it warms up.''

I noticed that there are tiny hairs on the tips............

Do you see the tiny hairs on the lilac buds - amazing eh.

Then I got ready to go out shopping with Ann and wondered why I hadn't heard from her about what time to go round to her house to go out. Then she rang me and said she'd just noticed that Mandi's car wasn't here and therefore did I need a lift to the shop. Yes please was my answer and so she said that she'd take me. Then I found out that she'd already gone out shopping on her own this morning. Isn't she just a lovely neighbour to bother to take me and go out twice to the same shop.

Well I noticed that she's got some interesting plants over in her garden..........

Tiny little tulip, all planted up in an old sink...........

She had some other miniature tulips all getting ready to open, and I noticed these leaves which look as if they've been munched on somewhat by a beetle or bug.......

This is a pretty blue flower - don't ask me what it is - not a clue........

She's got these plants which are fascinating because of their wonderfully hairy leaves. Apparently they've got purple flowers as and when they flower........

After we'd been shopping, we both noticed the gorgeous magnolia tree in the garden of a house opposite our homes. She very kindly stopped the car so I could get out and take some pictures of it............

It's one of my favourite trees - I just adore magnolia..........

Well that's all I have to add really - not a thrilling sort of day. Am now going to go and make a nice hot water bottle and get supper going. Speak to you all later.