I'm not sure how to describe today's weather - sunny with scattered showers or rainy with sunny intervals!!!! Whatever it is, it's been a so-so day. Nice for the garden, not if you want to work in it (which I didn't really) as you would have to be popping in and out all the time. As I'm not all that good at popping in and out, I thought it would be preferential to stay indoors!!

Rather than waste a whole day though and also wanting to catch up on various programmes I've recorded, sewing came to mind!!! As if anything else would - well a go at my sudoku might have won.

So before I put it away for another day, I took some photos of the quilt as it is so far......

As you can see, I'm over half way through........................

This is the detail of the yellow parts.................

And detail of the green parts................

The darker green material here is part of a summer dress I had, which was too long, so I took off the bottom part of it and that's why some of it is embroidered!! I must remember not to do that again though - it is a stretchy sort of material whereas the rest is cotton, hence sometimes the material squares weren't always the same size, as it would stretch all over the place. Still you live and learn don't you?

Am now watching the Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix. I know I shouldn't say this, but I don't really care who wins, as long as it's not Fernando Alonso - just don't like that man!!!! Oooh I shouldn't have said that, but I just don't like his demeanour and arrogance.

Okay before I dig this hole any deeper, I hope everyone has had a good weekend, or are having a good weekend, depending on whereabouts you are in the world.