I'm sure you are all aware of the horrendous fires that are scorching the earth and areas around the southern parts of Turkey. As you also might remember, my daughter lives in that area.

She contacted me to tell me that she's okay but the fires have done an awful amount of damage to the beautiful forests near her. The nearest fire is about 3kms from her home, but luckily there aren't any trees near her home, but she's totally drenched the area around the house and also the house itself, just incase a stray bit of ember is blown down to her home.

There are many animals missing, probably burnt to death, because they couldn't escape fast enough - that really upsets me, because there are rumours that some of the fires were arson!!! If so, then I can imagine what would happen to them if they are identified, they might never reach a court, as tempers are rather high at the moment !!! There are many people who have had their whole houses burnt down, and they have nothing left....

I do realise that very similar fires have been raging in the US, because of the amazingly high temperatures - this is the same kind of thing. It affects me because my daughter lives so close to this fire, that I'm obviously very worried about it.

There's another reason I'm concerned too - the area you can see on the last photo above, is where I'd decided that when I do eventually move to live in Turkey, this is where I wanted to go!!!! There are no houses left up there anymore, nor any of the gorgeous trees and plants.

What's bad is that even the President Erdogan has said that he's heard that some of the fires are arson, and if so - then they can expect severe penalties and prison. So it could be because of someone's greed that this has happened. Apparently the area is in the "Green Zone" of conservation, and therefore no houses nor hotels can be built there, but of course if there aren't any trees there, then the land can be sold to developers!!!! Also the land owners would have deep pockets!! I do hope not, but to have almost 100 fires all starting up roughly the same time. and only around the tourists areas - does seem rather iffy!!!!!

Okay folks, I just wanted to let you know about the situation over there in Turkey.