We didn't get a severe weather warning this time. The weather forecasters had said that we would be getting gusty winds but not like the last time. This time, the storm actually hit me. We had gusts of up to 85mph and it broke the fence between Ann & Peter's garden and mine..........

I have a feeling they are away because they haven't put it back up and it's the sort of thing that Peter would do straight away. I think one of the posts is damaged so that'll have to be replaced. I'm not really surprised because the fence has been very wobbly lately and the wind has just finished it off. If I could do it, I'd be out there sorting it out, but it takes at least 3 people to do it, because it's a very heavy fence. I do hope Ann's flowers aren't too damaged with that heavy weight bearing down on them.

It's rained all day too - Pippin has been in and out all day - I think he wants to go to the toilet, but the thought of having to sit outside in that rain is putting him off.

He did, however, hear Boo playing with the cat toy and so came into the lounge to investigate. He actually didn't go for her, nor did she hiss, but he played with it for a while, which is a rarity. Maybe there is still hope for them to be friends......